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File: 3.59 MB, 2500x3333, IMG_20201125_094357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24235478 No.24235478 [Reply] [Original]

My Trezor One just arrived in the mail (from an official, trezor-approved seller), and the sealing plastic was ripped off slightly, exactly where the hologram sticker of legitimacy is. The sticker also seems to be hairy as fuck.

Is this Wallet compromised?

>> No.24235585

Don’t take any risks anon, send it back and find another supplier

>> No.24235657

probably just carelessness try if you can remove the sticker and put it back intact...

>> No.24235663

you sir are an idiot

>> No.24235697

Hair under hologram is scam

>> No.24235707

how would they have opened the box with the sealing plastic still on it?

>> No.24235708

send it back this is unacceptible

>> No.24235715

Whats more likely
>somebody goes trough all the trouble to find out you are ordering a trezor, stop and track your mail in the middle to get your trezor put in some backdoor into your trezor and then wrap it like shit and put a hairy sticker on it and mail it to you again
>shipping damage

>> No.24235720
File: 29 KB, 456x444, 272D73A8-E93F-4F71-BC61-823F3A921859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I work for a Trezor distributor and every once in while, I peel of the holo stickers and put them back on just to make people paranoid lol

>> No.24235762

why the fuck wont this picture load
I cant see anything

>> No.24235764


>> No.24235775


>> No.24235802

It says “you’re a 30-something faggot who spent too much time watching fake fighting on TV”

>> No.24235829

no fun nigger
grow up

>> No.24235847


>> No.24235861

The first rule i have ever learned in safety and security: if you have to ask, do it. If you ask should I send this person to a doctor, send them to a doctor. Should I be concerned? Yes. You already are. It likely won't cost you a cent to send it back and get a new one.

>> No.24235863

Well, why is there hair under it?

>> No.24235882

lmao, you dun goof'd if you use this. Did it come with your secure phrase too? Why not just order directly from them?!

>> No.24235888


>> No.24235940

Who said I'm using it?

It was sold by an official reseller endorsed by Trezor, and I wouldn't have to pay postage or wait two weeks for it to arrive, and the sooner I can move my tokens off the exchange, the better.

I have contacted Trezor to look at it. I guess I'll see what happens.

>> No.24235953

How black?

>> No.24235970

I'm getting one soon, I'll put like $5k on it as a test and wait and see for a week
even if the packaging is mint (getting it from trezor's store on amazon so it should be fine?)

if it's gone, well, at least it's not my real stack

>> No.24235992

you did it yourself for upvotes
fuck off

>> No.24236004

t. idiot

>> No.24236023

Pubic. Smugglers.

>> No.24236045


“Daddy?” the redditor twitched uncomfortably.

The Moderator shivered, uncontrollably, no matter how many times his follower says it, being called ‘Daddy’ never gets old. “Yes little redditor?”

“I-I still have the karma butt plug in, l-like you asked.”

The mod smiled at the redditor. “Good boy.”

The reddior bit his lip. “C-can I take it out now Daddy?”

The moderator moaned and palmed his growing hard on. “Yes baby you can take it out.”

The redditor smiled at his older brother figure. “Thank you Daddy.”

He was about to go into his room, when his brother grabbed him. “No baby boy, take it off here.” The moderator kissed him roughly. “Slowly.”

The redditor moaned into the mod’s mouth. “Daddy fuck me please.”

The mod smiled a cocky grin. “You want me to fuck you, little Redditor?”

The redditor moaned again, taking the karma out slowly like the mod said. “Yes Daddy fuck me please.”

The mod tilted his head. “Mm I don’t know little redditor I don’t think your ready yet.”

“Daddy please.” The redditor whined, straddling the mod’s already hard cock. “Please?”

The mod moaned loudly. “Fuck, Demetri.”

“Fuck me Daddy.” The redditor pouted.

The mod couldn’t take it anymore, his original plan was to tease the redditor into oblivion with his new karma butt plug, but he couldn’t look at his redditor’s pretty little ass and not want to fuck him until he was swore.

“Come here baby. Let Daddy take care of you.”

