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File: 27 KB, 659x412, big red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24334848 No.24334848 [Reply] [Original]

What are your tell tale signs to avoid hiring the more under-the-radar feminist types? How do you spot and identify them before hiring? And what are some of the best methods for isolating toxic female employees who were accidentally hired? What are your preferred techniques for ridding your organization of these toxic, wealth destroying women?

>> No.24335940

Ask them to explain how women obtain voting rights.
If the hoe gets all excited it must be a lesbian feminist, but if that thot barely knows ir knows nothing, it means its a usefull whore and you can hire that bitch without any worries

>> No.24336018

Avoid anyone that puts pronouns on their resume

>> No.24336089


How would you ask that though? What context?

>> No.24336141
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That's a good one. Also scope out their social media before hiring. Pronouns listed? Next.

>> No.24336205
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I don't have a fully fleshed out plan. But I think you could give them some silly attire requirements for the interview that come off as mildly sexist and see how they react. I'm not sure what the requirements would be. You'd have to straddle the line between silly and demeaning without going overboard and getting sued.

>> No.24336207
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>strange piercings
>meme degree
>SJW hair
>communist university
>non-white male

>> No.24336225

Feminism is politics, and therefore has no place in the workplace

>> No.24336263

Are you kidding? type is easy to spot from a mile away. Hair dye. Armpit hair exposed. Giant mouth that wont stop talking about themselves endlessly.

>> No.24336412
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Some are smart enough to deliberately hide the more obvious toxic signs because they know males recognize them as red flags, but then they let loose once they're hired. How to deal with those types?

>> No.24336435

See: >>24336412

>> No.24336447

>I would like to hear how do you develop yourselfs in an open conversation lets say about... Woman rights, no, even better voting rights.
> adaptability is necessary in this line of work.
"I don't feel confortable/I don't want to answer"
That's means thats its a lesbic thot

>> No.24336544


Dont hire women. Problem solved.

>> No.24336597

>Give them shitty work that would be very difficult to complete
>Keep the exchanges 100% professional and use a recorder if necessary
>Start documenting a history of unsatisfactory work performance
>Follow the company policy exactly on how they will be written up, performance improvement plan, then fired

>> No.24336872

You gotta hang dong right at the start of the interview, then swing that shit around like a windmill... no... a propeller! Take off into the air right there in the middle of the office, sending paper and lighter office untensils (like pens and paper clips) scattering into the air and swirling like a tornado. This tends to work better in shared office spaces or in cubicle environments because she can witness the destruction you cause to innocent bystanders .Then slowly hover towards her in the eye of the paper storm. Stopping no less then 3' above her head and no more then 2' in front of her. Then belt out a roar and ask the most important question of the interview "did you bring any cheese flombay?!?!?!" If she makes a face like (pic related) , shred her to pieces with your staples sponsored penis tornado. I hope this helps.

>> No.24336925
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Sorry the pic didnt upload

>> No.24337082

I'm surprised this answer is so far down the thread. Ignore all other answers

>> No.24337238


All women are a problem in the workplace

>> No.24337360

Kek all the incels who think that the turbo feminists have coloured hair and tattoos. Well you wont see them in most corporates excluding tech.

Its fairly simple to filter them out, ask them what are actual trends that the company should act on. If they say diversity, lbhgtq rights, blm you know enough.

>> No.24337922


>> No.24338228

easy, if they dont have a penis dont hire them.

>> No.24338242

These are the correct answers. Pronouns are a dead giveaway, and fanatics of all types can't help but out themselves when asked about how they would use power. It's their reason to live, after all.

>> No.24339014
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Hm. Interesting. I could see something along those lines working.

>> No.24339177
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What if it's a co-worker and you're an employee? If you're lower on the totem pole you often don't have a choice in simply not hiring. How do you isolate and get a toxic female out of the workplace in those situations? There's a lot of young men who need this advice who are dealing with this situation right now.

>> No.24339215

Look in a mirror. Do you really think you’re the type she’d want to be with or even care who the fuck you are? Of course not. If you were, you wouldn’t be saying shit like this. Unironically, work on some self improvement, not just physically but also your mentality. Truly making it in life is to reproduce with the hottest female possible. You might tell yourself that money will fill that hole of loneliness, but it will always be held in a leaking sieve. Money will be spent. Love and lust is eternal.

