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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24274273 No.24274273 [Reply] [Original]

Your little coins go up again today big guy? Still on your way to "making it"? Don't be late for dinner. Haha just kidding. See ya son.

>> No.24274342

Ok good night dad

>> No.24274423

see you at 100$ retard

>> No.24274442

my dad died a few weeks ago from corona, feels bad bros.

>> No.24274482


>> No.24274513

I earned more than you did in twenty years, dad. And I did it without breaking a sweat.

>> No.24274970

sorry anon - hope you find some closure bud

>> No.24275040
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>> No.24275151
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Yes, Dad, my DIA bags are fine.

>> No.24275243
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You're not even my real dad

>> No.24275370

Hey dad! Yeah going great, your investment on ada is now 70% up, wanna buy a couple of columbia shirts and 5.11 shorts with that?

My father is literally so suportive that he got into it (just 1k) justto have more things in common with me, he is awesome.

>> No.24275411

wh-whoaaa big guy why are you crying? I thought you told me it was a sure thing... something about a bull ??

>> No.24275455

*knock knock* opens door 1 second after knocking without me giving authorization to come in


>> No.24275507
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>> No.24275674

your so called "little coin" is starting to not be so "little" anymore. delusional maxis will always miss out on projects like BOND etc.

>> No.24275742

How much money did you inherit?

>> No.24275969

Thanks for everything, dad :)

>> No.24276035

my dad just barges in unexpectedly to this day still because he has the social awareness of a fucking monkey and is not thoughtful at all. I'm fucking 24 btw.

>> No.24276076


>> No.24276079

"Dad, why is your head so tiny?"

>> No.24276080

Sorry anon, make him proud and take care of your family.

>> No.24276082
File: 14 KB, 882x758, 1592002795069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly lost my dad to 'rona, this shit fucked with him bad. He now has memory loss because of that, he barely knows where the toilets are in our house and keeps getting lost. Reading your post just made me remember the stress I felt from realizing that I could very well lose him for good.
I'm sorry about your dad anon, hope you're doing OK man

>> No.24276116


I swear to god, no maskers should be dragged out of their home and beat senselessly for the pain they have caused my bros

>> No.24276343

The problem is bigger than just no maskers, plus masks are still enforced in public places.

>> No.24276391

My dad died of Corona and so did all my friend’s dads

>> No.24276526

damn what the fuck? hope you kids are LARPing.

You're a fucking faggot. I wear a mask everywhere and still got corona. You're a low IQ pawn being played by the media and you'll fall for anything.

Corona was a light cold and some chills for me. Statistically, most folks are asymptomatic. For a marginal unlucky few, it's deadly. I know this gets repeated in every 'rona thread but it's the truth. It's a nothingburger for 99% of us.

I feel bad hearing about people like anons' dads (there's a very slim chance both their LARPs are true) but let's face it, for 99+% of people, it's a meaningless virus. There are far deadlier diseases and risks out there than the coronavirus. People are too scared now to admit it, but all the science and data shows it's true.

>> No.24276579

Just because you still got rona doesn't mean masks don't help. The whole point is taking as many measures as possible to reduce the rate of infection.

>> No.24276594

I wish I was bro, he got back on his feet after 2 weeks and his memory is getting a bit better but it might take months for a full recovery, maybe even more

>> No.24276637

the only fucking faggot nigger is you, bitch ass punk

wearing a mask does not mean you will not get coronavirus, but it reduces the probability of getting it

also, you stupid fucking faggot, wearing a mask mostly reduces the chance of spreading it rather than stopping you from getting it, so probably there was someone around you who had it and was not wearing a mask

reducing transmission relies on a large percent of the population complying, notice how Japan (where EVERYONE complies) which is fucking CROWDED AS FUCK is not having a monstrous increase in cases?

>> No.24276639

Funny, I'm nearly in the same situation. Thought we'd lose him last Saturday, now he's getting better but we still have to see if his lungs will get better.

>> No.24276657
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y-yes dad
>he doesn't know i didn't sell and we are entering 3 years of bear market

>> No.24276679

Kek why was he an alcoholic?

>> No.24276694

sorry for your loss anon

>> No.24276709

That's called dementia.

Oh no a few more people died of the flu.
Funny how flu cases have dropped to virtually zero despite it being November.

>> No.24276793

My father got it tough too, he got quite severe shortness of breath but didn't go to the hospital and is better now. Shit probably fucked his heart though.

>> No.24276847

based and coronapilled

>> No.24277388

Japan is fucked at the moment

>> No.24277432

t. midwit cucks. dont even compare us to japs u turbo cuck. Suicide kills more of them than corona did because of how shit their lives are. Thats what you get when you become a 'compliant' i.e cucked male. Japan is an aging shithole that is as pozzed as the west.
Anon is right, the virus is a nothing burger for the overwhelmimg majority of ppl. A rise in cases does not even correlate to a rise of deaths in most demographics. Ah forget it, you koolaid drinking cucks wont make it anyway. Have fun resetting your lives greatly.

>> No.24277483

You're right you know.

>> No.24277500

how can you try and portray your dad as bad when you are 24 livings in his house

>> No.24277585

>tfw dad got me into investing at an early age ~10 and explained a lot about stocks/trading. Helped me to become financially smart.
>tfw helping him now understand blockchain and common newfag mistakes.
Feels good bros, we are all gonna make it (except pajeet shills)

>> No.24277784


>> No.24277854

Kys bro

>> No.24277968


>> No.24278148

Sorry for your loss anon, wish you strength in these shitty times we're living..

>> No.24278167
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>how can you try and portray your dad as bad when you are 24 livings in his house

>> No.24278251

By showing how he raised his son ofc

>> No.24278347

Its just the flu. It's being used as a red herring to expand government influence and for the wealthy to deleverage their investments. Stop being a pawn. Those guys you responded to are morally void shills.

>> No.24278365

I'm new to crypto, please explain XRP to me. Those people are very confusing.

>> No.24278400


>> No.24278459

American hours, low IQ everywhere

>> No.24278468

My dad once said to me when I moved to Canada

Live your life son

What a fag but it was kinda nice

>> No.24278471

Everyone on this board is a shill. Except you and me and about 3 other people, literally everyone else is intelligence or a private contracted globalism shill. There's no point trying to talk to these subhumans, just latch onto their scams and make money while they do.

>> No.24278500

Stay strong anon. My family is currently also being attacked by covid, but fortunately things have settled down. I'm grateful for their health. WAGMI, right? For Dad, in loving memory.

>> No.24278555
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Sleep well dad.

>> No.24278628

Do you feel clever for posting that?
Well done, you are right. Go jerk yourself off somewhere. Now in the compassionate world, we still wear masks because it will reduce the very real risk of our 70 year old parents dying from it. And also for the sake of the one in a 100 young people it will fuck over hard, if not actually kill.