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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 42 KB, 640x364, used-2009-toyota-corolla--6173-19954665-1-640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24262064 No.24262064 [Reply] [Original]

>DUDE just get a used toyota corolla
>buy a bunch of rental properties bro
>traveling? what a waste of money
>are you SERIOUSLY buying coffee? make it at home man save money
>you DONT max out your 401k? Dude what are you doing don't you know that's how you become millioniare?

what do these people do for fun? is it just the act of collecting money? what's the end game here? isn't being nigger rich more fun?

>> No.24262102

I found that everytime I lived “rich” I became poor, and everytime I lived poor I became “rich” so it’s really up to you

>> No.24262178

Also that advice is based, could be better in investment advice but still. Live like a pauper, invest like a King. Hedonism gets boring after a while and it’s the same used up pussy chasing the same dicks, popping the same bottles, in the same clubs. Go zen mode

>> No.24262279
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learn an instrument and get a motorcycle only thing I'd add. Replace 401k with all in crypto.

>> No.24262346

I'm 25 and I save like 80% of my monthly salary, also still living at my parents home.

Honestly it is challenging at times, but I stay sane by lifting, seeing friends, reading, and the knowledge that in a few years I may be financially free for the rest of my life due to my sacrifices -unlike retarded nigger cattle

>> No.24262426

starbucks coffee is trash and you sound like a nigger. Homemade is always better
And only the stinkiest of neets think traveling is a waste

>> No.24262451

Based and rich pilled. Moderation fren

>> No.24262454

> is it just the act of collecting money?
It has an aim.
> what's the end game here?
Getting enough money to enjoy life.

The trick is to get about $10 million. Then you can open a small private bank and incorporate all your properties and when you need to buy anything you loan money from yourself and get a tax rebate. Want a Porsche? Make it a company vehicle, get a loan from yourself, get a tax rebate because it's a business expense in the end the Porsche is free. Same with real estate. Same with travel or anything.

The goal is to have so much money you stop needing money.

>> No.24262455

>freedom to freeride at home until 25

haha yeah

>> No.24262484

Coffee is a Jew drug.

>> No.24262504

What about tea?

>> No.24262520
File: 54 KB, 220x261, tenor (18).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>friends know I have money
>ask why Im so stingy

>> No.24262531

jews dont grow my beans fuck off schizo

>> No.24262533

I tend to agree with you but I also live in moderation.

I'm talking
>2017 V6 Coupe
>see at least 2 different countries a year
>getting wasted twice a month with the homies(pre covid)
>eating out almost every day
>contributing only the match to 401k

And I still have 40k left to invest each year. There's really no point in wasting your best years. Who the fuck cares about being rich when you're 50+ and you're in shitty physical shape and your physical SMV is in the toilet

>> No.24262541
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Tea is based

>> No.24262548

Toyota corolla is a great car. Networth of 400k here. I drive a 2006 Toyota corolla. The odometer made it to 299,999km and stopped. Not sure how many km on it.

>> No.24262563

Do you have any books or anything that elucidate this process? Or is it better just consult tax lawyers and such when the time comes

>> No.24262562

Once you have kids being Nigger Rich becomes comical, or once you have a dog or cat in the case of White Women.

>> No.24262569

time preference is positively correlated with skin melanin content. do with this information what you will

>> No.24262598

Only heathens need extra substances for energy. If you were of god he would give you all the strength you need every morning

>> No.24262616

I have an excellent job and could buy a house to live comfortably virtually anywhere with a girl, but I choose to wait.

So yes it is a sacrifice, even if its one I'm fortunate to be able to make

>> No.24262655

I just like the taste fag is that ok? I don't need energy to trade shitcoins and shitpost on biz

>> No.24262668

Consult a good tax lawyer. The loopholes constantly change, I just described the general mechanism.

>> No.24262690

>DUDE just blow all your money like a nigger and wageslave until your 75

>> No.24262691

they enjoy not being in crippling debt and leeching off the state for the sake of consumerism

>> No.24262758

>DUDE just save all your money and wageslave until your 60!

>> No.24262878

what do you do with your money, do you plan to do something with it? do you have kids?

>> No.24262956

I have 3 kids. About 300k of my networth is tied up in my farm and farm assets. 100k in more liquid assets. The 100k cash and equivalents I have won't last much longer. Farm is paid for though. Not sure what I will do next

>> No.24262970

You realize you don't have to go all in, right? If you make 70k after tax and living expenses, shit like traveling, eating out, getting nice things, would only set you back 10k if you're not retarded. I'm saying this as someone who has gone hermit mode as well during covid.

>> No.24262991

Do you know that the blockchain can help people deal with the problem of a high level of crime and fraud? I do! The gotEm is the real pearl in the crypto field. And cooperation with Cointiger will get them to the moon!

>> No.24263055

what type of income does a farmer make? I'm sure this varies obviously, but can a farmer realistically make 6figs

>> No.24263077

sounds based maybe i just need to dump a load in someone and have a family i do pretty well but my life is really gay i dont see why im saving money

>> No.24263104
File: 180 KB, 720x721, E8BBBAA1-6745-4EBA-9DE0-9378719D79DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brad Pitt is 56

>> No.24263329

you look like that at 56 from not having to worry about money since you were 22