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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 28 KB, 832x490, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2432989 No.2432989 [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else see the orderbook a few minutes ago for DGB? There was a like 19,000 BTC sell order at .01 sat. That's like 51 million dollars.

I should have taken a screenshot but I'm sure someone else was looking did anyone else see it?

>> No.2433015

But yeah it was like 2000 BTC at .005 or something and then just 1 giant order at .01. It was huge, the total sum was ~23,000 BTC just now.

Why would someone do that? Or maybe bittrex messed up for a second.

>> No.2433023

What do you think we're talking about when we say whales you newfag

>> No.2433039

The whales want to finally eliminate all the other unimportant coins from the market so the maket can be monopolized and their good coins appreciate

Stick a sharpie in your ass Digifags

>> No.2433060

bittrex is completely fucked up. those numbers mean nothing. sometimes i submit order for lets say size 1000 and then in the "orders table" it says size 13842394792... in reality you ofcourse sell only 1000. im sure others noticed this aswell.

>> No.2433061

In no other scenario where I have ever seen you blame the whale boogeyman, did the supposed whale have 51 million dollars in one order on the coin.
Nor did they have it at an absurd price target either for no reason, and ten pull it after, newfags.

>> No.2433091

You are retarded

>> No.2433112

You're a fucking moron that has literally nothing to fucking say at all. Get the fuck out of my thread and stop wasting precious posts, bandwidth, and time with your garbage, meaningless, asinine replies.

>> No.2433218


>> No.2433249

.01 is 750x the current price

>> No.2433263
File: 101 KB, 1900x694, SELL YOUR DGB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2433302
File: 32 KB, 864x793, 1496645154640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not posting words anymore pajeet because you know you'll be called out on your garbage grammar fud?

>> No.2433317

How many times have I seen this fucking image today goddamn

>> No.2433389

Right because only your order exists and it definitely isn't represented alongside other orders at the same price, you fuckwit Millennial snowflake.