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24279051 No.24279051 [Reply] [Original]

Are magpul pmags a good investment?

>> No.24279086

yes, currently stockpiling 400 at 7 a pop
pt is 50 and i expect to offload by 2023

>> No.24279142


Why do all that effort for an x7 in 2 years when stonks and cryptos are constantly doing this and are more liquid?

>> No.24279149

Yes. You will be able to trade them for .25 ETH during Civil War 2.0.

>> No.24279178

Where are you getting them for 7? I just bought 3 for 12 each

>> No.24279275

show me what coin or stock for 7x in 2 years and ill send you 50 mags free
time machine

>> No.24279305

Yes. And buy some sealed containers of bullets.

>> No.24279385


What makes you think buying pmags is less risky than crypto or stonks

>> No.24279746

in the event of world shitting the bed mags are even more valuable

>> No.24279934

i have 4 30 rd 5.56 gen II. am i gonna make it?

>> No.24279977

That’s a 6k tax bill when Biden passes his max post facto tax sweetie.

>> No.24280082

Anyone can ship me a new bolt? I'm in europe and i pay well, 500$ for a bolt np david5445 at protonmail.com Thanks

>> No.24280101

unfortunately I just lost all of them and anything that can be viewed legally as a part of an assault rifle in a tragic boating accident just now.

>> No.24280145
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>> No.24280170

if shit hits the fan you're just going to get wacked by Tyrone and he'll take all your shit

>> No.24280177

I have about 100 of them because my state is constantly trying to ban them.

>> No.24280192


low effort ATF faggot

>> No.24280256

tfw you're serious -.- fag

>> No.24280273


>> No.24280280

Lurk more FBI intern.

>> No.24280293

Damn that’s terrible better go file a police report I’m pretty sure you’re required to.

>> No.24280330

No they don't work in some of the gucci shit. Just get the D&H aluminum mags at half the price and barely any noticeable weight difference

>> No.24280343


In some states you're allowed to sell privately with no documentation whatsoever.

>> No.24280344

Not in my state. So sad about the guns though

>> No.24280353


>> No.24280360

Just the bolt or the whole BCG?

>> No.24280373

1k what? If 1k XRP i may be interested

>> No.24280393

Funny because I plan on just going full criminal if he passes it.

>> No.24280410


>> No.24280418

No. Trump might make them illegal like he did with bump stocks.

>> No.24280423


>> No.24280510

just the b

>> No.24280579

>jew government makes them illegal
>no grandfathering
>normies afraid to buy them blackmarket
>instant liquidity rugpull
>heh, nothin personnel goy

>> No.24280663
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I hate NY state

Everything would be fine if NYC didn’t exist we would be dark red.

>> No.24280706

i grew up in PA, about 30 mins from the NY border. why would anyone choose to live in NY if they weren't in NYC? it's literally the worst of all worlds. economically depressed shithole towns like you find in PA, except the taxes are way higher and your gun laws are fucked. literally WHY?

>> No.24280711

somebody help a brother out? big fan of hickock45, irqveteren8888, demoranch, kentcky balis, NO LARP, k thx bye

email in thread, 1k usd

>> No.24280836

Keep your pants on, you might get an email asking for your address in the next few days.

>> No.24280885

When that happens they'll have value for distributing to your neighbors as you turn your neighborhood into an ATF-free zone.

>> No.24281014

>people comply

>> No.24281194

we've got hundreds of millions of NPCs wearing masks without question, and it's not even illegal to not wear a mask. 30 round magazine ban with a 10 year federal prison sentence, imagine the compliance rate.

>> No.24281308


>> No.24281327


>> No.24281379

Compliance rates in states where standard capacity mags were banned after sandy vagina is astronomically low, and those are cucked states. Why do you think compliance rates would be higher in free states?

>> No.24281455

chainlink did 100x in 2 years

>> No.24281557

Yes buy as many as you can to support us rebels.

>> No.24281655
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>NVAX $3.92 to $182 in 6 months
>OSTK $$2.64 to $120 in 6 months

>Link $1.54 to $20 in 1 year (lmao)
>ERSDL $.0006 to $.036 (thats 3198%) in 20 days

Those are just the ones I was lucky to invest in but there's more. I live in florida post your anon email address so I can contact you and tell you where to ship the magazines. 20 mags are fine since Im not an asshole, but I do expect you to keep your word