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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24265394 No.24265394 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24265844

Lol don't cash shitty pump and dumps posted on biz. If you've heard about it here, then it's already too late.

>> No.24265997

where should I be listening instead?

>> No.24266086
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>> No.24266856

bough at like .02 and now I'm fucked

>> No.24267555

Lmao you're not even willing to hold until the bull run starts? Are you retarded?

>> No.24267774

>token not needed

>> No.24267860

I'm still holding, anon

>> No.24269080

From biz just don't listen to biz

>> No.24269169


What the fuck is this poopoonigger talking about? RSR is sick

>> No.24270111

it's.... over....

>> No.24270727

should I buy the dip??????

>> No.24270893


>> No.24271150

Alright anons, gather around for some real advice. Biz is fraught with faggots trying to FUD you into and out of bags. Stop thinking that you're smart enough to predict short-term changes. Swingers really do get the rope. Evaluate a project on their fundamentals. Invest. Hold. When I first purchased RSR, it got cut in half for MONTHS. I could have been a cry baby faggot emotionally unstable NEET loser fuck face, but no, instead I said, "I read the project, I know what this things worth". Of course I felt like selling, when your NEETbux bleed away in the moonbux world, the pain is excruciating. Do not be a pussy. Do not sell due to some bullshit, low IQ biz FUD. The future is yours. The brave are rewarded. Intestinal fortitude is imperative. Godspeed anons

>> No.24271151

where can I buy it ? is it on bitrex?

>> No.24271261

Why doesn't anyone seem to know about Uniswap?

>> No.24271288

Biz has low IQ brainlets that like to chase pumps on shitcoins. Anon your post is going over their heads.

>> No.24271319


>> No.24271371

honestly I just read into rsr and it sounds like dog shit. what I missing here?

>> No.24271385

Just use binance. Easiest and safest.

>> No.24271432

Sad but true

>> No.24271495

The big man Peter Thiel

>> No.24271559

Everything. How about actual use case unlike the litany of other shitcoins that are shilled in the cryptoverse?

>> No.24271620

Or no wait, what about the Coinbase listing and mainnet launch?

>> No.24271795

dai/mkr is the only competition here. no one cares about your centralized stable shitcoins.

>> No.24271880

Remember, boys, PayPal isn't happening:

2.8 Community
Any plans on being able to buy RSR in PayPal?

Nevin Freeman (CEO of Reserve Protocol):
Nothing concrete on the horizon. We are in touch with them, but I think they are going to move pretty slowly. Also, no guarantees it will ever happen.

"going to move pretty slowly" opposite of what they are doing.

"Also, no guarantees it will ever happen."

>> No.24272108

thanks, sold 100k

>> No.24272222

finally some sense on here.

>> No.24272242

You didn't even wait for the Coinbase listing... NGMI

>> No.24272276

it's a meme pajeet

>> No.24272362

top 200 holder checking in, we're all gonna make if we just hold boys, this IS NOT a quick p&d.

>> No.24272386

I believe in Thiel

>> No.24272443

thanks just sold 15k

>> No.24272451

every day we are reminded of how early we truly are. We are going to be so rich, very soon brother.

>> No.24272485

When I throw a dog a bone I don't ask it if tastes good or not. Stop me again whilst I'm scrolling and I'll cut your fucking Jacobs off.

>> No.24272548

Holy mother of quads!

>> No.24272590

Alright dipshit, this advice is free. DAI/MKR is already free-floating. The project has been developed and released out into the cryptoverse;. Therefore, significant overhaul to project targets and marketing are difficult, contested, and unlikely. Reserve's team is still proactively tailoring their service and use case to the populations they target. On top of that, Reserve has already developed and released an app with a user-friendly interface, in a closed beta that is experiencing unrelenting interest from droves of people in the latin american countries into which it was released. DAI/MKR is for nerds on the internet who spend their lives learning the nuances of moon money, Reserve is for people.

PayPal did not include RSR in their list of coins on launch day, that does not mean that RSR will never be on PayPal. Yes, these quotes are correct, but it would make no sense at all to include Reserve on the PayPal platform at this point in time. This should be abundantly clear to anyone with level-0 analytical skills. The honest and hypeless answer should only strengthen your faith in the Reserve project, as the response is of a professional and level-headed nature. Nevin Freeman (the CEO of Reserve and cofounder) personally sat down with Peter Thiel for lunch and pitched the idea to invite him in as a seed investor, and Thiel said yes without hesitation. Peter Thiel has also invested in Nevin in the past at a different project where he did very well.

So where is Reserve right now?
They're in their closed beta version of the application, which is essentially the project up and running but on a small scale to test for inefficiencies, areas to improve, errors in code, errors in protocol, etc. There is a long list of interest to join the app. That is, there are far more people interested in using Reserve and their app than positions available to actually use it (because it's a closed beta right now).

