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File: 437 KB, 900x900, 1600124637846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24248964 No.24248964 [Reply] [Original]

> be me
> lose wagie ob due to covid (laid off)
> ohwell.jpg
> get neetbux
> not really doing anything so I decide to start my own record label
> invest in a website
> experiment with a different type of music
> make an album
> send it places
> get a review and a big interview
> the most I've gotten before is a blog post on some random Russian blog
> make CDs
> sell out
> make another album
> make cassette tapes for it
> send it more places
> get some radio time on a local station
> start advertising on Instagram and what not
> sent it to a consignment shop that wanted them
> two people in the UK bought the cassette today

This is the furthest I've ever gotten with my music, feelsgoodman... Hopefully it grows from here

>> No.24249879


>> No.24249895

Sounds nice, im happy for you anon.

>> No.24249907

thanks anon :)

>> No.24249951


>> No.24249973

38. But not every leisured aristocrat becomes bored and
demoralized. For example, the emperor Hirohito, instead
of sinking into decadent hedonism, devoted himself to
marine biology, a field in which he became distinguished.
When people do not have to exert themselves to satisfy their physical needs they often set up artificial goals for
themselves. In many cases they then pursue these goals
with the same energy and emotional involvement that
they otherwise would have put into the search for physical necessities. Thus the aristocrats of the Roman Empire
had their literary pretensions; many European aristocrats
a few centuries ago invested tremendous time and energy
in hunting, though they certainly didn’t need the meat;
other aristocracies have competed for status through elaborate displays of wealth; and a few aristocrats, like Hirohito, have turned to science.

>> No.24249987

Link us sir...

>> No.24250014

Where can I listen to your music?

>> No.24250028

If you sell ones you can sell twice

>> No.24250100

Ambient/New Age
Inspired by 1980s Japanese artists


>> No.24250118

Agreed, thank you anon.

>> No.24250143

Congrats fag

>> No.24250174


>> No.24250180


>> No.24250242

Is that uncle T?

>> No.24250289

relaxing stuff

>> No.24250305
File: 213 KB, 250x263, 1606288848277.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon.
What software? Where to start? I want to start making music but downloaded some programs and got overwhelmed.

>> No.24250306

y hes watching u wasting ur time on green frogs and degeneratve porn pictures

>> No.24250350


I use Reason 10 as my DAW, and I used a Yamaha DX7 and various effects as the instruments. I recommend getting FL studio and a little Midi keyboard to start.

>> No.24250416
File: 1.47 MB, 680x680, 465.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll get FL. Can I used tablet as midi?
Have another pepe. My last question, I'll let you be. Promise.

>> No.24250432

I'm sure you can get some sort of adapter for it, there's probably an app you can buy.

>> No.24250484

you can, but it's not optimal. using your PC keyboard works too if it gets really dire. also suggesting Ableton live, cracked if neetbux don't suffice :)

>> No.24250506

and congrats man, nice aesthetics!

>> No.24250534

holy shit oyeme is following you, you did it! followed you too

>> No.24250550

Thanks anon!

Who is oyeme?

>> No.24250569

lel had to skip to the middle just to see whether I'd be listening to 12 minutes of air conditioner sound.

>> No.24250595

sending it to you

>> No.24250605

>having the balls to post your clear name on /biz/
definitely going to make it.

>> No.24250621


Thanks, anon.

>> No.24250625

reminds me of the water music by William Basinski, nice.

>> No.24250661
File: 51 KB, 636x476, c5703918c98c0b17c4d8516b1bd393f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao that's horrible
but I wish you only the best fren

>> No.24250694

>fudding on stuff that isn't a coin
wew lad

>> No.24250699

Thats a huge compliment, thanks anon.

>> No.24250797

ah damn, that vending machine sound is really nice. All those rolling coins are really relaxing. Thanks, Elijah, I'll definitely keep tabs on you.

>> No.24250841 [DELETED] 

Do you know that the blockchain can help people deal with the problem of a high level of crime and fraud? I do! The gotEm is the real pearl in the crypto market. And cooperation with Cointiger will get them to the moon!

>> No.24250845

Love it, good cathartic music experience

>> No.24250900

vending machines like the sound between ears moving

reminds me of an accordion tyre going flat and being pumped up agian ... if such a thing existed. a 6.50 ish part

>> No.24250943

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>> No.24250996

Thank you anon, It means a lot of me.

Appreciate it <3

Interesting, I haven't heard it described like that. Thank you for the imagery, anon.

>> No.24251014


>> No.24251087

I like it. You should try to connect with filmaking community for soundtrack work. Very Philip Glass

>> No.24251100

That’s fantastic anon, best of luck to you.

>> No.24251102

how much money you've made from that ? I've been making music for nearly 10 years but I'm never satisfied with anything thinking I could do better than that, so I never release anything. Is it even possible to make decent money from music these days ?

>> No.24251105

no worries.

Fuck I might purchase one of those tapes .... looks like they are going to be collectable

>> No.24251193

>tfw I bought my first ever piece of music today and it is from a fellow /biz/poster
pretty comfy. Also, I left a nice message with the purchase.

>> No.24251221

The profession of private detectives is getting more popular nowadays. That’s why after the prospective pre-sale the GTX price can rise x10!

>> No.24251236

Thanks anon! I've been trying to do that, but I can't seem to find anywhere to start.

thx bro

So far from this release I've made about $36, but it's only been out for a couple of days. I've been making music for about 2-3 years now, and this is the first time I've made any sort of money off of it. You should release some stuff!

I would appreciate it anon, but I still appreciate you for just listening <3

>> No.24251251

Lmao I saw that

ting ting ting

Thank you anon, I really appreciate it :D


>> No.24251291
File: 23 KB, 283x201, golden-chuckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24251360

Filmaking reddits
DVX user forum
Personal view forum
Red User forum

Are some good filmaking forums. Also there are royalty free websites that you get paid if they use your music.

>> No.24251425

Thanks anon, I'll save this and check it out. Appreciate it.