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24321449 No.24321449 [Reply] [Original]

>went all in at $19k
>panic sold at $17k
>my plan was to ride it down and buy back in offsetting my losses
>fomo'd back in at $17.5k

What the fuckkkkkkk why me is crypto a Truman Show revolving around me? Does crypto even exist or just is it a show where people watch me suffer? The market does exactly the opposite every time what the fucking fuck is this shit

>> No.24321470

Maybe just try holding or else I'm starting to think you're not gonna make it

>> No.24321523
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stop trading and don't look at the prices
if it goes down again, which it very likely will, don't panic sell
and don't fomo buy if it shoots up either
stop buying high and selling low you dumbass

>> No.24321539
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>went all in at $19k
You can't make this up

>> No.24321550

paper hands onions boy. I just sold some tesla stock I bought in March.

>> No.24321593

just buy and hold, retards

>> No.24321605

paper hands
you deserve to be poor
I bought more BTC at 19.1K but didn't sell like a fucking retard
you're the reason why people make money in this market, so thanks for being the dumb one

>> No.24322452


>> No.24322467

Hey at least you own something still

>> No.24322478

bh, sl
The way God intended

>> No.24322510

>instantly bogged
It’s all so tiresome.

>> No.24322527

at least you are learning some lessons

>> No.24322533

Sounds like you got B O G G E D

>> No.24322574

just your own free will

>> No.24322894

I'm starting to learn that you have to go against your gut feeling when trading.
Feeling good, thinking of going 100x long to make EVEN MORE ? SELL.
Market is crashing and you feel like roping ? Hold and/or BUY MORE, drive your average price down. It will go up again.
It's hard because it's the exact opposite of what we think we should do but just give it time

>> No.24322949

>sun comes up
>immediately sell all my candles and firewood, surely it will be warm and light forever now
>sun goes down
>frantically sell my boipucci to anyone interested to buy back a small portion of my previous stock of lifesaving material
>after 8 hours I have enough for a few months
>sun comes up

What the hell is going on biz? It's like this is a giant simulation designed to fuck with me!

>> No.24323004

I know that feel, I did almost the same thing, but the other way round.

>> No.24323184

thats a horrible strategy kek. But it might actually work, like if you fuck up trading more than 50% most of the times, then jsut do it the exact opposite way... dunno this sounds so retarded that it kinda is actually brilliant lol

>> No.24323197

I bought the xrp dip.. at .68...

>> No.24323210

We will see, screencap this post and I will return in a year

>> No.24323212

>panic sold at $17k


>> No.24323241

>Make the worst decisions possible
>Why is the market bullying me?

>> No.24323242

>buy high
>sell low
>buy high again
You are the problem.

>> No.24323507

If you just did the opposite you would have made money retard.

>> No.24323537

No, you're just fucking stupid, and accordingly paid the retard tax.

>> No.24323875

been in crypto since 2013 easiest money i’ve ever made after I decided my trading frequency was going to be once a year.

>> No.24323989

You should buy INJ. Good fundamentals, and a good team backed by Binance. You cannot go wrong.