>> No.24339334
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I love this. This is FANTASTIC advice. To add to this, make certain to start talking to the higher up males in the organization's hierarchy to neutralize her, and verbally let them know the strategy of giving her difficult work, documenting unsatisfactory performance, performance improvement, etc. Do NOT speak to any higher up female employees *unless* she's a known enemy of the toxic female employee. Generally talk to males only.

>> No.24339345

If she has kids and is still with the father, or at least -a- man. Ideally they're married. A fairly young Mrs with two kids who've just reached school age is the safest possible bet.

Obviously don't hire that same woman if she's young, with a partner and childless unless you want to train her and have her immediately go on maternity for the next couple of years

>> No.24339383
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It would have been mildly humorous if you'd uploaded it right the first time, but you couldn't even do that.

>> No.24339406
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>fanatics of all types can't help but out themselves when asked about how they would use power.
Kek sounds like me. I (white) was educating my non-white coworkers (one singh and one indian) on why would the mexicans/niggers vote for trump if the media claimed that trump is a racist? Why there are islam (read david motadel book), turkey, and african (niggers) regiments in the nazi troops, like why did they believe hitler? Also, why jews were kicked from 109 countries throughout documented history?

They asked me what I would do if I become the potus, I answered "kick the jews and anyone who agrees with them" and surprisingly they accept my thought with clear understanding. They are startig to request more nigger violence videos, and jews relation to the degenerate industries which I get from pol webm threads, but I only share them thru whatsapp's status because i dont want them to download and show to the others as they dont have enough redpills yet.

I think my job is only to redpill the others for now, to get them to fight for us. Hitler's approach was the same too, write mein kampf, distribute, educate and others want to fight for him.

Sorry if this is cringe. Tell me if I should stop. Sadly my white coworkers are afraid or cautious when I am around cause I might spout racist shit.

>> No.24339510
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>Kek all the incels who think that the turbo feminists have coloured hair and tattoos.

Exactly. Many turbo feminists are actually very feminine looking but have tomboy traits. ("I'm just one of the guys! All my friends are GUUUUYSZZZZZ!!!") They're hard to spot initially.

>Well you wont see them in most corporates excluding tech.

I disagree with this part. I see women gravitate to ANY office environment where they can sit for prolonged periods of time.

>Its fairly simple to filter them out, ask them what are actual trends that the company should act on. If they say diversity, lbhgtq rights, blm you know enough.

I like this. "...trends that the company should act on." Love that phrasing. Very innocuous.

>> No.24339644

It's a dangerous game. They could easily just show your boss what a massive racist nazi you are if they want you out

>> No.24339656

I needed a smaller picture, i know i fucked up. Anon dont let it end like this!

>> No.24339699

Be careful anon, if they are asking for these documents its probably because they want to build a case against you.

>> No.24339791

This one is actually genius.
Even during recruitment, you can use this with the excuse that you're trying to look for potential future conflicts with the company's internal mindset.

>> No.24339801
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>Look in a mirror.

I did. It's beautiful.

>Do you really think you’re the type she’d want to be with or even care who the fuck you are?

Yes. I've met many toxic female employees that should have been isolated and terminated. The goal of this thread is to help other guys in this situation.

>Of course not. If you were, you wouldn’t be saying shit like this. Unironically, work on some self improvement, not just physically but also your mentality

You seem to have the misunderstanding this is an expression of low male self-esteem. You realize you're on /biz/ right? Not some romance advice board.

>Truly making it in life is to reproduce with the hottest female possible. You might tell yourself that money will fill that hole of loneliness, but it will always be held in a leaking sieve. Money will be spent. Love and lust is eternal.

Good luck getting and keeping the hottest female possible without wealth. Even the tallest and most hansom men have been brought to their knees in sheer madness in the family courts after all their wealth is destroyed.

You seem woefully naïve. Let me guess, young twenties? How is the whole Male Feminist strategy working in getting laid? Gotten accused of rape yet? Lol.

>> No.24339850

Dude, dont respond to copypasta. It looks bad.

>> No.24339874
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This is solid advice.

>> No.24339903
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>> No.24339959

Don’t hire a women unless you would fuck them.

