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File: 31 KB, 800x533, US-Air-Force-signs-Raytheon-to-upgrade-operations-center-weapons-systems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24243052 No.24243052 [Reply] [Original]

So here's the details

>23.5 years old college graduate
>paid off student debt and now at $35k net worth and climbing thanks to $41k income from comfy wfh job + live with parents (no expenses)
>doing well but no real ambition for my 'career'. >Good looking but don't care for pursuing a relationship

From a /biz/ perspective and a life perspective, give one reason to and one reason not to join air force (or other military branch) at 26 years old.

Why 26?
> Be 30 yo when your 4 year contract expires
> Government forces you off parents insurance at 26
> Military benefits seem pretty good. I don't expect a huge difference in pay from now to when I'm 26.

>> No.24243088

Go to med school through the military.

>> No.24243103

Go do admin stuff comfy as shit, but the air force has the largest homosexual population

>> No.24243110

I don't think I can join the air force if I'm half deaf.

>> No.24243113

Former chairforceman here - good plan - go the officer route. Don't be a dumbass and let them talk you into enlisting.

>> No.24243130

You can’t enlist into anything except disability checks

>> No.24243136

>dying for israel
>muh chair force
Biden is president, you're gonna get shot down in some bullshit support mission

>> No.24243140

use your 4 years to accumulate PTSD, anxiety, insomnia, OCD, bad knees, bad shoulders, erectile dysfunction, loss of hearing. claim VA 90%-100% VA disability and get a check for the rest of your life.

>> No.24243172

I did it and i get a $1800 check every month that goes into BTC, ETH, and LINK.

>> No.24243220

this. air force officer is probably military life maxxing...unless you go pilot or some crazy shit

>> No.24243232

if you are in good shape consider going pj or cct. if you can get through selection, life in airforce sf is fucking amazing unlike whatever boring post you would get otherwise, you get money either way.

>> No.24243250

Should clarify i have a degree in finance with minor in financial planning. Would hope to serve a finance\accounting type job while serving similar to what I do for work now.
What makes you suggest going medical?

I do have a bachelor's degree already, and would probably take advantage of furthering my education of given the opportunity.
Do you still get paid education through GI bill?
Also, would i be a shoe in for officer if I went that route?

>> No.24243256

going into the military (in the USA) is so fucking cringe

>muh benefits
If you go to a 2 year CC and then a public university (particularly a local one that you can commute to), the debt isn't fucking bad at all. If you commute and go to only two years of university after 2 years of CC, your debt shouldn't be more than $20k - $30k. You also don't get fucking shot at.

>muh country
you're not serving the USA, you're serving fucking israel, you cringe retards, we haven't fought a war that really involved america since WW2, even afghanistan was a fucking joke, we could have just bombed the shit out of afghanistan and captured bin laden, instead now we're there 20 years later and no one even knows what we're fucking war (hint: its just so pincer iran later so that they can create greater israel)

>> No.24243309

31 y.o. enlisted here. Joined at 30 because of dead end rat race in NYC all my life. Just finished all my CDC's and got my 5 lvl. I maintain radar and radio equipment.

If you are looking at Officer route I hope you major in a non-meme degree and have great GPA. I have a 4 year in a meme degree and shitty GPA.


>> No.24243323

free housing, free food. 100% of pay to BTC, LINK, ETH for 4 years.

>> No.24243330

how's it gonna feel getting your arms blown off for israel?

>> No.24243334

I would be under the assumption none of that would happen to me. In the air force how bad can it really be?

>> No.24243352

its not bad. just over your 4 years claim that stuff so uncle sam can take care of you forever.

>> No.24243358

yeah at the risk of getting arms blown off, ptsd, death

also, if you aren't a retard you can get way more money (after housing, food) after a good undergraduate degree

>> No.24243364

>Also, would i be a shoe in for officer if I went that route?
You would go through OTS (Officer Training School).

>> No.24243373

I'm in pretty good physical shape I exercise often but could step it up several notches given a reason to.
What are these programs and why should I try given that path of last resistance is comfy life?

>> No.24243431

You say this but it’s Unironicly more than you’ll ever accomplish in your life. I don’t understand you “muh dying for is real” fags. You think we don’t know? Would you rather live with niggers or hump through a desert with the chance of an ied going off and getting a honorable discharge?

>> No.24243432

I had that same mentality before I joined. As much as I do not want to fight wars for Israel.. They are going to be fought anyways. I might as well reap some benefits from it and advance myself in life.

>> No.24243498
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I joined the military at 19 after realizing college was a scam. Get Intel job and 20k signing bonus. Partied in Germany for 3 years. Got out with and security clearance and a six figures job in D.C. Bonus: saved all my money to go halves on a duplex with my brother that we rent out.
Better bonus: had no expenses besides phone and internet bill while in, giving me alot of money to throw at chain link circa 2017/18.
Am 23

>> No.24243540

> enlisting
> with a college degree
What is the goddamn fuck is wrong with you? Do you have a desperate need to die in poverty?