>> No.24272659

Thank God for you anon, /biz/ retards don't deserve you.

>> No.24272677

ok Brick Top srry

>> No.24272750

This isnt even a real dip what are you guys on about

Its barely gone down

>> No.24272935

so I need eth to buy rsr?

>> No.24272959

biztards really don't deserve your effort. based anon.

>> No.24273004

You need money on Binance. You can send your Binance wallet ETH, BTC, etc. You can even link your credit card to Binance, but I prefer to use a third-party app that converts my fiat to crypto, then send it to binance.

Thanks senpai

>> No.24273032

Where do you find this info fren?

>> No.24273080

Which info specifically? There are different sources

>> No.24273172

About the lunch with Nevin Freeman and Thiel

>> No.24273199

listen to biz, but do the opposite

>> No.24273230

There is a ~2-hour prosperity podcast that interviews Nevin Freeman. He talks about it there.


>> No.24273258

impossible, biz contradicts itself constantly, it's a sea of piss

>> No.24273471
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Wait.. but you're /biz/.. so I shouldn't listen to you? Okay, but then.. that means I SHOULD listen to you.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should.. which means I shouldn't.. which means I should..

>> No.24273925

Thanks anon

>> No.24274333

RSR is a great example of DYOR. Because if you DYOR, you understand why there's no reason the price for RSR will increase.

>> No.24274536

its not on binance though ?

>> No.24274538

Yet it has increased over time and just recently more remarkably...

>> No.24274546

Read white paper, done spoon feeding you faggots

>> No.24274570

*won't increase

>> No.24275065
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Do you think Venezuelans will prefer grinding Runescape instead of having a working RSR system?
This is true DYOR

>> No.24275131

Brainlet outs himself once again

>> No.24275336

>I bought then it crashed blah blah blah
You are exactly the retail investor these scammers are in business for. How dumb are you to buy another federal reserve wannabe where 100B tokens are printed at the press of a button? Fucking idiot deserve to lose all.

>> No.24275430

He's right though. RSR is a shitcoin through and through. It's just as brainlet as statera. If you want to peg $1 to the usd through a centralised shitcoin, you might as well use any of the underlying stablecoins that RSV relies on. If you hold short term (currency) then the stablecoin can maintain wealth. IF you hold long term (money) you're eventually going to lose all your wealth to BRRRRRR no matter what stablecoin you use and should just buy bitcoin.

This. Peter Thiel didn't buy in because he thinks it's a long term project. He bought in because he saw the upcoming economic problems and thought if he was given billions of tokens for a negligible price, he could dump on idiots who don't actually understand economics. And he was right. That's why Thiel is an investor and everyone else is now a bagholder.

>> No.24275671

Lol, you don't even bring logic to your response. 100B is printed at the push of a button? What does that even mean? Let me get this straight, you think that Reserve's team will print 100B tokens because? The case where collateral depreciates in value below the threshold that's required to justify rsr minting is a low-probability case, because remember dipshit, the rsv vault will accumulate rsv through both transaction fees and the collateral appreciation. You're small little brainlet has an inability to understand the context of this situation though. Your small little brainlet thinks that because coins can be minted, they inevitably will be. You need to look further than what is right in front of you. It's a safety mechanism to keep the project alive in the case of an absolute catastrophe. Protection against a black-swan event. Another feature that should build your confidence in the project and team.

All projects are centralized until they are released and then decentralized. 404 logic not found.

Oh, were you at the table when Peter Thiel disclosed his motivations for investing? Peter Thiel has many times over invested in humanitarian projects.

>> No.24275703

But your small little brainlet cannot compute that some people dont completely fall down into the rock-bottom abyss of despair and forever view the world through a cynical lens.

>> No.24275728

all I can say it's... you have been satsganged

>> No.24275843
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>Let me get this straight, you think that Reserve's team will print 100B tokens because?
Because they clearly set out in the whitepaper they the founders aim is to make himself a reserve bank and as many tokens should be printed that need to be printed and deflating the currency is good.

>Your small little brainlet thinks that because coins can be minted, they inevitably will be.
Again, the whitepaper says he WILL because he thinking deflating the money supply (dumping on you) is GOOD.

>All projects are centralized until they are released and then decentralized. 404 logic not found.
You can't decentralised a stablecoin. At the end of the day, the Federal Reserve controls the value of the dollar. Pegging something to thedollar just means you're letting the founder of RSR *and* the Fed dump on you.

>some people dont completely fall down into the rock-bottom abyss of despair and forever view the world through a cynical lens.
If you don't view everything in crypto with an extremely cynical lens you're just going to get high on your own hopium and lose everything. That's what's slowly happening with RSR.

