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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24258842 No.24258842 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.24259280
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absolutely based

not even sent one email today

>> No.24259363
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>had a call with my MD today, and he insisted that I attend and not postpone
>only my team
>oh fugg we getting axed
>congratulates us for a job well done in these tough times and to keep it up

I have been living a supreme NEET life for 8 months now

>> No.24259416
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>tfw you have to commute to work before browsing 4chan

>> No.24259448
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>> No.24259468

Same bros. I'm making good progress on my pokemon game. I keep telling myself I'll do something productive, but there's nothing to do except get paid!

>> No.24259593

Took 3 calls

been playing call of duty on the clock

life is good

>> No.24259614

>almost done with a masters course
>trading crypto
>net worth going up
>workouts are great
learn random things on youtube
>good sleep

I get paid for doing all of the above and more

>> No.24259644

I haven’t even sent an email this week yet. I might send one today just for shits and giggles.

>> No.24259682
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keep driving the economy anon

>> No.24259704
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Had an issue with the WFH client this AM and had to actually call the help desk at the office. Have not done a god damn thing since but have been on the clock Youtubing and shitposting/gaming. Feels good

>> No.24260047
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team viewer update?

>> No.24260102

Out of curiosity, what jobs are you doing anons who can afford to do jack shit?

>> No.24260157

Technical support for disney plus

Not even shitting, all I do is take 2 or 3 calls of boomers that can't connect to their TV and I get about 1800 reais per month (3 minimum wage value here in Huehueland)

>> No.24260208

Coding for a bank. Work 10 hours a week tops.

>> No.24260256
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>> No.24260268

>Work for an office helpdesk
>Take at least 25 calls a day
>Chances are atleast a third of them are doing exactly this


>> No.24260312

Government job. My supervisor is basically clueless and doesn't understand what we're even supposed to be doing, so basically I just log in in the mornings and answer emails when someone has a question for me, but I don't really have any assigned tasking. I've been doing this for months.

>> No.24260341


>> No.24260362

web dev for one of the (((big 4))). everybody I work with is a retarded pajeet on an h1b visa so I can get more done in half a day than they will all week, the rest of the time I chill

>> No.24260376
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hah, yeah right

>> No.24260430

Should I tell my employer I’ve got the pepperona? 2 weeks PTO sounds nice right about now

>> No.24260574
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Bank analyst, surprised to see a few others here as well.

>> No.24260587
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who else /nosepicker/ here? feels good to be able to unabashedly pick my nose while on the clock

>> No.24260601

I wouldn't even if you did have it. Someday they're going to claim it's a pre-existing condition if it's in your medical record and deny you insurance, or jack up your rates, even though it's basically just a cold and the tests don't work. It's just not worth it, claim you have something else instead, like the flu.

>> No.24261161

Shit I'm an analyst at a bank too

>> No.24261326

Saas sales rep

Was actually hired as remote before pepperoni even hit and all the plebs joined. Production quotas didn't change so that's a bummer