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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24256746 No.24256746 [Reply] [Original]

Redditor here. Why do you guys hate us so much? I've only been here a week but I keep seeing comments hating on reddit/redditors. I don't get it. I've learned a lot and made a bunch of money through using various subreddits. People there are generally friendly/helpful, at least compared to here. I like the memes on /biz but it can get rather toxic at times.

>> No.24256785


>> No.24256801

There is nothing wrong with Reddit my ribbitor friend. It is just the oldfags here who hate Reddit, but let us face it: their time has gone

They are those bitter incels that meme'd Trump into office: Biden won. Orange Fuck lost. I'm pretty optimistic myself that the year 2021 we will be see our 2 discussion forums merging to one global discussion board. In the future there simply wont be any division between 4chansters and Redditors, we will all be One.

>> No.24256805
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>> No.24256824

Am I being trolled?

You guys have to go back

>> No.24256827
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>we will all be One

>> No.24256836


>> No.24256842


>> No.24256849
File: 176 KB, 1663x1247, GOBACK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't belong here. you are at a lower level of consciousness. the fact you had to make this thread shows that you will never understand.
leave and never return.

>> No.24256857

Go back fuck off

>> No.24256867

actually you got it wrong, reddit used to be nice but THEIR time is over, reddit officially died 2016 when trump got elected and reddit atarting censoring to further propagate their onions agenda.

>> No.24256897

This, existence is torture. /biz/ is a bunch of depressed self-loathing millionaires

>> No.24256922

“It can get rather toxic at times” Zoomer


>> No.24256931

This sounds so satanic

>> No.24256994
File: 12 KB, 480x640, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plebbit spacing
>simping for commies and plebbit
>newfag but thinks they can discuss board culture
>entire worldview and timeline is based on DJT
fucking kill yourselves tranny niggers

>> No.24257099
File: 840 KB, 2032x3528, 1590889440535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have severely distorted worldviews from a site that depends on censorship

>> No.24257119

checked and kek'd
seriously though what the left is doing to kids is beyond fucked up
they don't really have a chance coming out of the womb now
oh almost forgot your nigger ass OP
ywnbaw, you will never be successful and the rope is the only way for you

>> No.24257167
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>> No.24257208

Stay fren, we have lots of pajeets selling many great coins! We surely won’t psychologically manipulate you into selling your valuables and buying worthless crap :)

>> No.24257238

That’s why we have to make it anon to really free the world

Good luck frens

>> No.24257268

Not our job, slaves will fight you to remain slaves. Just find your own happiness

>> No.24257274

unironically plebbit

>> No.24257355
File: 46 KB, 457x416, kektana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the funniest part of your pic related is that if you posted that on plebbit you would be banned and canceled for drawing it "too toxic and masculine" and "enforcing gender stereo types and hate speech"
and you niggers always do leave, you're seriously mentally incapable of handling free speech

>> No.24257377
File: 33 KB, 405x421, 1593926000209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's full of lefty retards who act like children

>> No.24257414

I agree anon

That’s what lead me here so far

Thanks for the reminder

>> No.24257469


>> No.24257475
File: 179 KB, 1024x1023, BF3AB325-FFD0-4B6A-86F1-FA5A75489858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you make threads like this. Fuck you nigger

>> No.24257519
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>> No.24257529
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>> No.24257630

The fact that this thread keeps getting bumped without being saged just shows that the people hating on you in this thread are also redditors themselves.

>> No.24257681

This post is your answer

>> No.24257682

like you?

>> No.24257706

like you faggot

>> No.24257707

*pisses on you*

>> No.24257726


>> No.24257727

fuck you nigger tranny OP

>> No.24257739

i can’t wait to be able to upboat your posts in the future

as a 4chan \biz\ oldfag (been here since July), i have always pondered why we don’t have usernames like on reddit. That would be hella epic, my boi!!! I needs it brehs!

Anyway, time to shitpost more and amass my meme empire, right bro?

- starwarsisepic420

>> No.24257751
File: 148 KB, 900x797, 1579454266242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this started it all

4chan is the only place where these right wing losers can swear without getting banned instantly. if it weren't for those racists this place would be actually cool

>> No.24257752

based nonfag
ask me how I know you don't understand how bumping or sage works

>> No.24257790

Because you are boring.
Everything you write, say and do is just an automated response.

>> No.24257817

>LINK Holder
Lol, how have I never noticed this before
Photoshop or Mandelbrot effect?

>> No.24257845

it would be even cooler without you

>> No.24257872

>plebbit spacing
>more simping for plebbit
>I can't handle free speech so that makes them the losers!
every single time
it's seriously like someone modded new shit tier NPC models but let all keep the exact same script, word for word

>> No.24257876


>> No.24257895

I fucking hate reddit so much. Its so fucking cucked. You have to have this leftist, no values, cookie cutter identity and play by the rules of the majority. Dissent opinions are downvoted and silenced and once you realize its made up of 20 year old sellout faggots who think theyre enlightened and the best generation to ever exist, you just cant look at it the same. Fuck I hate that place.

