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24251794 No.24251794 [Reply] [Original]

>Cutting the loss, it mooned instantly
>Buying on something, it dumped like a shit

I don't care what would anyone say but my luck isn't for crypto.

>> No.24251831


>> No.24251833

>buy high sell low
aint done nothing wrong

>> No.24251847

the /biz/ way

>> No.24251867

fuck off niggers I tried to TA it and it is a downtrend. but nope

>> No.24251885

What are you buying and selling next?

>> No.24251910

>Buy what you can.
>Hold with the grip of a down syndrome bodybuilder.
>Sell when your up.
It's that easy anon

>> No.24251913

Lol when will you people understand that market cycles are engineered to make you buy the top and sell the bottom?

>> No.24251914
File: 17 KB, 320x247, vZP_Nyb1E_gCx5DHqh7H8x9LxBXiuHNMETIWddMeQSI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none, I'm out. have fun with golden bull without me.

>> No.24251927


market cycles are caused by flock behaviour. Such as ignoring BTC at 9k but buying at 18k.

>> No.24251933

who you calling a nigger u fucking brainlet
ur TA doesnt worth shit fucking brainlet cunt
how i know? u obviously didnt backtest ur strategies for 5 yrs. thats how u fucking mong
hell, i know what biz means by "TA"
draw muh line. or two
dont you fucking dare calling me a nigger
and also

meme lines dont work with crypto. only some indicators with particular setups do
i used to say otherwise, nigger

>> No.24251936

I held and it's crabbing like a retard

it's that easy.

>> No.24251955

This is why HODL is the best course of action

You can't make stupid trading mistakes if you don't do anything and just hold

>> No.24251987

Ok stick with your TA kek

>> No.24251992

yeah >>24251936
also the more I held the more I bleed, I actually still holding some coins rm but they're still crabbing.

>> No.24252031

tw u want post portfolio

>> No.24252048


what happens if your investment is one of the great deal of shitcoins that dump hard and never recover?

>> No.24252081

this, learnt my lesson in 2018 and I'll never hold anything on crypto, even bitcoin.

>> No.24252116

I've been holding at a huge loss since January 2018. Suck my ass crybaby

>> No.24252132

oh well good luck on roping. Ur too emotional for HODL ngmi unironically, sorry son just the harsh truth

>> No.24252150

Then you fucked up. Take the risks your willing to.

>> No.24252166

yeah I think I'm doing better in the stocks anyways, fuck crypto

>> No.24252356

with that so called TA skill of yours, ull eventually say "fuck crypto, fuck stonks, fuck fx, GIMME MY FREE MONEY I DID NOTHING REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"
but really, try forex. much more suitable for swing trading

>> No.24252437

Yep. It is actually really funny, if not bizarre, how your $200 coinbase purchase can be picked up by the Bogs and dumped on within seconds. It can honestly feel like some truman show shit sometimes, everyone is watching you and waiting.

But no. The secret is to make your move with these swings in mind. That way, when they dump on you, you're ready and priced in. And if they dont, you're better off than expected. Always win.

>> No.24252552

don't buy shitcoins
simple as

>> No.24252690

not this

You just didn't get the trade you expected. Instead of investing in gains, you invested in a lesson, so don't waste it. You should be better at identifying scam coins now. If you feel like you over paid, just risk less next time. You'll learn more painful ways to make mistakes trading going forward, but you'll never lose unless you give up and learn nothing.

>> No.24252760
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>buy the dip
>it falls irrationally as people panic sell
>buy THAT dip
>it flat lines
>sell at a loss
>some retard buys 40 eth at once and pumps the price
I've come to realize that shitcoining is impossible to do consistently and there will always be an element of luck

>> No.24252800

>>sell at a loss
>>sell at a loss
why would you do this? everything else was fine

>> No.24253005

atleast stonks and fx are predictable with TA

yeah it'll be like that, even with chainstink I got the exact same shit here.

>> No.24253676

Literally just hodl, don't do nothing else

>> No.24253722

I hodl some chainstink now we'll see

>> No.24254176
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I knew this guy that unironically lost all his shekels cuz he wouldn't stop trading shitcoins, while his friends who put in less money are over 3x because they were lazy af and just bought boomercoin. some people just hate money