>> No.24339972

I am careful. Thats why I dont simply give them the webm files, I just share them on whatsapp's status so it is eyes-only and not downloadable (if there is any way to dload from the whatsapp status, let me know). Also I dont give out hardcore truth, I just share the webms that sparks question such as this jewish rabbi is praising hitler for the german financial miracle, and one clip from the defamation movie which is "which will become the criminal's choice of victim? jew or blacks? spoiler: black, because of our civil law".

But if you guys think I am way over the bound, I will tone it down.

>> No.24340119
File: 430 KB, 360x360, pol.... this man is single.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, anon. How old are you?

>Sorry if this is cringe.

More immature than cringe. You sound like an angsty teenager off of pol. Keep to the theme of this board and the OP: business and toxic female employees. Lots of good advice in here for you inexperienced types. The nazi pagan warrior shit is a LARP for disillusioned young men and will get you no where. Take advantage of the opportunity that you're in on /biz/. Wealth will change your life faster than any angsty pol bullshit.

Pretty much this. If 0SeaLTYL is seriously that shit explicitly, he's asking to get fired at the very least, if not worse.

>> No.24340185
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Didn't look like pasta. Besides, I like spaghetti.

>> No.24340273

>But if you guys think I am way over the bound, I will tone it down.

It's misguided and genuinely will not make your life better. I'd rather you be open and honest but even then, it's a simple matter for one defector to show your whatsapp messages to a higher up and you're toast.

Keep to the thread topic: getting rid of toxic female employees. That'll do you more good.

>> No.24340320
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Fantastic way to land in a sexual harassment lawsuit. No way.

>> No.24340390

Alright i will stop. Please continue the thread.

>> No.24340391

Eu fag here, is it that an issue in the US if you have a predominantly white male work force in a small company? Will you automatically get some shit from social media? What's preventing you from hiring 100% males?

>> No.24340433
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>> No.24340515
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>> No.24340546

Office drone here, what sort of eggshells should i step on to avoid getting metoo'ed?
Also as that other anon said check her social media, even if its not apparent you can notice her being more "enthusiastic" toward certain topics

>> No.24340591
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>Eu fag here, is it that an issue in the US if you have a predominantly white male work force in a small company?

No, typically mid to large sized companies. Places where younger guys typically have to start out.

>Will you automatically get some shit from social media?

In what context? If she's fired? Probably not if you do things by the book and cover your ass with plausible deniability. See: >>24336597 and >>24339334

>What's preventing you from hiring 100% males?

In a small company, nothing. But so many guys have to work with women in mid to large sized companies. It's not always an option if you're not the employer.

>> No.24340613

>>Square glasses, colored hair.
Yeah, last time I was stupid enough to fuck one she filed assault charges on me for lightly spanking her during sex.

>> No.24340724
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>Office drone here, what sort of eggshells should i step on to avoid getting metoo'ed?

Keep things professional *and* distant. Be aloof but always civil and professional. Allow any and all conversations to die off. You know how young beautiful women treat frustrated incels in text conversations? Yeah, treat women like that in business. Plausibly deniable and it always works, but it's hurtful as hell to women.

But don't limit yourself to just being aloof. Keep your eyes open on the market. Either focus on updating your resume and getting hired at another company to increase your salary, or be focused on paying down any and all debt and opening up a side business. Always keep ascending.

Leave the others in the dust.

>> No.24340727

Fuck man I'm a poltard and the first rule of pol is never reveal your power level. Why the fuck are you sharing this kind of stuff ? With fucking coworkers ? On fucking facebook owned whatsapp ? Do you plan on having no career and being an outcast ? If you do this shit at least do it subtly and like talking around a beer with your two co workers. But you just shouldnt do it. I subtly redpill my friends, and even then not too much because even if they agree with me they think I'm a weird schizo for mentioning it. Theyre like, yeah we know this shit but it's not making us richer or fuck more, so lets talk about something more fun and socially accepted. Like finance or sports or girls.

>> No.24340753
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>> No.24340760

Hurtful as hell to women is just a bonus as far as I see it. Reap what you sow.

>> No.24340864
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>> No.24341390

Make a questionnaire concerning basic economics.

Distribution of labor.
Distribution of wealth.