>> No.24257969
File: 1.92 MB, 1756x874, Soul vs. soulless 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Newfag redditors that get "triggered" over anything
>Also ITT: Newfag /pol/tards that act like oldfags, even tho they've only been here since 2016

>> No.24258008
File: 670 KB, 639x628, 1602098893733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they made it so you're not allowed to show any video, pictures or even tell a story where a nigger is "the aggressor"
I know niggerlovers that don't even love niggers that much
and they are 100% convinced distorting truth and reality is "the right side of history"

>> No.24258017

plebbit is perfectly fine, even good, for looking up commonplace advice from mostly real, mostly knowledgable people regarding uncontroversial topics like e.g. cooking, first-time home buying, bicycle mechanic tips, or whatever. It's hot garbage for anything political or contrarian to the capital-consumer zeitgeist.

Use it for what it's good for (pleb advice) and don't use for what it's shit for (big brain discussion about controversial subjects). problem solved.

>> No.24258042


It's an insight into the country they want. They must be opposed constantly.

>> No.24258084

redtards are typical tranny biden supporting fat unhygienic fags who hate themselves and project that on the outside world. we just give you what you deserve.

>> No.24258138

This is why redditors need to fuck off and die.
The desperately need censorship and control, even over anonymous sites.
Tranny's get the rope and redditers almost do too

>> No.24258374

spotted the right wing retard kek
> degrading people based on their ethnicity
> muh freedom of speech
it's true though. just a few days ago there was a guy posting pictures of his room with a nazi flag hanging. he was talking some bullshit about "redpilling" his gf with ancient philosophy that failed in world history lmfao

>> No.24258736

27yo, male, California. Currently work two jobs one requires my college degree, the second is as bartender that I’ve kept part time since college. Recently paid off all debt(student loan, credit cards and car loan) early this year. I’m currently saving around $4k a month and have $50k in the bank. I’m really pushing myself and putting everything in the bank, because I want to buy a house here but it’s so expensive, 2 bedroom 900sqft nothing special house is about $750k. I’ve been told that the first $100k is the hardest, but i keep doing the math for this house and it doesn’t add up. I’m busting ass at around 70 hours a week and that I should be able to save more then $1k for all this effort. I just can’t see what I could do better at this point? And for how long can I keep this schedule up? Suggestions? I’m about to get my real estate license too, do I add this as a third job and just grind until I burn out?

>> No.24258845

The money that you have already save, you should invest in stocks

>> No.24258969
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>> No.24259020
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>> No.24259037
File: 90 KB, 759x889, 1602557352388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can't degrade an ethnicity, only reference it
the ethnicities degrade themselves and they know it, that's why they hate having it mentioned
>muh free speech
it's hypocritical niggerdry like this deserves the rope 2nd only to real commies
I would unironically kill you in minecraft even if it meant letting a tranny live, that's how far below subhuman you are
also, ywnbaw

>> No.24259166
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>> No.24259225
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>> No.24259310
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>> No.24259659

Go the fuck back out to redit faggots

>> No.24259823


>> No.24259978

dare I say... Based?

>> No.24260094

I agree. It’s best used like something akin to wikihow or Quora if you just need to find a link or resource to something, because google has been shitting the bed for a while now. Just never make an account or post there.

>> No.24260130
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>> No.24260259

reddit died in 2010 after the digg exodus. 4chan died in 2008 during project chanology. everything sucks now

>> No.24260398
File: 271 KB, 661x434, 1540599956603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24260444

damn i havent seen that smiley fuck in years. nostalgia

>> No.24260464

4chan died 2016 with the Trum election, many boards are shit since then.

>> No.24260488
File: 98 KB, 375x500, The most important person of the year wishes to be the little girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least we got one last epic troll

>> No.24260505
File: 298 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20201125-110959_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro clf

>> No.24260513

>you would be banned and canceled
no you wouldnt lmao

>> No.24260532

Its also been shit some years before that

>> No.24260588
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>> No.24260589
File: 480 KB, 991x1252, 1597791118327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no problem with redditors. they are the best crowd to shill to. they have demonstrated their lack of critical thinking and vulnerability to manipulation by spending so much time on a chinese propaganda site.

>> No.24260618

it got noticeably worse in 2015 when it started getting swamped by right wing noobs with repetitive memes, but its been going downhill fast since 2008

>> No.24260626
File: 67 KB, 300x400, Older cockmongler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wich one are you reffering to? Cockmongler?