>> No.24243543
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>Thinks the airforce are dying in their comfy offices

>> No.24243549

This is one of the reasons I am interested in joining. I feel I'm off to a good start financially, but at the cross roads of not wanting to live at home all my life, and moving out is retardedly expensive, I'm thinking if I did 4 years from 26-30 I'm only setting myself up for a better financial\life situation.
I think of how a few generations ago you were forced to do military service and fight in actual world wars, so with that in mind i don't think I wouldn't be able to handle anything during those 4 years

>> No.24243567

For the love of god, do not go Security Forces unless you really want to be a Pararescue (jumping out of planes to save people). You have a degree already, check with your local AF recruitment center. The person there is most likely a recruiter for AD. So ask them if they know a recruiter for officers. Get that info and contact them to see if your degree/grades fits what they are looking for.

>> No.24243571

You guys are all idiots. Get checked out at the hospital before you leave. Get everything looked at. Have paperwork for medical issues. Get 100% and lifetime neet life tax free 3200$/month.

>> No.24243588

>Would you rather live with niggers or hump through a desert with the chance of an ied going off and getting a honorable discharge?

Yeah because these are the only two possible options

you deserve to get your arms blown for israel, you fucking retard

>> No.24243615

I'm just saying that a decent life can be gotten with minimal debt and zero chance of dying, its kind of like an optimization problem, perhaps there is a minimal chance of your arms getting blown off but it will basically ruin the rest of your life, id rather take the debt

>> No.24243627

Sounds pretty successful assuming not a LARP.
That is my aspiration for joining. A solid 4 years to grow as a person and be better off after getting out

>> No.24243664

The only people that are getting their arms blown off are infantry. And even they have a small chance of that happening. I literally sit in a chair all day and go out to drive to check on sites in the middle of America.

>> No.24243784

the basics are PJ- jump out of planes and save people. CCT- Basically airforce navy seal ranger baret. Both programs are meant to break you in ways you couldn't imagine, Only go if it something that you really want, but like I said life in these programs is so much fucking better than life in the regular airforce.

>Security Forces
I've never heard anyone refer to afsoc as security forces

>> No.24243793

Haha thanks for advice. Yeah wouldn't have the intention of going for some super duper forces club. Why put in so much hassle was my reasoning.
So i graduated 3.4/4 gpa at state university for finance degree with financial planning minor. My ideal set up would be doing some slack off\chill administration office job related to helping with finance\budgeting, or some thing in that relation. What would you estimate chances of me being able to join as an officer at 26 yo? And I'm guessing going as regular enlisted would be a really dumb move?

>> No.24243831
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Nigger lover confirmed or you’ve never lived near nigger apes to know how putrid they really are

>> No.24243841
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W i n n i n g

>> No.24243887

Just join as an officer now dumbass. What are you waiting until 26 for? Do it or don't do it

>> No.24243930

Did you have a college degree going in?
I had 3.4/4. Gpa from state university for finance\financial planning. What would you make of that situation based on what you know?
I feel like I have the rest of my life to get caught in rat race, so i figure what's a 4 year detour that's an investment in yourself and in your country.

>> No.24243934

Yeah the army made me leave my comfort zone and get into working out/self improvement, really turned my life around. My contract was 3 years but my training was 43 weeks so the contract was almost 4 years. Would recommend something like that.

>> No.24243951

consider being an officer if you already have a degree.

>> No.24243955

I do some office stuff for the Air Force. Recruiting for the AF is not as robust as other branches but stay persistent. One of my buddies was tlaking to a recruiter for over a year before getting picked up. I was enlisted first before commissioning. To reiterate what everyone else said, don't fucking enlist.

>> No.24244062

> What would you estimate chances of me being able to join as an officer at 26 yo?
I believe you have a very high chance considering your grades/degree. Just remember you will be competing with people that already have been in the military.

>And I'm guessing going as regular enlisted would be a really dumb move?
If you cannot get into OTS and really want to enlist, choose an Electrical job as you will get an AFSC that you can translate to a real job once you get out.

>> No.24244084

Hey buddy here’s some advice that’ll change your life. Join as a Reservist.
I say this because I did almost 10 years in the military and it’s a dead end job BUT that clearance opens so many doors it’s ridiculous. I’m currently making almost 100k working from home without a degree btw thanks to that clearance.

