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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24239007 No.24239007 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously what the fuck is happening? What is this huge green dildo???

>> No.24239099
File: 98 KB, 1000x750, 1597354498477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering the same, happy to see it though! I did sell some of my algo for btc recently.. but still have a good stack. chart cleared some resistance so that might be why its pumping

>> No.24239128
File: 707 KB, 1035x666, 1598658931916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked. Algorithms working early today

>> No.24239172

oh it could also be this https://www.algorand.com/resources/blog/decentralizing-algorand-governance-nov2020

"Participation in governance will be voluntary. The accounts that choose to participate, the governing accounts or, more simply, the governors, lock their tokens for a given amount of time, initially proposed to be one year. Governing accounts shall be rewarded for their work. We anticipate that the rewards earned by governing accounts will be higher than the current network rewards they will replace.[1]

We propose to implement this governance gradually, starting by decentralizing the funding of grant proposals presented to the Foundation."

excitement for this governance lockup idea? lockup means deflation which is good for token price

>> No.24239223
File: 49 KB, 400x400, 1597657378266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just checked my wallet. It updated today apparently... It looks even better than it used to. I love algorand. Best team.

>> No.24239524

It's bots trading patterns
Stop looking for fundamental reasons

>> No.24239536

ALGO was always the play. Anyone who has used it would know this, immediately. Just look @ the fuckin' mobile app. It's perfect.
>he knows

>> No.24239652

I just did a 400+ Algo transfer bought from coinbase to my wallet, the fees were 0.002 algo and it took 4 sec

>> No.24239791
File: 19 KB, 800x450, 1597640023106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon. Algo fees are locked at 0.001. Might wanna recheck that.

>> No.24239828

I hate this coin, it has been my biggest loss. Shouldn't have bought at .59

>> No.24239860

it's the coinbase jew tax

>> No.24239940

Round 2


>> No.24239951
File: 79 KB, 1288x701, Screen Shot 2020-11-24 at 5.11.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Binance is offering 10% staking returns if you lock your coins in for 30 days.

>> No.24239972

dont do this shit. just send to the algo wallet and keep your coins liquid

>> No.24239989

They steal your stake rewards AND double the transaction fee? Sheesh they really are Jews... My god.

>> No.24239991

APY I’m assuming ?

>> No.24240009

It's 30 days. If you have > 20k coins (which you should have had after that juicy dip), then just send them there. This shit is going to $4.20, easily.

>> No.24240030

Annual = 30 days. All the other options filled up (60, 90). That tells me that people are comfortable with this as a long term hold.

>> No.24240110

Looks like a decent hold, imma wait after this pump cools down and get in lower

>> No.24240114

USDC announced on Coinbase using ALGO

i assume the announcement about Trumpbux being distributed using USDC given to every american through digital wallets from the Fed will come soon

then the fact that there are 100 billion algo tokens will make sense

>> No.24240151

ALGO, XLM and XRP are the only coins that move this fast and cheaply

hold for another month or two

>> No.24240198

>USDC announced on Coinbase using ALGO
>i assume the announcement about Trumpbux being distributed using USDC given to every american through digital wallets from the Fed will come soon
>then the fact that there are 100 billion algo tokens will make sense

only 1 of 3 of those things is true

>> No.24240209

>>announcement about Trumpbux being distributed using USDC given to every american through digital wallets from the Fed will come soon
No anon.

>> No.24240269

Anything less than .35 is good, long term, IMO. There's a lockup that expires next March I think if you want to wait for that, but who knows where we'll be market-wise by then.

>> No.24240305

Personally still think we're gonna see it around 15 at some point. Basing this on nothing whatsoever so I could be completely wrong.

>> No.24240308

What did you learn from it though? Bad trades are good at teaching lessons more than good ones.

>> No.24240449

as a general tip, try to only buy coins when their price is below MA200 or MA120, if it is above that and you really want some, just DCA over time

>> No.24240626

you think the US gov't will pull FedCoin out of their ass magically? or use Tether? or use the one that's endorsed by Coinbase, Circle (feds) and Digital Dollar Foundation? that's run on the blockchain developed by MIT working with the Boston Fed?

>> No.24240695

Weekly close above 800 satoshis itll outperform btc

>> No.24240784

what's an algo sui-stack?

>> No.24240941


>> No.24241033

10k = get a lifetime pass to attend any MIT frat party
20k = everything in the 10k tier and get to hook up with ANY female staff member of MIT
35k = everything in the 20k tier and get your name carved into a brick on the MIT campus
50k = everything in the 35k tier and get invited to the Nasdaq where you can have sex with any female CEO
65k = everything in the 50k tier and get to stay at Silvio's Italian villa in Florence whenever you'd like
100k = everything in the 65k tier and you get a seat on the Boston Fed
250k = everything in the 100k tier and you get prod root access to Circle's servers.

>> No.24241349
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Checked and fucking based.

>> No.24241441

shit dude i got it 60 lol, then bought more at 24 hoping to make up the loss, 2 days ago sold and got xrp, now im +