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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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243021 No.243021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that not only studied marketing, but actually defend its place as a commerce related field.

>Hey look here is a new line of microwave pizza
>Let's stick a cartoon Italian chef on it, target the lazy fratboy and single male audience
>I'm so smart!

>> No.243023

>I'm so smart!

Yes, yes you are.

>> No.243031

The application of some basic marketing principles actually has its uses for people starting their start-ups. As for why there's a whole field dedicated into figuring out 'what sells' and 'what's hip with the young audience' is way beyond me.

>> No.243045
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I honestly don't even see why marketers, as an actual profession, even is even needed at the initial start ups or even for fucking green field ventures.

All it would take is a few hours by anybody who has studied a commerce degree to find out a pretty close estimate on sales and target audience through historics and current market data.

>Married to woman from Hong Kong
>All her friends at the parties she drags me along to are also Chinese, and the girls seem to study marketing exclusively as it allows them to maintain a visa and it is catered towards their interests
>At party one night I'm surrounded by about 6 of them, all have masters in marketing and work for fashion companies and the like, one is even doing her PhD in marketing
>I tell them that I want to start up my own accounting practice focused towards offering taxation advice and assurance for SME
>Ask them how exactly I go about advertising for this business as competition is pretty tight
>They sit around for about 2 hours discussing it, by the end of the night I get no answers at all
>During this same amount of time, I've managed to reduce somebodies cost of capital by about 2 points by offering consolidated loan services, all from information on the top of my head
>This will save their business hundreds of thousands of dollars
>I just added that kind of value through a professional opinion, whereby the more educated and "senior" marketers couldn't even come up with a simple marketing ploy

Marketing. Not even once.

>> No.243113

>I just added that kind of value through a professional opinion, whereby the more educated and "senior" marketers couldn't even come up with a simple marketing ploy

Pretty much sums up their entire field.

>> No.243141

well i used to think that too, but i read a good article on febreez and how much effort that took to be a thing

i agree with you on basic stuff, but if you want to get a unique product out there you need those jews

>> No.243153

i bet if you asked them to market your clothing line they would have plenty of ideas....

pretty obvious they are all specialized and what good are stab in the dark ideas when they know nothing about the tight competition

>> No.243193

Basic marketing is common sense for all invested in the field of commerce.

Advanced marketing know-how creates oddities in the market such as Giffen goods.

>> No.243199

read ogilvy on advertising

>> No.243212

>having to convince someone that they need your product when they don't

And this is why Capitalism will never make people happy.

>> No.243469

>wants to start an accounting practice
>somehow fails to understand that the accounting market doesnt give a shit about your quirky day time tv ads, you get customers exclusively through personal networking, word of mouth and the like


>> No.243864


Shut the fuck up.

People want things they don't need, retard.

Goddamn biz is full of so many losers.