Questions concerning a promotion, using examples such as 2 women 2 men (and or not a genderless person). The man SHOULD be the best candidate, but with a VERY slight advantage that is hardly considered as one. Make them write an essay about that.

The ones biased concerning feminism will show themselves. Left-winged are most prone to be feminist and the last essay will show their bias towards genders.

Problem solved.

>> No.24341683

Honestly it's just like witches in the old times. First off she'll probably tell you within 3min how shes a feminist and a vegan. Second I can just feel it in my gut when I see one. Majority of girls give me a crazy gut sensation and I just steer clear away. You dont need essays thats a bit autistic. But it would work too. Being a feminist or a lefty litterally makes you crazy and your body melt like demon possession. Its easy to see in the eyes, theres no soul there.

>> No.24342165
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>> No.24342430

A lot of the advice in here is shit but here are some tips if you want to make it the corporate kike world.
1. Be a female and blackmail sexually weak men.
2. Get on your knees - knee pads preferably. Suck it champ. Once your on your knees your there for life. Suck my cock Stacy.
3. Record everything- people will try to fuck you with ‘kike action plans’ as soon as this happens - use all your leave and then bail - at this point they’re looking to get rid of you.
4. Record everything- download an app on your phone or smart watch that records audio all day and save the useful audio. You will fuck people if you actually do this.
5. Don’t be afraid of corporate fuckwits - it includes men and women. Don’t take shit from anyone and always play the game. People at work ARE NOT YOUR FRiEnDS fuck I thought it would of been obvious

>> No.24342505
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Sorry I'm not a wagie so I don't have to deal with normies.

Have fun anyway, we need wagies like you in these trying times. Don't go ragie.

>> No.24342653
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You sound like me when I was 14 in high school.

I'm sorry, did I click on POL by accident or something.

>> No.24342733

You need to move on from that nazi shit.
Schizo as fuck, and pointless in 2020 lol.

If you get ousted, say goodbye to carrera. You will ruin your life, it doesn't matter.

>> No.24342912

I have already deleted everything. I wont bring the topic up ever again at my workplace.

>Why the fuck are you sharing this kind of stuff ? With fucking coworkers ? On fucking facebook owned whatsapp ? Do you plan on having no career and being an outcast ?
Kek you were correct. I dont mind about my career. I have already made it and can quit whenever I want. Just join the workforce because I want to see how long until this place fires me while i contribute nothing, plus I have no hobby so being a neet after a while can be boring.

In the job interview, I already told them that I might not know or exposed to the skills that they want to find (engineering related), but they still hired me idk why maybe because I have a compsci/programming experience.

>> No.24343371

I know where youre coming from friend. But you have to fake it. Don't diminish yourself. Just bullshit how youre the boss. And dont talk about pol stuff at work or even to friends. Keep that shit for you. Just invest in XRP and try to be as normie as you can. Being blackpilled doesnt bring anything except depression. Honestly no one wants it. Sure the stuff we believe in might be true. It might not be. It probably is. But its not giving you anything positive. What are you gonna do about kikes? Convince everyone to gas them ? Think on your actions. Truth is youre blackpilled and depressed by the knowledge. Youre trying to blackpill others so you feel less lonely. Youre basically trying to bring others down. No one likes the messenger of bad news. Just shut up about it and concentrating on being a CHAD. Try to find positive stuff to think about it.
From a fellow poltard, all this shit is just us being failures and mentally masturbating on jews so we can find a reason for our failures and not spend our energy on bettering ourselves. Youre not gonna change anything to globohomo. You know the rules. Keep it for yourself and make the best of it with the knowledge you have. Of course I'm right. I tend to do the same stupid shit you do because I'm a retard, but what i'm saying is truth and we should both know better and listen to ourselves and act . Wish you luck and godpseed in your endeavours and shut up about this shit from now on. Try to forget it its only making you miserable.

>> No.24343590

Keep under 15 employees. If you need more higher contractors. If that doesn't cut it make teams of all men, and one team with some women. Make sure your all men teams kbow eachother so you have a legitimate buisness excuse of familiarity. This gets harder as company grows. Give the mixed teams less important work, and keep a detailed record on why you want to fire anyone incase they go sjw, then you have a legitimate buisness reason. No meme degrees.

>> No.24344303

Mention that you have a transsexual employee and ask if she will have difficulty coping with xer.