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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24295840 No.24295840 [Reply] [Original]

VIDT Datalink provides a blockchain based solution for securing any Data, File etc. via on-chain validations through costums APIs, integrated into the ecosystems of several big clients and partners.

Whitepaper https://files.crowfile.com/_files_/code/download.php?file=356153993844641300&filename=Whitepaper+V-ID+v1.27_en_march_2019-geconverteerd.pdf&hash=39f26a3a68b25e9b31b470230b9b3c88dc343306&disposition=inline
Roadmap https://about.v-id.org/roadmap
Usage Dashboard https://about.v-id.org/vidt-usage-dashboard

>newest client is PROCENTEC where VIDT will be integrated into data processes with companies like SIEMENS, POSCO and EMERSON (all multi billion dollar companies)
>some clients still using VIDT: AIRBUS, AMSPEC and KROHNE and more
>IBM funding a project with them
>also IBM upscale of CORONA sensors verifying the air quality indoors
>also coming SHRIMP BOAT partnership
>multicloud multichain platform, used by cloudservices from SAP, Zapier, IBM

Not relying on ICO funds
>IN THE BLACK. From the cost of validations the revenue is around $1.5m. (should be more right now)
>only 1.8m TOKENS in team hands, you wont get dumped on here

Ongoing partnerships
>working with CMS LAW - SECOND LARGEST law firm in the world - on a GDPR solution.
>together with FTM are starting a GOVERNMENT CONTRACT in the Middle East as soon as lockdown ends, securing govt documents.
>implemented and partnered with WAVES, LTO, DIGIBYTE and BINANCE CHAIN, using them besides ETHEREUM
>official partner of the DUTCH BLOCKCHAIN COLLABORATION alongside with big players

Deflationary Tokenomics
>the VIDT tokens USED each month, 20% are BURNED and then the equivalent of 10% are BOUGHT BACK from the open market. So there's always a slight buy pressure.

BUY here
BINANCE https://www.binance.com/en/trade/VIDT_BTC
UNISWAP https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=ETH&outputCurrency=0xfef4185594457050cc9c23980d301908fe057bb1
KUCOIN https://www.kucoin.com/trade/VIDT-BTC

>> No.24295882

Strapped the fuck in
When lambo vidtbrothers

>> No.24296410

soon brother

>> No.24297137

So fucking comfy. Everyone needs a solid low-risk hold to offset the degen rugs. Imagine not holding VIDT.

>> No.24297901

So what’s the next milestone, the shrimp thing? Hardware announcement had no positive effect.

>> No.24298037

So is this basically the western equivalent of Vechain?

>> No.24298073

it has one on validations
but yes, shrimp thing is big next month

>> No.24298294

I just bought 2k viddies... why do I feel like such a fucking boss right now?

>> No.24298341
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hope you market bought
weclome to the chads

>> No.24298601

No they are recording data on many blockchains, vechain have their own centralized chain. They are an intermediary between business and blockchain. Nothing revolutionnary but they are bringing blockchain tech to boomer companies.

>> No.24298661

I used to own vidt but i realize that one day a decentralized version of their service will be available for free and easy to implement. Im not an expert thats only my opinion...

>> No.24299091

50 cents is the new 10 cents

>> No.24299616

Why would anyone offer their service for free?