>he won't deflate RSR even though he says he will
Just check the marketcap. It's been happening for months. The circulating supply is going waaaaay up. You're being dumped on, but because the price is stable (and you probably don't understand economics because you bought RSR) you don't realise.

>> No.24276238

Your first sentence does not make sense. Link me exactly what you are referring to and reword it.

The second sentence is basically the first sentence said differently. Again, link exactly the lines in the whitepaper that you are (mis)interpreting. I will generously help you understand, as I can see you're ESL.

Yes, you can. If you read the whitepaper, then you would know already that Reserve plans to DE-PEG from the USD.

I'll make note of that.

Ok anon, by how much in raw numbers of rsr tokens has the supply increased in the past 6 months? I'm actually up about 2x in the past 3 months, so I'm not quite sure what "you're being dumped on" is referring to. I'm being dumped on yet my investment is appreciating? Kind of a contradictory set of circumstances, wouldnt you say? Oh anon, please bestow upon me the advanced calculations centered around economics that your mind executes in real-time during investment considerations.

>> No.24276253

>He's right though.
No he isn’t.
>RSR is a shitcoin through and through.
No it’s not.
>It's just as brainlet as statera.
Read STA white paper. They are nothing alike.
>If you want to peg $1 to the usd through a centralised shitcoin, you might as well use any of the underlying stablecoins that RSV relies on
RSV doesn’t “rely on underlying stablecoins”. Don’t know where in the white paper you saw that.
>If you hold short term (currency) then the stablecoin can maintain wealth. IF you hold long term (money) you're eventually going to lose all your wealth to BRRRRRR no matter what stablecoin
All unbacked stablecoins will lose to RSV.
>should just buy bitcoin
BTC will never have the stability to be used as a currency at scale.

>> No.24276376

Big brain anons get it. BTC is a store of value. No one will use btc as a medium of exchange anytime soon, and by anytime soon, I mean until volatility is suppressed, and there's no sign of that in the foreseeable future. Now, I know what your little brainlet is coming up with, "No, you're wrong dumbass. People use btc all the time.". To which I say, "now now brainlet, you are right. Btc is used as a medium of exchange by crypto evangelists across the world, but, remember young padawan, we must always look further than what is right in front of us. Normies do not use btc because of volatility and the complexity of user-interface"

>> No.24276385

Clearly runescape, cant get a fucking free world at god wars dungeon

>> No.24276464
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>If you read the whitepaper, then you would know already that Reserve plans to DE-PEG from the USD.
It's impossible, the IMF tried it for years and declared it impossible. Assets baskets cannot be stable. Assets are never stable, especially in financial crises (which is when you need asset baskets to be stable) The only way to do store value is with something that is inherently worthless, aka gold or BTC.

>I'm actually up about 2x in the past 3 months, so I'm not quite sure what "you're being dumped on" is referring to. I'm being dumped on yet my investment is appreciating?
You would be up 6x if you weren't being dumped on. The founder is cashing out your money and keeping it. Enjoy riding these bags to .005.

>> No.24276994

Oh ok, so your argument is now that because a company has not yet achieved what reserve aims to achieve that it is therefore impossible. Assets are never stable? That's why you diversify your assets. Hello?!?!! What you're forgetting is that the assets can depreciate with no harm done. Look, imagine this brainlet. You start your vault with real-world assets. Over three years, the value of those assets within the vault increase by say 20%. On top of that, over the three years, you accumulate transaction fees that amount to say another 30% of the vault's assets' value. Then, a financial crisis occurs. Let's say that the financial crisis results in a whopping 50% depreciation in your vault assets, well you're back to square one. No rsr needed to be minted. Let's say it goes beyond that. Yes, then you need to mint rsr, sell it, and keep the money that paid for the rsr in the vault in some form. Let's say you 10xed your bag of rsr. You think that they will mint enough rsr coins to reverse that ROI? How out-to-lunch are you? This is all hypothetical, but I've given you the benefit of the doubt and have been overly generous in the values I used. You would need to print 10x the amount of rsr that was currently in circulation to reverse your 10x. There is currently 9billion rsr, with max 100 billion. It would nearly cap out in this situation. Also, dipshit, dont forget that rsr is burned during arbitrage or in any case where rsv is purchased from the vault.

>> No.24277051

Also, that's not the whitepaper. It's an overture on their front page. 2) Where is the stat of increasing circulating supply that you scream about?!?!

>> No.24277157

I actually don't need to try convincing you here. Time, brrrrr and dumps will do my work for me. RSR can't be decentralised (it doesn't even try to be, the founder says he wants to personally be the reserve bank) and it can't be a store of value because even if everything works perfectly and he becomes the first person in history to create a stable asset basket, he still plans on inflating it because inflation = good. Have a lovely day.

