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2429470 No.2429470 [Reply] [Original]

So at this point it's pretty obvious that we are in a massive bubble. How long do we have until everything drops 90%+?

>> No.2429530

Gtfo nocoiner.

>ATH at 2700, crashed sub 2K

happens every time

>> No.2429541

still waiting for the dip, what the fuck is going on, when is this thing going to crash again

>> No.2429546

>So at this point it's pretty obvious that we are in a massive bubble

you give me a fucking headache

>> No.2429555

i wont pop until there are some massiv bad news. 2013 it poped cuz of mt.gox hack. so enjoy the ride for now and buy the fucking dip

>> No.2429563

cell cellc

>> No.2429580

>Says increasingly nervous man for 45th time this week alone

>> No.2429610

I think there will be a huge dip sometime this summer, but that's a huge opportunity to buy in

>> No.2429635

>So at this point it's pretty obvious that we are in a massive bubble.
You should be buying at every dip. Bitcoin was nearly 3k, now it's 2.7k, which means you should buy (some). Don't try to time the market and throw all your cash in at once.

>> No.2429721

I'm not a nocoiner. I hold quite a lot, and I have been long crypto since around 2013.

The problem as I see it is that it seems that the market is propped up by a lot of ICOs. At the end of the day some of these coins need to prove practically useful aside from just speculation. It hasn't happened yet, and I think the market will see a dip between now and when it does.

You could say I'm bearish short-term, and bullish very long term.

>> No.2429778

Agreed, but there is still safety and great gains to be made with eth and btc. Finding the next practical and legit alt is going to be the next big thing though- stay on the lookout for it.

>> No.2429786

the real dotcom-like crash isn't even close yet because the proper normies aren't that aware yet. give it like a year or two before normal people start pumping cash into crypto. three for your random dad to know about it

>> No.2429787

>Finding the next practical and legit alt is going to be the next big thing though
Already found, it's iota.

>> No.2429828

>market cap around USD
>Calling it a bubble

you moron, its not even fucking close to a bubble. You will see once it reaches 2 trillion market cap USD. Its you who is delusional, get the fuk off my board

>> No.2429830

Saw an article on Facebook today claiming that research showed around 3 million people were invested in crypto. 3 million. There's fucking over 300 million in the us alone. We haven't even scratched the surface yet boys

>> No.2429832
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>> No.2429867

Just curious, why do you think that the number of investors as a percentage of the US population has anything to do with a bubble?

>> No.2429887

>tfw hope it does so I can buy more

>> No.2429909
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This nigga knows. Fellow 2013er here. It's pretty scary how many parallels Ethereum and its' ICOs have to the dotcom bubble. Only getting worse. Fucking Bancor $150mil ICO, gooby plz

>> No.2429947
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kek wills it, so be it

>> No.2429976

You bitches need to stop with your comparing shit to other shit that isn't relevent REEEEEE

A bubble can occur regardless of population or any meaningless percentages thereof


>> No.2430682
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You can't have a bubble in speculative vehicles... This is like saying USD is in a bubble... What the fuck are you even trying to say? Speculation has nothing to do with a bubble. Bubbles are subprime lending and nobody paying their mortgages yet their home values increase so nobody is actually getting any money so the homes aren't actually worth those high prices, AKA a bubble.

Pump and dumps aren't bubbles, but they are similar enough. Crypto has become more popular and so we have more capital going in and speculating, nothing to do with a bubble.

Shut the fuck up with your idiotic garbage you don't even understand.

>> No.2430755

>talking about market cap for monopoly money with zero underlying value

how are those underwater diving expedition shares doing champ?

>> No.2430802

The only bubble going on is ICO's (and by association ETH). Hopefully when it pops it doesn't chill the whole market for a while.

>> No.2430934

I'm on the joe rogan forum. It's all generation x 40 years with kids and a middle management career.

they have 0 clue what crypto is but they're on coinbase buying etherium because they think it will be the next big thing.

i question how much new money there really is... we may see a crash in the next few weeks.

I've been in crypto since 2012 so I'm only going off pattern recognition here but I think eth hits 12k and then crashes and plays out similarly to bitcoin in 2013 with a long bear market.

you know how social media is. when they turn on ethereum, they're going to turn hard. there will be nothing but negative articles and told you so's for months.

>> No.2430984

$12k? Are you for real? That would put it's market cap at like a trillion dollars.

>> No.2431074

My dude, what do you do?

>> No.2431139

>tulpits aren't real

>> No.2431275

Nocoiners chant bubble more frequently than Shit LeBarf screams he will not divide us.

>> No.2431296

Go look up how long the tech bubble lasted nigger

>> No.2431307

>bitcoin in 2013

You mean exchanges will crash and rob everybody of their money?

BTC crash in 2013 wasnt a bubble burst.

>> No.2431325

except this isn't the big one asshole. Tech bubble all normies were familiar with stocks, had retail investors, etc... We are not at that level of adaptation yet. Majority of normies still not comfortable with crypto, and don't understand it. I'm hoping this fucking ICO bubble dies quick so I can really buy in for the big one of 2018-2020.

