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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24289501 No.24289501 [Reply] [Original]

I've been telling /biz/ for weeks that no this rally is not caused by muh institutions buying muh bitcoin. We know that exchanges are scammy as fuck and deliberately cause the most liquidation events - we know tether is a scam - and we know that megawhales collude to extract the most amount of USD and BTC from the market. What happened is this, all of those factors just mentioned together painted on the charts exactly what one would think would happen if you erroneously believed in the stock to flow model. The stock to flow model is complete horseshit and you literally fell for it. Repeat after me: institutions do not buy the top. SAY IT


fucking IIDIOT stoner less than 22 years of age mongoloids on here for the past couple weeks: LOL STAY POOR BRO MUH 4 YEAR CYCLE IS REAL

fucking told you absolute stoner FUCK HEADS


>> No.24289614

You must be 18 years or older to post on 4chan. You have to go back

>> No.24289803


been here for 12 years now lick my taint and admit you were completely wrong about stock to flow and institutions

>> No.24290220

fucking DUMMIES

>> No.24290276
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>plebbit spacing
fuck off faggot

>> No.24290335

you were wrong

>> No.24290441

I've never even made a claim you ego driven smoothbrain
this post and your replies aren't even about the market, you're telling yourself you're some kind of special genius and stroking your ego
fuck off, ywnbaw

>> No.24290456
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This borad is usually p cringe, but good take. easiest way to know this isn't the bullrun is that it took less time for us to reach the aths than it did in the last cycle. These people might actually be retarded

>> No.24290478

based i cashed out everything yesterday. now when do i buy back in to extract more usd out of it?

>> No.24291323
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this correction doesnt disprove stock to flow. if we are under $20k in six months then yeah, but a small correction nah not really.

i dont know if stock to flow is a meme but there is always the possibility of it becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy.

but yeah corrections are even more likely now because the institutions that are buying up all the new bitcoin probably stop buying whenever the price gets too high. which means these corrections will be more and more like clockwork i think.

>> No.24292272


>actually believes this rally was institutions buying muh bitcoin

you've learned nothing

>> No.24292298

Nakadashi Hanako

>> No.24292305

Based take anon. Won't go down well with the newfags though

>> No.24292354


So-called "institutional investment" is a scam. All this was from the last bull run:

"Helvetic Investments, an institutional investor

Institutional offering by cryptocurrency exchanges, such as the fast-growing GDAX by Coinbase

Dozens of hedge funds, such as Metastable Capital and PolyChain Capital

Public funds, such as Bitcoin Investment Trust (currently available only to accredited investors)

Private index funds, such as Bitwise Asset Management

Derivative exchanges, such as LedgerX (CFTC approved)

Researchers plead for pension funds to invest in Bitcoin

Michael Novogratz says the market cap of $300 billion is undervalued and could go a lot higher

62% of institutional investors are buying or considering buying Bitcoin"

>> No.24292361

I read a lot of fake info about different shitcoins and their “real success”. You can check the RBC price and see what is a successful platform!

> Multichain p2p platform integrated with Binance, Ethereum, Matic and other blockchains
> The RBC price has reached 200% just for one month!
> ROI 200% and the trading volume over the 200k dollars

> https://rubic.finance/
> @cryptorubic_chat

I can predict x 10 of the price after the Instant trades solutions launch, so hurry to buy now!

>> No.24292366
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BTC was invented by the central banks for three reasons, first, to split the anti-fiat community, and cause dissension in our ranks; secondly, to divert capital away from precious metals; thirdly, to prepare the world for CBDCs. It ought to have gone to zero after 2017, but it has been pumped and re-inflated by tether and other stablecoins, just as the stock market has been pumped and re-inflated by Q. E. My reasons for thinking as I do:

1) Tether is widely believed to be responsible for the 2017 crypto pump (its own founder admitted this suspicion to Jordan Belfort https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xzpqxqbq0Jg).).

2) Tether now has 10x the mcap that it did during the March crash, when BTC crashed to $4000, and also has a 40 billion per annum printing-rate. The only time when tether was ever audited was 2018, and yet even then it was found to be backed only by “75% cash and cash equivalents.” The truth is, tether is probably “backed” by the very BTC which it is printed out of thin air to buy.

3) BTC volume is only 5% of what it was in 2017, and Google searches for Bitcoin are in the gutter. This shows that retail interest is low, and almost all BTC is going into tether's hands (as DesoGames explains here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qzDjJ-SrojY).).

4) BTC is completely worthless as a currency. https://blog.plan99.net/the-resolution-of-the-bitcoin-experiment-dabb30201f7?gi=a80dff4c0636 In 2017, you had $100 fees and 3-day transaction times when sending BTC. Even if the Lightning Network were implemented, only 0.1% of the world population could use BTC.

