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24316186 No.24316186 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else havent spoken to a real life single friend in months? i cut everyone off to focus on making it trading crypto and getting fit. so far all ive done is liquidate my account and i havent lifted a single weight in weeks. Unironically at my tipping point and will likely rope soon

>> No.24316197

call a homie nigga

>> No.24316199

single real life friend* cant even make a fucking post right

>> No.24316234

do the last two digits of my post x pushups and call a homie

>> No.24316250

im too ashamed to call anyone

>> No.24316254

at a similar point with the trading
started running though. it feels pretty good and i feel like it makes me smarter id suggest trying couch to 5k its so easy even a retard can do it.
we are on the right path we just have to survive

>> No.24316257

i did a voicecall to a friend recently, you could even see the disgust on their face, my beard made me look extremely unkempt top kek

>> No.24316258

a real homie would understand, you have nothing to lose

>> No.24316262

same here. i just play video games and pretend im okay

>> No.24316276

yea im in this exact situation

>> No.24316299

glow in the dark demoralization thread

>> No.24316344

Then just text. If they're your friends they'll be happy to get a text from you.

>> No.24316355

It is because you sacrificed your human connections for shekel based jewish ones. Refocus. Reobtain the things that made you want to make money in the first place, then go back to work with renewed vigor and perpouse.

>> No.24316373

Literally all my friends have become obsessed with politics the last few months. It's hard to talk to them. They blame all their problems on Trump and change the subject when I try to teach them about finance. Feels like I lost them all to a cult. Their social media is filled with BLM and trans kids support shit. My only friends now are you frogs.

>> No.24316374
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>> No.24316391

Lol homie I’d even talk to you cause this place is home

>> No.24316434
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hit the gym first, dont want to go out looking DYEL

>> No.24316455

go back to your homebase on /bant/ faggot

>> No.24316479

What is hard about this place is that even if you are willing to learn and do the legwork, nobody answers posts since everyone spends their time on meme threads or pajeet scams. I am still determined, but you spend a lot of time with not much to show for it, though you do get gold nuggets here and there. It's the waiting around trying to figure what you could be doing better but not finding anything yet that I cant stand.

>> No.24316492

okay, die then? lol

>> No.24316523

Go back to /pol/ fucking schizo, take your meds

>> No.24316621

Is this real? Wtaf is this shit?

>> No.24316723

It helps if you look for info on Twitter as well. Lately when I hear of a new coin on Twitter I'll check the biz archive to see what the autists have said about it. There's always quality info hidden in week old threads that I would have never read if I wasn't looking for it.

>> No.24316741

Just take 5htp bro

>> No.24316753

>i cut everyone off to focus on making it trading crypto and getting fit.

We both know that's a lie anon

>> No.24316757

The only sources of human interaction I have are my parents and 4chan.

>> No.24316797

Just do it , it takes courage to admit a fuck up and put it right. And everybody fucks up

>> No.24316865

I haven't had a real life friend for years. Nothing really changed, I get better social interactions with strangers on the internet.

>> No.24316898

Damn nigger you’re one up on me. I don’t even have any friends.

>> No.24316918

Literally just buy BTC and retire in 5 years or whatever you wanna do. Stop gambling with shitcoins if you have no idea what you're doing.

>> No.24316927

Are you me? Coz you sound a lot like me.

Thanks for the warning friend, I have to stop this.

>> No.24318089

BTC is the only worthwhile coin.

>> No.24318133

>using “nigga” uniroincally
Twitter is that way faggot

>> No.24318168
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Thank you for your efforts anon. After reading this I lifted a weight (one) and set a stop loss order. You made a difference in my life today.

>> No.24318206

what is that? i dont have any. not even on the internet. the only human beeings i talked to in thelast few Months were my mom and grocery store people

>> No.24318225

how did they train the cat to do that

>> No.24318291
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What good is all your wealth if you have no one to share the joys of your victories with? This is why people kill themselves, they've lost sight of what truly counts.

Luke 12:15
>And He said to them, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.”

>> No.24318313

In this day and age of social media, any fuckup would be life destroying.

>> No.24318342

>I get better social interactions with strangers on the internet.
That's a lie and you know it.

>> No.24318362

You’re going to have to go through the tough battle of swallowing your pride and admiting you fucked up and become a better man thru humility or languish in emotional toil. Most are unable to overcome their habits

>> No.24318387

My issue is I'm incapable of having friends due to my fucked up childhood. I'm literally scared of people, like not the normal anxiousness.It's like PTSD level of scared, I can interact with people on a short term by putting a mask on, but on the long term, due to my kind of trauma i literally get scared of them in situations when i am alone with them. Especially in an environment that forces me to be around them, including the social norms n shit. And no im not autistic allthough it sounds like i am. I could proably find friends if i'd become an alcoholic or do other psychatryshit that fucks and fogs my brain enough so I dont expierence ptsd. SO yea... I'd rather be healthy kek.