>> No.24244093

I don't see the rush. I have a comfortable living situation. Stacking some decent money. Live with parents who are about to retire. I want to enjoy a few years before committing 4 years to a drastic lifestyle change. Also 26 off parents insurance plus only 30yrs old when contact expires. Would come out with probably $350k net worth and military benefits for life (I imagine very basic but some good perks for having 4 years of service. I may be wrong on how that works, idk)

>> No.24244123

This is good advice op, I was active but tell people about this path too

>> No.24244161

If you don't join at 18 don't bother. I'm a 28 year old MSgt and it's pathetic getting troops that are older than me and they're A1C's

>> No.24244167

>Did you have a college degree going in?
My meme degree is a BA in Criminal Justice.
>What would you make of that situation based on what you know?
Maybe you can become an officer for the Finance Department (they have one on every base)

>> No.24244173
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I believe suicide is a more likely cause of death for service members than an IED.

It's not quite like the movies. I've been in the Air Force for 3 years and I've sat on my ass in an office the entire time and will likely never deploy. There's still plenty of military bullshit they'll force on you.

>> No.24244189

Thanks. I assume if I ever went through with this I'd have to start an actual process of applying with a.recruiter and all that. I imagine would take a bit of time.
Appreciate the advice.
Any reason why joining the air force at 26 would not be a good idea?

>> No.24244274

That's good to hear you'd assume I have a good chance. I believe in myself and am pretty competitive so really I think I'd get it too if i really went for that.

If i applied as officer, do I still get to pick a type of job, or is an officer a job by itself? Is that just a rank that gets you higher pay pretty much? Would like to go for something finance\accounting\financial planner associated. Do they even offer those types of jobs?

>> No.24244289

Either join air force or coast guard as an officer, invest, buy property, go to sick call as much as possible, get out and get disability for sleep, feet, shoulders, etc.

>> No.24244322

What type of bs? Just stay busy type work or what? Also, I heard it's better if you're able to go in as an officer. Would you not go in if you had the chance knowing what you know now?

>> No.24244370

If i applied as officer, do I still get to pick a type of job, or is an officer a job by itself?
I do not know anything beyond this, that is why you need to get in touch with an officer recruiter and get as much information as possible.

>> No.24244424

Appreciate the advice on that. Would have to look more into that as an option.

My idea is just spice life up at age26 and join military to do it while I can. I feel it'll put me ahead financially also. I currently work in private insurance which I could probably transitionright back to afterwards

>> No.24244449

Are you saying you went in as enlisted? I would try to go in as officer

>> No.24244486

In what ways. Going in as officer? How hard is that?

>> No.24244524

Ex Navy here. Do not sign it's not worth it.

>> No.24244577

Why? Would it be a waste of my late twenties. Not getting much action at 23 right now, but working $40k wfh job while living at home with no expenses. Good for now but dont imagine i can do this long term

>> No.24244805

Like others have said, idk why youd wait. I joined at 19, ill retire at 39 making 50% of O4 base pay for the rest of my life for nothing. Waiting until 26 just prolongs that retirement.

Also I am a program manager but work very closely with finance and contracting folks. Any of these jobs are 6 figures on the outside with the networking being the real goldmine there.

>> No.24244943

don't see the rush. How hard is it to get into a financial\administrative business position? How hard to be an officer going into that?

>> No.24245022

You say this as if most people even deploy. If you are smart and get certain jobs your chance of getting killed approaches zero, though yes luck is a factor in everything. Certain career fields like intelligence deploy seldom to never, instead of going to the desert you will sit in a locked closet and never see daylight.

>> No.24245091

I see no downsides in that.

>> No.24245117

Not any harder to get those jobs than others. When you talk to the recruiter you should be able to put some jobs down that you're interested in. Put finance, contracting, and acquisitions. Those sound like the experience you're looking for.

>> No.24245163

I was rejected. dodged a bullet on that one

>> No.24245961


>> No.24246033

I just finished my 4 year enlistment last august, do it!

>> No.24246034

Its fine. That dumb faggot doesn't know the military and is just spouting off memes about army and marine infantry

>> No.24246430

military is for poor redneck faggots, be a chad programmer anon, unless you're retarded (though desu you're probably retarded since you're at all considering the military)

>> No.24246441
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The heaviest mind control is going on in the Air Force among other branches. Just get a real job.

>> No.24246790

I'm 27 and I'm highly considering this option. I'd be getting paid less but saving way more. I'm holding out for when Space Force accepts applicants.

>> No.24247119

Thoughts on Air Force Reserve?

>> No.24247169
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>He isn't some kind of terrible monster that even the military isn't sure what to do with

>> No.24248106

>other military branch) at 26 years old.
>Why 26?
Join the space force. 4 years is nothing plus you get tons of benefits and such. Entirely worth it too since space force aint gonna get killed. You will be in Colorado all day in a black room playing with satellites.

>> No.24248167

if you have a degree then join as an officer
you have no reason to join as enlisted if you already went to college

>> No.24248205

modern US military is for feminized numales, shitskins that need to be coddled, and women
the only realm of the US military that still belongs to white men is flying armed aircraft and kicking in doors

>> No.24248544

>force has the largest homosexual population
Homos all join the navy bud.