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24268408 No.24268408 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24268549

Why does XLM make ripplers seethe so much?

>> No.24268613

>Search catalog
>67 results for XRP

>> No.24268987

Why does Flare make stellars luminate?

>> No.24269059

XRP is too big brained for linktards so they just seethe and cope

>> No.24269213

why is xrp dumping right now someone pls help i'm losing thousands

>> No.24269294

All the poorfag chumps are selling. Just hold, you'll thank me by week's end.

>> No.24269344
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idk, but i FUD both of them.

>> No.24269488

its just one day retard, learn to not look at the graphs every 5 minutes

>> No.24269608

ok i'm trusting u anon

plz no bully im a portfoliolet

>> No.24269644

xrp is down 1.3% in the last 30 min we’re gonna be back at $0.20 by tomorrow

>> No.24270124

Because of Jed McCaleb. Linkies seethe about XRP because it's a better coin. We seethe about XLM because Jed McCaleb is an enormous tool.

>> No.24270294

>Pissing and moaning about 10% correction after nearly tripling in price in just over a week.
>Didn't buy 5k BTC in 2011 when it was $.10 ea.

>> No.24270432

They're both trying to attract the same audience. Both *projects* don't do anything. They have a huge potential upside, but also a huge potential downside. It's not guaranteed that either will ever see usage, ever. Anyone that tells you otherwise is lying. Is it possible, of course.

Both are purely speculative plays, most likely years away from any potential profitability being driven by the same motives. Whereas Bitcoin or ETH have different utilities altogether.

>> No.24270553

Bitcoin has NO utilities lol and ETH transaction rate HA what a joke.

A rising tide raises all boats. BTC is number one because it's first.

>> No.24270647

Why won't this faggot stop dumping and making money the absolute piece of fucking shit

>> No.24270823
File: 343 KB, 1125x1206, CF8A4B54-3585-4D5B-9251-2B7B6E256E02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much time do you have? Maybe we should all take a seat, as this could take a while. Linkies cope and seethe for many reasons, but, above all, they dilate because they know they bought a truly worthless piece of technology. Sure they had gains, and I’m happy for them. But they need to wake up and feel which way the wind is blowing. Everything a linky can do a zerp can do better. Look at the partnerships, the volume, and the reality. We won’t be deterred by a couple of stinky linkies. I know I won’t be coping on here in 6-12 months with a big, dumb-looking bag of stinky linkies. Couldn’t be me.

>> No.24270993

>Why does XRP make Linkies seethe so much?
because it is THE STANDARD

>> No.24271127
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Your future on "CHAIN" link

>> No.24271195

More like rope link lmao

>> No.24271324

Bitcoin is the most pristine store of value ever conceived. It solved trustlessness, which is like inventing fire. As well as being a programmable, borderless, trustless, sleepless new asset class.

>> No.24271415

ask me how I know you tongue niggers' anuses

>> No.24271555

I don’t frequent this board all that much. I guess you could call it healthy competition, but I don’t understand why two brother in arms would divide them selfs over which imaginary fake internet money they are holding. We all are fighting the system, we all are fighting the wage cage, we all are going to make it. Come together biz, and stop the negativity towards thyne fellow coin brothers and we may all find prosperity.

>> No.24271613

A large portion of the crypto community hates xrp because they, wrongly believe (and state fucking constantly) that it's centralized. Which is a complete lie.

>> No.24271621

I've got a better idea
you go choke on a dick and die
btw your parents will use your real name at your funeral tranny faggot

>> No.24271715

As an investment, I’d rather choose something centralized—out of my control—and back by jews than something with more decentralized tech by heavily centralized holdings. Great reset happening regardless of my beliefs. I don’t want to be left for dead.

>> No.24271851

Isn't cripple still down like 80% from all time high? Why are you lunatics so excited?

>> No.24272006

Oh just checked its down 81.4% from ATH.

>> No.24272119

I think the fudders are people that legit bought the $3-$4 and either sold at a loss or a still holding while they're massively down.

>> No.24272220

+81% until it smashes through ATH
stay poor idiot

>> No.24272328
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>> No.24272410

quoting the ATH of the golden bullrun is just a meme newfag
the entire market crashed and crypto is still in the infant stages of growth, it means literally nothing now

>> No.24272441

Checked and based. Playing both sides almost like a clever kike.

>> No.24272464

would put my life on this being true for 90% of cases, XRP fud seems to be much stronger than any other coin

>> No.24272490

Yeah that's not how percentages work in this case retard.

>> No.24272549

Because deep down they know that it's the standard and that it will make almost all their shitcoins obsolete with the flip of a switch.

>> No.24272558

Yeah but cripple only managed to go to $3.55 during that golden bullrun. This was with a trillion+ overal marketcap.

>> No.24272683

>moves goalposts
are you a kike? I'd rather not waste my time
lots of things pumped that never should have because of retards and crypto madness all around
the money pumping XRP now is institutional
check the volume and order book
they've been finalizing things with banks for months now
BoA came out and announced it was official along with 120 other banks like a week ago
there's 0 comparison to be made anymore, everything evolved so rapidly it's almost a whole new game