>> No.2431444

>Speculation has nothing to do with a bubble.
I would argue that speculation have everything to do with bubbles. If any commodity like houses, continuously increase in value at a high rate, then people will speculate that the price will continue to rise in the future, they will look at these things as an investment.
A bubble is where the speculation of future price development, outmatch the real value of the commodity and if there is a lower than expected price development, then the bubble burst.

The old example with the Tulip bulbs show the nature of a bubble. People wanted Tulip bulbs, some people saw the price of tulip bulbs increasing rapidly and wanted to earn money off of it. They bought in, which further shifted the supply and demand toward demand, this attracted even more buyers, and so on.

How large a fraction of the Crypto coins are held by people that have them for no other reason to get rich off of them? Its virtually all speculations, once the bubble burst, everyone that is holding crypto coins to get rich will sell theirs, there is no reasons for them to hold an asset that are declining in value.
There will still be a legit market for crypto coins, like there still was and is a market for tulip bulbs. But this is a bubble, you are all invested in the hopes that price development will continue and you can profit from it.

>> No.2431453

>Majority of normies still not comfortable with crypto, and don't understand it

Contradicting any claim that this is a bubble.

It's one thing to have a bubble when you're talking about an asset class the entire world is invested in and which has easy ways through which to pull out money in large quantities in short periods of time.

As if the withdrawal limits weren't bad enough, every time bitcoin dips, coinbase shits itself. Add to that the fact that most people don't even really know what crypto is and you have yourself an early stage trend, not a bubble.

When every 60 year old in the country is calling his broker, asking him to dump his entire 401k into bitcoin, THEN you'll have a bubble.

Until then, you'll only have dips. Maybe big dips. But no bubble. Just a march upward to a total marketcap in the trillions of dollars.

>> No.2431476

if you base your perspective on crypto off of a group of Americans you're ignoring billions of gooks and indians and russians etc who all view its purpose and future differently. America isn't going to make or break crypto.

>> No.2431486

Sounds like we are just arguing semantics. What some call a bubble you call a dip. IMO ICO's are inflating the price of ETH to unsafe levels and as soon as there's a spark the whole thing will collapse. Hopefully by the end of summer and may take a couple months to recover. Tech will continue to develop and hopefully we will have the big one "normie bubble" by 2020.

>> No.2431503

>America isn't going to make or break crypto.

The average American uses over 300 times as much energy as the average Ethiopian, iirc. The difference in the amount of money flowing in America vs "gooks and indians", as you call them, is staggering. You're talking about people who literally have no toilets and spend their days collecting plastic to sell for glue they can sniff.

The number of Americans jumping into bitcoin matters. It simply does, whether you like it or not, my friend.

>> No.2431508

I have no doubt the jews at BANCOR will be the ones to pop it and fuck us all

>> No.2431519


True, we might just be calling the probable trends different things. And I agree about ETH but I think it's different. ETH collapsing is not the same as all of crypto collapsing. ETH has serious issues.

>> No.2431638
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I took the dip and bought on Coinbase after looking at crypto for almost 2 years now. Feel like I fucked up.

Should I move all of that on Kraken to not get Coinbased ?

>> No.2431670

do you iirc? i'm not googling nignog electricity trivia. i replied to a post about ether, not buttcoins. you're arguing against an argument i didn't make. get your shit together rebecca.

>> No.2431761

Might be. They seem like the most blatant cash grab ICO in a recent string of cash grab ICO's.

Agree. I think Etherium will hit a peak this summer that it will never see again.

>> No.2431766

These ICOs keep getting even more ridiculously high evaluations based on absolutely nothing

Why aren't we coming up with our own ICOs?

>> No.2431792


>Speculation has nothing to do with a bubble

Wow that's some Bernie Sanders level understanding of basic economics right there

>> No.2431818

We did. Waves just delisted it. Kek.

I'm just sticking to my BTC and non-shitcoins with fiat in reserve to swoop in and feed on the corpses.

>> No.2431832

So, if Im right, coiners are waiting for crypto to get popular an MS so they can make a fortune once normies get in the ride?

>> No.2431833


If ETH hits $12k I'm a multimillionaire, please let this happen

>> No.2431870

I'd say 6 months to year... or longer.

>> No.2431871

That's my plan. Currently wringing my hands over this ICO bullshit because it has the potential to set back the big bubble by a year or two.

>> No.2431983


>> No.2432033
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>2013 babies

how cute

>> No.2432055

I'm holding me eth until all the ico start to go tits up

>> No.2432128


If you wait until there's a crisis, you won't be able to get out. Assets go down in value because people stop buying them. Who will you sell to in this crash if you wait until the crash actually happens?

>> No.2432144

Reality doesn't work that way.

>> No.2432153
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>> No.2432261

Dude what different is coinbase from kraken? We are talking about a bubble where we expect especially ETH to drop A LOT in price sooner or later. It is just stupidly overvalued atm. Has nothing to do with where you buy or store it

>> No.2432334
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>Shit LeBarf

>> No.2433612

C-can we have a burst now?