>> No.24277270

Haha, the sure sign of a defeat. When they "walk away" because you're just not worth their time. Well, 1 for me, 0 for you. Next contestant, please step forward. Enjoy your xrp and doge bags. Despite being way up on my investment, I will continue to hold comfortably.

>> No.24277271

Everyone who didnt buy <0.03 is gonna rope when this shit hits 0.50.

Man a lot of newfags here. I'm feeling nice so heres a little gem. Remember 2017? a shitcoin chink scam named TRX hit a mcap of ~$15B. Why? Jack Ma thats it, just the hype alone boosted their price up to ~0.34. If you were smart, you wouldve bought.

Take a look at RSR. Mcap is ~$200M. The hype behind it, Coinbase ventures, Thiel and Altman (known for YCombinator) are waaaay more credible in the western world than fkn Jack Ma.

You do the math anon, you think RSR can hit a mcap of $20B, imo yes, very easily, this bullrun will be different. A mcap of ~20B --> RSR = ~2$.

Up to you...

>> No.24277308


>> No.24277450

I know, right? haha

>> No.24277495

Ah yes, not investing because of “Time” and “Dumps”. Very convincing anon.

To anyone reading: This is what blatant, lazy, opinionated FUD looks like. Something RSR gentlemen don’t take part in.

Just bought 100k

>> No.24277561

Im a bit high, so bare with me, i can buy 1000 rsr right now for 20 usd, and in 5 years or prolly more, those 1000 rsr Will at max or best bet be Worth 1000 usd, isnt that a really shitty longterm investment, in other words, i would have to go big, so i buy a couple million rsr, thats a risky risky and shitty Long term investment, what am i missing here?

>> No.24277652

>5000% return in a 5yr investment
>Shitty long term investment
>Avg "good" investment return in a hedge fund: 8-10%
>Im a bit high

Nah you're just retarded

>> No.24277807

But that return will only come if they manage to implement everything they want to achieve, and if every third world country jumps aboard.
Why would People jump on this as an investment, they would make more money Just by throwing 10 million usd at a btc stack and wait 5 years

>> No.24277997

>Why would people jump on this as an investment


>Just by throwing 10 million usd at a btc stack

10M wtf are you talking about? Not everybody can invest 10M lol. Dump the weed nigga

>> No.24278238

I read every fucking whitepaper dude, also for this coin, i know what they are trying to do with this stable coin.
10m aint that fucking much dude,

>> No.24278375

If the rsr market cap is raised by exchange fees and tokens are burned on arbitrage, and minted when there's not enough arbitreurs engaging. Won't it just hold a value in a pseudo stablecoin way pegged on RSV? Won't each token just hit ~$1 (buying power) and then offer ~1% interest if engaged in an arbitrage loop? Is the intended arbitrage manual or automatic? I wonder how fast the 1% arbitrage cycles will be and how easy it would be to do them.

>> No.24279420

keep buying more u retard.

>> No.24279858

you have convinced me

>> No.24280867

Based and beanpilled. My thoughts exactly. Once you dive in you see how well they are handling this launch. Like I am SHOCKED at how professional they are rolling this out.

What most anons don’t understand is that in a project of this scope, you need to be extremely careful how you roll out your beta. It is iterative, incremental, and tightly controlled. You can’t just release a shitty product and market it like crazy and expect it to gain P2P traction and real world use. They are making sure to actively Anti-Market the product right now - turning down interviews, hype events and media buying in favor of ironing out a very solid app and UX. Once that is done the product sells itself.

My only hesitation is that aside from Nevin the team is kind of weak sauce form a resume perspective. They don’t have a ton of experience. However as a business owner and marketer, the way they’ve rolled this out is so impressive that I have a large position of this right now and absolutely no hesitations about their ability to pull off the first phase (LATAM adoption)

>> No.24280979

The asset basket isn’t stable you mong, RSV is through arbitrage

>> No.24281087

Not to mention that TRX hit that 50X with literally nothing except a chunky chinky Chongy blockchain.

RSR literally has 1) a working product 2) that is still being actively developed 3) and has real world use cases (not cryptokitties) and 5) that people are literally lining up to use.

Reddit midwits are going to go absolute apeshit over this.

>> No.24281134

Oh yeah let me just throw ten million at Bitcoin.

>> No.24281159


>> No.24281169

You are claiming $10MM isn’t that much to you? GTFO larping stoner

>> No.24281197
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>> No.24281441
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>> No.24281761

Damn it it was supposed to break the support Friday. Hope it doesn't recover before payday when I can toss a lot in

>> No.24281885

Yes, I hold half a suicide stack and I will be doubling down if we go to a cent.