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2429249 No.2429249 [Reply] [Original]

How will all these DGB FUDers live with themselves when DGB hits 3k sat in the next 3 weeks or so?

Also here's something to think about. If this coin was worthless then why are they all so desperate to keep the price down and keep everyone from buying in? It's always the exact same images being posted to FUD and a few days ago they even programmed out a bot to FUD for them.

A worthless coin wouldnt be getting this many FUDers.

>> No.2429296

I don't care how many times it peaks. It is a shitcoin that got pumped and on a downtrend. Anyone touching it is either retarded or has a gambling problem.

>> No.2429319

Gambling right here.

>> No.2429357


I've always done the opposite of what /biz/ says. And way more people are saying to sell DGB. So I've been buying. Plus the negativity behind DGB has been arrousing me...

>> No.2429362

>Thinks a cantonese basket weaving exchange advisory is worth on controlling market trends for a shitcoin
See? this is the exact reason people hate you

>> No.2429401
File: 28 KB, 855x446, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2429422


>Coin rose 1000% over the past few weeks
>in a down trend

>> No.2429490

go back clueless newfag

>> No.2429538

>thinking im talking about just the FUDing happening here
>Using generic "<insert generic shit-name here>" board meme

get out of your diapers before making such a dumbass comment

>> No.2429547

if it was worth anything why will it take 3 weeks to get to 3k sat? LMAO if it isn't doubling my investment in a week, then i'm not going to touch it. DGB is a childs pump and dump, moves way too slowly.

>> No.2429552

It is a fact that DGB tanked the general red weekend at 1k.
It is a fact that people are buying DGB like sliced bread.
It is a fact that there is a organized fud going on.
It is a fecking fact that the support for digibyte is still unbroken.

>> No.2429566
File: 101 KB, 1900x694, SELL YOUR DGB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hourly reminder.

>> No.2429575

Says retard HODLER about to lose his investment

>> No.2429584

Still moving faster than almost all other coins. Would move faster if not for all the whale and FUD faggotry.

But dont worry buddy im sure your MOON coin will hit 2 sat one day

>> No.2429592

most people are up 10-10x from their initial investment friendo

>> No.2429601

>could of would of should of
it's babbys first pump and dump.

>> No.2429614

See what I mean? Exact same image going everywhere theres a DGB thread.

>> No.2429615

>that fucking pic

still laughing

>> No.2429633
File: 48 KB, 990x694, 1497283218748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pajeets make a dozen DGB shill threads
>I post my accurate technical analysis to save newcoiners from falling into a trap

>> No.2429637

you sold at 400 sat after the initial pump didnt you senpai?

>> No.2429669

i sold at 1800, it seems to someone just like you.

>> No.2429679

There we go! ANOTHER image thats everywhere!
>thinking 2 lines on a time-manipulated image
from coinmarketcap constitute technical analysis

>> No.2430206

Sold half my DGB because of panic, but good thing I kept the other half.

>> No.2430404

it's not fud. the coin was pumped, now it's dumped. find a new money maker. we're just sick and tired of your dumb ass shilling.

>> No.2430535

Newfag or shit FUD.
Which one is it?

>> No.2430581

The truth. Everyone likes to shit on bagholders after the pump.

>> No.2430584

biz oldfag that's added 30k to my portfolio over the past few days because of eth and eth tokens. sell your dumb shit and find something new

>> No.2430625

They won't because they can't, they're part of a makeshift pump and dump group who accidentally got themselves into a mess because they got emotionally involved with their shitcoin, so now they make several threads constantly hoping they can get rid of the thing while calling anyone disagreeing fuders

>> No.2430647

Alright, both are you are clueless.
It's gone up nearly 30% today. Buy the dip under 1k, profit at 1400, how is there no money to be made?
It's absurd that you get the retarded FUD saying the coin is dead, it shows sign of life more than most alts right now, and then you get more retarded FUD saying it's still a shitcoin.

>> No.2430706

that's not even a 24 hour graph faggot

>> No.2430709

it's your funeral buddy. just don't come crying to us when you are left holding the bag.

>> No.2430747

I bought at 200 sats you stupid retard.
DGB is going the same thing after it got "dumped" at 900 sats, and the same fudders kept going on about the same retarded nonsense.
What about ETH? You profited quite a bit on it, right? So did I. Look at ETH's past and how it has fallen over half of its value way before any mainstream attention. ETH was a shitcoin too, wasn't it?

>> No.2430787

the difference between you and me though is I went through the 2015 boom and bust. I know there's no convincing you, because I was once like you, so best of luck to you.