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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 474 KB, 1080x1791, Screenshot_20201127_101238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24322398 No.24322398 [Reply] [Original]

> we were just joking bro
> we don't actually believe in bitcoin lol

>> No.24322410

Isnt the financial times supposed to be somewhat decent? That sounds like a /biz/ post.

>> No.24322412

Low quality b8

>> No.24322416

its fake you absolute retard

>> No.24322422

Lmao, I wonder if this is because the author got shittons of hate mail after BTC pulled back.

>> No.24322424


>> No.24322425

>First, wepublished a pieceon Her Majesty the Queen apparently expressing an interest in blockchain. She had been sent a copy of a “peer-reviewed blockchain journal” (!) and her private secretary had replied that our Liz “was interested to learn that the publication is the first open access blockchain publication research journal available both in print and online”. We must now inform you that it was meant to be a bit of a joke. We weren’t convinced that our 94-year-old monarch was reallythatinterested inByzantine Fault Toleranceandproof-of-work mechanisms.

>But some people got very excited about it nonetheless. The CEO of Binance, the world’s biggest crypto exchange,tweeted our storysaying “I wonder how many #Bitcoin she has.The Expressdeclared in a headline:Queen left delighted after learning about Bitcoin after receiving peculiar gift.Business Insideradded vital contextby noting in its write-up of the story: “It's unclear whether the monarch had any prior blockchain knowledge before receiving the journal.” (We have got to be honest: we are still not sure that the Queen is now in possession of such “blockchain knowledge”.)

>> No.24322465

> And then later on Tuesday Alphaville editor Izabella Kaminska, theOriginal Bitcoin Cynic, wrotean op-edfor the FT in which she appeared to undergo some kind of a Damascene conversion, arguing that “bitcoin finally finds a rationale in doomsday scenarios”. (She hadn’t really undergone any such conversion; she noted that all her reservations remained, but that in the “far-fetched” scenario of a future dystopian reality in which the world has slid into authoritarianism, bitcoin could act as a kind of hedge.)

>(There was also former Alphavillain Tracy Alloway’s apparentactual Damascene conversiona few days earlier.)

>We are afraid that collectively — and in particular, we suspect, HM the Queen — we may have sent bitcoin mooning. Bitcoin jumped by about $1,000 on Tuesday, climbing above $19,000 to its highest since the bitcoin-manic days of December 2017. On Wednesday it inched up a little further to top $19,500, just shy of itsall-time-highof about $19,666 (depending on which exchange you go with).

>And now, number go down! At pixel time, bitcoin had slid about 10 per cent at around $17,200.

>> No.24322500

>We are not going to — and nor will we ever — argue that bitcoin will never again rise to such heights. It might, but then again it might not. Without any fundamentals to judge the price on, it is purely based, as we have said many times before, on speculation. Sometimes it does well when risk appetite is low; sometimes it does badly. That all makes the price pretty much impossible to predict.

>But we feel that for now at least, we might have triggered The Top. And for all those bitcoin bros* who have been desperately telling their followers stuff like this:

>We can only apologise.

>> No.24322522



It's real
> the actual state of journalism

>> No.24322536

>Pay $369.20 for 1 year to read this absolute garbage

>> No.24322543

Haha what's the matter with American journalism?

>> No.24322569

I really wonder why nobody reads the news anymore. Must be because of all these conspiracy theories

>> No.24322572

neets who trade cryptos unironically contribute more to society than jornalists

>> No.24322584

Holy kek it's actually real

>> No.24322594

jemima cringe asf

>> No.24322595

So, she published a non verified story. Realised it was fake. And decided to write this shit
>t'was just a joke bro!

People pay to read this???

>> No.24322596

OK but the lead image and Jemima were a troll right? RIGHT??

>> No.24322612

No, it's real, all of it

>> No.24322642

Do people really think BTC is based on thin air? Or do they just don't know and repeat what they've been told?

>> No.24322705


>> No.24322740

Stop with the thinly veiled racism.

>> No.24323712

lmao you're actually right. i apologize. WTF

>> No.24323723
File: 235 KB, 604x1999, Screenshot_2020-11-27 Bitcoin goes splat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full article

>> No.24323758

Imagine still paying attention to journalists. They're literally vermin, all of them.

>> No.24323781
File: 52 KB, 746x216, 3f8820a53ac400e9a0a0f2e9d4a6c9ef.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this broad watched too much nickelodian and it shows in that shit graphic and poorly written article

>> No.24323783

go back to pol and kys third world street shitter

>> No.24323785
File: 250 KB, 1080x2060, IMG_20201127_231627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leverage our marketing expertise

>> No.24323809

The arrogance of these idiots is truly revolting

>> No.24323850

Bimbo moron

>> No.24323856

Wtf is buttcoin? Sounds like an extremely inefficient and obsolete computer program.

>> No.24324192

>the failing Financial Times today published a disgusting article. very disrespectful - grammar protruding. Sad!

>> No.24324294

Jewish influenced vermin

>> No.24325437
