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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24301578 No.24301578 [Reply] [Original]

>kills crypto
Has there ever been a more based president?

>> No.24301607

QRD, pls.

>> No.24301636

he's just crashing the market so he can buy some cheap before reversing the policy

>> No.24301663


>> No.24301664



>> No.24301687
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>> No.24301713
File: 1.19 MB, 832x868, 1603669856517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fucking leave you stupid fucking orange fuck
fuck you and your fucking munchkin minion

>> No.24301715

why crop the timestamp?

>> No.24301745

nvm my retarded internet stopped loading the image right at the bottom before the timestamp kek

>> No.24301763 [DELETED] 

Implying this stupid orangotango had anything to do with that.

He's just a puppet, just like any other US president has always been, and will always be.

Know who is your real (((enemy))).

>> No.24301803


>> No.24301811

Keep sucking his dick

>> No.24301835

Implying this stupid orangutan had anything to do with that.

He's just a puppet, just like every other US president has always been, and will always be.

Know who is your real (((enemy))).

>> No.24301844

basewd!!! americhurds should be protected from gamblign their life savings on chinese vaporware and curry incel "anonymous bank" finance

>> No.24301907


>> No.24302344

>4chan voted for this
It's like you enjoy eternal financial serfdom

>> No.24302473

>inb4 thats 4d chess to dump crypto so he can buy cheaper

>> No.24302500

Regulation has always been coming for crypto. Don't fucking like it? Then don't be a fucking normie and learn how this shit works. The entire system is build from the ground up to handle shit like this, but you wouldn't know that because you spend all day being a Anarchist wojack NPC who wants to panic. How about you stop being useless and figure out what crypto is. Then post here.

>> No.24302516


Lincoln has been trolling the shit out of people for more than 150 years. drumpf is small beer.

>> No.24302576

Nah, CEO of coinbase is just trying to fill up empty bags on cheeper coin so they talk shit. Going back up this weekend. Iron hands boys

>> No.24302615

The whole point of crypto was to circumvent state and federal goverment kikery. If all it takes is some billionaires signature to destroy it, then it's just another fiat arcade token

>> No.24302616

How can Crypto fags not see this coming? Of course they're gonna regulate the shit out of it. They always were. The strategy has always been long term, where you have your long position, your swing position, then your savings position (which should be PMs).

This is how you play the game. The (((Banks))) are willing to cooperate, but only if you speak (((their))) language.

>> No.24302670

True he not only cursed the US with the bigger problem but the entire western world

>> No.24302677

So anything actually new or is this just another leftypol thread?

>> No.24302743
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A lot of beta males in this thread who are seething cuz daddy trump didn't stop them when they decided they want their balls chopped off lmao

>> No.24302757

>If all it takes is some billionaires signature to destroy it, then it's just another fiat arcade token
that's all it ever was
and regulation was along time coming

>> No.24302778

>/biz/ voted for this

>> No.24303110

according to the coinbase CEO, munchkin wants KYC for crypto wallets. That's the new FUD.