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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24304693 No.24304693 [Reply] [Original]

This is a piece of shit company. I am so embarrassed for them.

>> No.24304717

All your coinbase are belong to us.
Make your time.

>> No.24304736

does Stakenet solve the goybase problem?

>> No.24304740

they caused the market to dump didn't they

>> No.24304793

you can currently sell infinite coins on coinsbase
go crash the market lads

>> No.24304864

The reason to use them in the past was that you could trade and withdraw without fees. Today there is absolutely no reason to still use them. They are also the prime targets of the IRS jews trying to collect cryptogoy taxes.

>> No.24305022

this. people need to use different onramps and then get lost in the L2 and LN of crypto. fuck them in the ass they don't deserve to have this much influence.

>> No.24305045
File: 186 KB, 472x472, bobo-business-suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

always has been

>All your coinbase are belong to us.

>> No.24305611
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>> No.24305740

The problem is some of us are stuck with kikebase

>t. Jew Yorker

>> No.24305779

Those fuckers ruined a good day.

>> No.24305811

Why? Because nigger complaints got ignored? fuck them

>> No.24305820

I will not say that this is the Korea or China FUD from last bullruns again but I swear if kikebase is manipulating the market AGAIN this bullrun like in the last one I will make sure to start a movement to get the authorities to fuck them up the ass for market manipulation.

>> No.24305858

Anyone know if the xrp fags got their coins back from coinbase?

>> No.24305861

>refused to support BLM
>refused diversity hires
>Lex Luther CEO
>calling out (((them))) on Waller regulation
Seems based to me?

>> No.24305886

>It’s now clear that the story will allege that several Black employees had negative experiences at Coinbase over the last few years.


>> No.24305970

This is based.

>> No.24306060

I'm new to this and trying to get into more involved trading, been using coinbase pro.
Unironically, what platform should I use? (In the US)

>> No.24306077

Use Voyager fren

>> No.24306125


>> No.24306158