>> No.24318451

I experience intense emotions like fear of death etc if im forced with other people. Its overwhelming and exhausting.

>> No.24318503

Everyone has their own tribe and clique of people, as cliche as that sounds. I'm like you anon, I have trust issues and PTSD after people have taken advantage of my kindness and charitable nature due to my Christian upbringing but I found REAL niggas/homies in my life. Go join a church, organizations, clubs or any type of event where you have social interaction. It's not going to be easy but you really do have to put yourself out there if you want meaningful relationships in your life.

Good luck anon. God be with you .

>> No.24318526
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i just went on a degen rampage, this is the end of the line for me. deposited the last of my money back in to try make it all back and got liqd. i wasnt even thinking anymore and disregarded everything ive learnt this year. went to masturbate immediately after
fuck this life FUCK EVERYTHING BYE

>> No.24318541

I wish it was, but every person I met is a complete normal-fag devoid of personality.

>> No.24318583

what do you mean? how is it a lie????

>> No.24318615

Same. I've made more than all of them combined so I'm conflicted on whether I should return and play video games with them again

>> No.24318617

>I wish it was, but every person I met is a complete normal-fag devoid of personality.
That's another thing you need to work on. Try to humble yourself and lower your expectations. I was like you once, thought I was a special snowflake who was smarter and better than everybody else. Turns out all that intelligence and pride isn't gonna get you anywhere in life if you look at everyone with disdain and contempt.

>> No.24318639

just say you were spiraling in a depressive state and you're good now

>> No.24318652

You really think talking with internet "friends" on discord is better and more genuine than real face-to-face interaction where you do fun shit with your homies like playing team sports or going out and having fun together? If you think sitting in your computer 24/7 to talk with internet "friends" on discord you don't even see or know in real life and live on the other side of the world isn't dysfunctional, I don't know what else to say to you.

>> No.24318653

Go to the gym. Am I good enough yet? Go to the gym. Am I good enough yet? Go to the gym. Am I good enough yet? Go to the gym. Am I good enough yet? repeat repeat repeat. No one will ever love me.

>> No.24318719

Retard take. The last thing most of us want here is NPC interactions. Personally have no desire to be around dudes. Just give me a harem of teenage girls and nothing to interfere. Epstein didnt kill himself and you have NPC taste because you are an NPC.

>> No.24318760
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>all that cope
Good luck being alone, unloved and have nobody to turn to in your waning days. In that day when you're all alone in your bed wanting to kill yourself, you'd wish you'd become a normie.

>> No.24319156

All my friends are toxic loser turds with substance abuse issues. Dropped them all. Sucks but had no choice, toxic friends are more dangerous than toxic enemies.

>> No.24319955

Not that anon but I feel embarrassed about calling people. Like they kinda aren’t that interested in being friends anyway which is why it’s always me starting text message conversations.
>Everyone has their own tribe and clique of people
Starting to think i don’t. I got rejected by my main crew of friends in 2015 because of dumb political shit (literally just innocuous shit like saying how good it would be if trump pulled out of the Middle East). I’m no good at small talk and I’m too much of a nerd to really integrate into the social circles where my views on things are normal or acceptable

>> No.24320075

Just be content with your own company. Most people aren’t worth befriending.

>> No.24320325
File: 51 KB, 682x661, 584C23CA-B56E-4A5A-A3B3-2FA8B8E0BDB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop it op. You’re better than this. Not giving a fuck goes a long way but being an example and building yourself up is more important. The navigation tools are there but you have to build yourself or it won’t be meaningful. Nobody achieved anything by sitting around and avoiding shit. W or L you earned the glory of trying and knowledge to share. Don’t give up on you. I believe.

>> No.24321281

yes. I actually do have a few friends here and there but nobody I hang out with regularly. idk but it seems like I piss people off for some reason, I guess theres something about my personality which is unlikable, as a result ive stopped trying to make friends and instead just cope with my own company. ive actually gotten to a point where I prefer my own company and dont really feel like socializing with people anymore, its pretty nice desu

>> No.24321333

just do it, the balls you have to grow to admit you failed will prevent you from failing again in the future

>> No.24321375

My only actual friend is my Japanese pen pal. Keep on lifting bro, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.24321394

please be okay fren

>> No.24321481

>implying I have IRL friends

you guys are all I've got

>> No.24321534
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How did you go about this, anon?
How do you get a Japanese pen pal?

>> No.24321547
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good riddance tbqh, family. they sound like boring ass normies. we are watching the slow death of curiosity, being replaced instead with petty, one dimensional ideologies. people really are so bloated with self-righteousness and moral superiority, all validated and rewarded via the media, celebrities, and social media, that there's no space for self-reflection and genuine growth.

to quote the wise words of the late terry a. davis: "we got a herd o' niggercattle we got them so docile, it's awesome. and they shit and sit there and watch tv and shit. we got a herd of niggercattle."