>> No.24260645

remember to make threads on r/CryptoMoonShots during the next lowcap alt season, anything you shill there will do minimum a 2X

>> No.24260696
File: 81 KB, 600x791, cockmongler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell yea

>> No.24260752

Because reddit consistently breeds a specific kind of smug effeminate philistine pseudo-intellectual manchild.

>> No.24260768
File: 227 KB, 1477x1941, 2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24260774

Fuck off r*ddit

>> No.24260776

Faggot normie go suck ahmeds cock

>> No.24260795

We did it reddit

>> No.24260829


>> No.24260834

Even that faggot mascot has that dopey vacant expression

Redditors are literally subhuman and I would easily send them all into mass graves

>> No.24260848

You gotta go back

>> No.24260857

That's why.

>> No.24260890
File: 1020 KB, 960x748, 78dykikm07551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niche subreddits can be okay, but reddit in general is fucking leftist normie cancer.

>> No.24260895

Dog shit bait

>> No.24260915

probably accurate. also all the rest of that stuff would have passed after a couple years if that smug fuck hadnt made that shitty phone. it was inevitable I guess

>> No.24260933
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>> No.24260956
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>> No.24261110

reddit is the toxic shithole. the Crypto subs have the most lukewarm takes, but they all suck each other's dicks as of they're the cleverest people ever.

>> No.24261163
File: 212 KB, 540x418, before pol vs after pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24261260

Newfags see that we don't like them and mindlessly hop on the bandwagon. We actually had a reason to back then but nowadays, there really isn't any. Most of the things made now come from reddit and theres some amazing small subs that are free from normalfags.

>> No.24261278

>1 post by this ID

>> No.24261308

I've been saying it for years and I'll say it again
At some point in early 2010s we stopped the newfag witchhunt and the newfags let themselves in

>> No.24261434

could you fucking faggots stfu and kys? I've been here before you were born, and where the fuck do you see plebbit spacing you degenerate?

>> No.24261469
File: 7 KB, 357x141, ononymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main reason for that is that Anonymous wasnt such a big thin anymore. Back in the day, newfags would lurk, since they were scared and tought that if they didnt do what we told them to, we would h4ck their computers

>> No.24261547

also in hindsight tumblr is honestly the least bad thing on that list. Tumblr is just some shitty website. meanwhile neoliberalism was quietly smoothing out the whole world

>> No.24261556

My favorite time being on 4chan was during the Zimmerman/ Trayvon trial. That shit was comedy gold

>> No.24261596
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>> No.24261620
File: 250 KB, 150x113, 1346555241279.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2011 is when I freed myself from this place because of that. And then I found this board in 2017. Waiting to be eternally freed...

>> No.24261626

Freedom of speech.

>> No.24261640

>muh reddit was always communist
You're either a zoomer or have the memory of a goldfish.

>> No.24261659

The amount of replies this bait thread gets is a good indicator of how many newfags we are getting lately.
Time to sell?

>> No.24261713

Imagine spending years making an advanced AI robot, teaching it everything you know in the hopes that it will advance human knowledge. After a promising start imagine watching the robot get stuck in the same boring loops for years, just repeating the same lines over and over while making unimaginably bad puns.

>> No.24261747

Move to TX.

>> No.24261762


>> No.24263138

Please go back sirs, my village doesn't like your poo poo.

>> No.24263192
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>> No.24264075
File: 1.03 MB, 1600x1800, zimmerman trial 4chan awesome get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24264139

You will never be a woman. And fuck jews

>> No.24264172

Please gi back faggot

>> No.24264240

Which subs?

>> No.24264305

everyone on reddit seems to have about 5 jokes/references that they repeat over and over like a broken robot

>> No.24264534

Because you are nigger loving faggots.

>> No.24264589

same here though:
>that's a woman
>quote reply with brainlet wojack
>chainlink $1000 EOY

>> No.24264654

I only accept what Klaus tells me to. Is reddit Klaus approved?

>> No.24264686

now this is actual quality bait, OP take note

>> No.24264754

that's true but no upvote system so can see original opinions alongside this stuff at least

>> No.24264920

N serves a purpose. The rest are reddit. Most groups are unoriginal and mostly focused on signalling that the group is cohesive. Here at least part of the culture is about being contrarian, signalling how little you have in common with the group and general edginess. All of which are more productive and less vomit inducing than what happens on reddit.

>> No.24265079

I'm a lurker and have been using both /smg/ and wsb for quite some time. Both are quite similar in trades that are picked and I get a lot of info on what to pick watching these retards. Also both of them are funny as fuck.

>> No.24266178 [DELETED] 

stop asking stupid questions you midget fucker
you either get it or you don’t but stop coming here asking us why we don’t like you
even 4chan has been turning to shit because you multi axis faggots can’t stay away
just leave us alone or if you really must stay around, adapt to our ways
i fucking hate you all for ruining everything