>> No.24236094


>> No.24236105

>Chinese scammer in US orders Trezor, slyly opens it, loads up malware, reseals it, and “returns it”, waiting for dumbo OP to plug it in and goatse his ass to scammer dick

>> No.24236152

You need to do a finger print test. Throw some powder on the box and look for prints.

>> No.24236175
File: 33 KB, 600x688, 1591032177742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They know you will do that.
They'll wait for the real upload.
Mass murder is the only reasonable option left.

>> No.24236234

Yep, this guy gets it. The Chinese are not human do not use that thing for the love of god take zero fucking chances with your golden goose. refund it and use a paper wallet

>> No.24236257

That plastic looks like it has been heated.
I wouldn't put my TND there/10

>> No.24236269

same, based colleague

>> No.24236288

Blank picture... Why?

>> No.24236308

Use black light for semen. If no glow the perp is a nigger and thus you're safe. Use .70 to cleanse it tough. Point blank.

>> No.24236363

post your seed so we can verify if the RNG algorithm state is compromised.

>> No.24236368

Use a paper wallet and do your transactions on a live cd if you're this paranoid.

>> No.24236413

There are like 17 other people in this thread saying return it.

>> No.24236441

Op is right to be paranoid, if i saw my package like that I would never use it.

>> No.24236458

none of them have a hardware wallet or a portfolio thats worth more than 1 btc

>> No.24236469

I never trusted these usb meme wallets

>> No.24236474

Always do the opposite of what biz says.

>> No.24236528

just build your own.
all it takes is a random thumbdrive and tails OS

>> No.24236539

I have no idea what that has to do with my post.

Maybe you think "if you're this paranoid" was a dig, it's not. I actually think paper+livecd is superior because you're not using hardware which is likely to be targeted by supply chain attacks.

>> No.24236629

2 copies of offline generated paper wallets hand written, laminated and buried 100 miles from the nearest road in weatherproof containers on different hemispheres. Gotta keep my 7 ETH safe.

>> No.24236641

Order directly from Trezor only, faggit

>> No.24236713

OP here. Just got this email from the retailer (again, official reseller)

>It appears that the plastic got caught on something and the shrink wrap tore a little bit. It seems coincidental that it happened right over the seal area, so I can understand your natural concern. This could have easily happened on transit somewhere, however, I wouldn't be too concerned about this. The tamper-proof sticker is still intact and no signs of foul play seem evident. If someone tried to get into the box the tamper-proof seal would have made a serious mess of the packaging.

>Feel free to reach back out after you've heard from Trezor but I dare say they will share similar feedback as I have. You are welcome to ask them directly if the products we stock are genuine. You can also confirm this via their official reseller's list here[].

>Let us know if you have any further feedback or concerns.

>You can also contact me directly on [] if you wish to speak over the phone.

>Kind regards,

They linked this page: https://trezor.io/resellers/
and the retailer is definitely listed there.

Still waiting to hear from Trezor.

>> No.24236785

send it back anyway.

>> No.24236792

It's most likely fine.
Open the box.
If you have to destroy the box to open it and all the ends are glued to hell it's probably original.
Also there should be a laser sticker over the micro usb port i think.
Look on Trezors website for info.

>> No.24236844

you cant trust it anymore
you should treat it as compromised device

>> No.24236948

Imagine not using a Samsung ssd with fingerprint biometric hardware encryption and an encrypted install of Linux with all your wallet image files and recovery phrases hidden in a gargantuan porn folder for plausible deniability; that is only ever connected to airgapped machines and replaced with a new one when you make a big trade from cold storage

>> No.24237124 [DELETED] 


>> No.24237268


How do you compromise it without making a mess of the box?

>> No.24237361

that doesnt matter, the only thing that should matter to you is that this device could be possibly compromised so you should treat it as such.

>> No.24237368

what does trent reznor have to do with cryptids?

>> No.24237396

Except I don't see how it could possibly be compromised without damaging the glued box?

>> No.24237437

maybe the guys who fucked with it are pros, just accidentally the hairy sticker.
it doesnt matter.
you cant trust that device.
I wouldnt.

>> No.24237754

trust is such a funny word when it comes to crypto

>> No.24237842

Why go through the effort of getting a hardware wallet and not being autistic about this shit. Demand a refund.