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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2425146 No.2425146 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw we will never re experience the april/may 2017 golden age of crypto

>> No.2425156

Shit man, you're making me watery :'(

>> No.2425173

Now we got NIGGER and HITLER coins. This is the end.

>> No.2425187

This is only the beginning. If you dont want to get in because you fear that everything is over, then you are in for a world of regret and misery.

>> No.2425191

i remember it like it was last month

tfw those glory days might never come back

>> No.2425212
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>> No.2425387

i want to believe

>> No.2425454


Give me a reason why it should decline, rather than grow further.

>> No.2425492

>implying the FLIPPENING won't be the greatest moment in crypto history

the butthurt and gloating will be immense.

>> No.2425507

What is your estimate for when the FLIPPENING will occur? And what timeline do you predict will lead up to said occurrence?

>> No.2425522

I am literally the last person in the world you should be asking this question, but I'll answer anyways.

I'd say it will either happen within 2 months, or never.

>> No.2425524

I guess you weren't around when btc went up to 250 from 8 $

>> No.2425540

crypto will certainly grow many billions more but how nonwhales can profit with altcoins is unclear

we we're literally making 1000%+ in a few days.

>> No.2425545

For most normies, WannaCry was their first exposure to bitcoin. In fact the other day in London Waterloo Station they had a huge advertising hoarding for a network security company that said "When the CEO's computer gets locked by ransomware, explaining Bitcoin will be the easy part."

Put me in the camp of "It hasn't even begun".

>> No.2425559

>2 months
At this rate, it'll probably happen in 2 weeks.

>> No.2425568

Why then? The entire crypto market cap is still a drop in the bucket when compared to the amount of money in circulation.

>> No.2425589

We're talking about the flippening, not the bubble bursting.

>> No.2425602
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Internet bubble was 6.7 trillion and that was 17 years ago.
The two are also different since this is also a store of value.

One can only imagine what would happen if BTC's scaling problems will be resolved.

We are at the dawn of a golden age anons.

>> No.2425605

The Flippening may happen, but I think there will be a huge reversal when BTC finally forks and becomes decently scalable and people finally realize that ETH is not a good store of wealth.

>> No.2426368
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>We are at the dawn of a golden age anons.

i wont miss it this time.