5) The only way to use BTC as a currency is to go through Blockstream's second-layer solutions (like the LN), which track and trace everything you do. BTC also tracks you forever on a pseudonymous ledger, hence why the BTC Twitter hackers were caught within days of cashing out. Physical gold and silver coins are therefore superior for privacy to BTC.


>> No.24292384
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6) Solutions like BCH are not the answer, since, the larger the block-size, the greater the centralization. To the point where you might as well simply keep your gold in a vault and use a gold-backed crypto instead, because that is no more centralized than what you will inevitably have with something like BCH or BSV. Kinesis (allocated gold on the Blockchain) does everything which BCH claims to do (banking the unbanked, 24/7 transactions, making microtransactions, etc.). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Q9aYYluRA0

7) Satoshi is really Adam Back, the head of Blockstream. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfcvX0P1b5g Blockstream is controlled by the banks and the Bilderberg Group.

8) Bullion banks are bidding up the price of Bitcoin on the futures exchanges at the same time as they are suppressing the price of gold, as Rob Kientz shows. (https://youtu.be/Bq9SblPW-6w))

9) Promotion of BTC in the mainstream media is unrelenting, showing that they completely back it. The MSM, of course, is controlled by the bankers.


>> No.24292404
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10) Russia, China, and the other eastern countries have been accumulating gold to issue gold-backed currencies after the reset, not crypto. They already have enough gold reserves to do this. The eastern countries are where the real production is, so, if they don't take BTC, BTC is good for nothing.

11) Gold-backed currencies in the modern banking system would work with perfect efficiency, whereas no crypto can function as a currency for more than a minuscule fraction of the world population.

12) Money must represent savings, i. e. what is useful for production and industry; otherwise, no country has any reason to take it as an equivalent exchange for their goods and commodities. But crypto stores no intrinsic value. After the reset, then, BTC will go to zero when priced in gold (as Alasdair Macleod says).

13) Crypto has enormous intrinsic disadvantages when compared to gold. If you have gold in a vault, you are protected from the following: Being tortured out of your life-savings within ten minutes; losing them to memory-loss; dementia; a thoughtless mistake when making transactions; a key-logger or other hack; burglary (extremely rare with respect to private vaults); a fire; a hardware failure. BTC also, as I have said, lacks the privacy of gold and silver coins, and is fundamentally unusable as a currency. Whereas digital gold on the Blockchain (Kinesis) or gold-backed currencies in the banking system are perfect as currencies.


>> No.24292410

Based 12 year badge bro. Remember when 4chin didn't have captcha...
Anyway this shits just getting started.

>> No.24292444

G8 b8 faggot
Literally the exact same thing happened last cycle- scrape just under the previous ath, we'll push past 20k in about two months
Alt season comes first though.

>> No.24292446

good because the top is 1m end of 2021

>> No.24292476

you will be sent to an institution and you will spin your dreidel all day and night

>> No.24292484

Speaking of which, I've got an image for you to save as 4chan.hta.

>> No.24292805
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>plebbit spacing
>muh institutions but doesnt monitor adresses
>its all over because we had a little baby dip that only little babies with their baby hands would get hand shaken out, t. me
Found the retard who bought at near 20k in 2017.

>> No.24292814

Grayscale have literally been announcing their buys you fucking retard lmao

>> No.24292821

Defi sphere is growing fast but still difficult to come across a profitable platform.
Has anyone participated in baseprotocol.org? Came across blockchain experts reviews about it,I think it`s great. What do you think?

>> No.24292852


I pointed out here the "institutional investment" which was allegedly in BTC just before the 2017 crash >>24292354. Exact same narrative this time.

>> No.24293199

>one institution of about 5, if that

>> No.24293320

You dumb fuck. Of course institutions dont buy the top. Why the fuck do you think there was a correction? This is the bullrun faggot, it was a correction. Institutions are buying right now. Check the charts of the biggest buyers and see what they are doing rn. Quick hint : their are not selling. Be dumb and miss out, its your own choice

>> No.24293428


>> No.24293504 [DELETED] 

But what about the rainbow chart? The prophecy which tells that during this cycle we will reach 100k? Are you saying that meme pictures shared on children's frog posting forum are not correct? We are still so early, right bros?

>> No.24293557

Brainlet takes.
Even if tether was only 10% backed it would work because everyone including whales and exchanges uses it.
Institutions have been buying all year amd before, literally proven, like the fund that buys up 50% or more of all ethereum mined and PTJ and Medallion getting in the markets. This is not a discussion or rumor. FTX is backed by institutional too.
Do you people even DYOR before spouting some random nonsense?