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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24227962 No.24227962 [Reply] [Original]

One thread on this board since this was confirmed to launch next week, now everyone has gone quiet about it. Are we trying to hide it from all the no-ETH fags?

>> No.24228519
File: 6 KB, 143x64, screenshot.2020-11-24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're here. we're at a completely different level than everyone else on the board from the people slinging shitcoins to the retards stuck in the bitcoin civil war. we have no peers, we just quietly watch from our ivory tower.

>> No.24228570

320 eth chad reporting. We’re on a different level I guess.

>> No.24228603

Is 242 enough to make it?

>> No.24228742

192 is the make it stack IMO, 32 is clearly the suicide stack. 320 is the “lol 10 nodes” stack

>> No.24229063


difference between suicide stack and make it stack?

>> No.24229092

1 btc
32 eth
5000 xrp

Should I jump off a cliff or will I be ok? I only need $500k to make it

>> No.24230230

Just reached 80 ETH. It's enough to be comfy

>> No.24230311

People here like to shit on ETH because it isn't going to 100x like their favorite shitcoin.

Poorfags are priced out of a 200+ make it stack for ETH and are aggressively coping, so I prefer just to avoid most discussions.

People that get ETH already have a position. Those that don't just behave randomly

>> No.24230366


>> No.24230459

Are you guys staking? What does it mean if we go offline we get penalities? What does it mean to be online?

Also is a 100 stack enough to make it? Should i keep accumulating at these crazy prices?

>> No.24230661

>Are you guys staking? What does it mean if we go offline we get penalities? What does it mean to be online?
For firsthand answers to all of this, get involved in the testnet, but I'll provide my take.

1. Yes, I'm staking 32 of my 221 ETH. It's a forced HODL and I think I will enjoy participating

2. The offline penalties are different than the slashing penalties. Acting maliciously gets you slashed. Being offline just gives you negative rewards. Pretty sure 60% uptime is profitable...and that's for pathetic uptime. being up 99%+ is very possible with modern software.

3. Online means you are attesting to blocks and are also proposing blocks when requested.

>> No.24230711

just use a bash script that restarts geth if the process crashes

>> No.24230723

nobody posting about this because it's not doing shit compared to xlm, xrp, etc. absolute nothing burger.

>> No.24230822
File: 82 KB, 767x511, CRAB-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based "only buys shitcoins under $1" anon

>> No.24230825

Is 1600 ETH enough to make it? I always feel like it's not enough.

>> No.24230862

>Also is a 100 stack enough to make it? Should i keep accumulating at these crazy prices?
Idk if it's enough to make it, but it's enough to hasten making it.

As for accumultating, it really depends on your income. I'd trickle in an ETH per month at this point perhaps, but would have been best to load up sub 300

>> No.24230890

depends on your goals. you've already made it by normal standards. if you trying to hit $10mil+ long term then you might need more.

>> No.24230919

Sounds like you need to get more creative with your approach to life. No hobbies, ambitions, projects, goals, relationships, etc?

Very few, if any, amounts of money will fix that.

>> No.24230955 [DELETED] 

What is a good exchange for you? And what can make the token price growing? Seems like I should tell you smth about RBC…

> ROI has reached more than 300% for the last month
> Trading is much easier with the fast transactions and low fees

> https://rubic.finance/
> @cryptorubic_chat

The team will add the instant trades options very soon, so I advise you to buy before the huge pump!

>> No.24231089

I mean if it hits $10k / ETH, it hits $16 million.

Your stack hits close to $4 million. And don't forget staking rewards. Every 7 years at 10% you double your stack.

>> No.24231162

I was a millionaire by the time I was 23, I'm 28 now. I have an apartment and car paid off. I got the money by selling a website to a san francisco company.

I've been playing League of Legends since and did nothing with my life.

My ambition is to get more money and get a big house and then travel the world while eating good food.

I have a girlfriend which will join me in my adventures.

If I were to be a multimillionaire I'd like to go into real estate.

>> No.24231179

i was trying to use realistic numbers. 10k eth and uninterrupted 7 years of staking (of the entire stack) is completely pie in the sky best case scenario. hardly anyone will ever be in that situation. anon does need to think past making money, there's more to life than that.

>> No.24231217

Why is staking at 7%-10% any different than investing in SP500 at the same rate?

>> No.24231463

Correct. ETH gets threads on occasion during huge price movements but otherwise we just chill because we aren't desperately trying to shill our bags. We know what's coming and nobody can stop it.

>> No.24231524

>imagine shilling shiterium in 2020
responsible for thousands of scams, sucked more wealth out of normies than a vampiric kike

>> No.24231554

you're describing the perfect life of an above-middle class investor that has a primary source of income other than cryptos with the risk tolerance of a forex trader and the iron hands of a goldbug. not a single human being on the planet, that currently has a fat stack of crypto, falls into your hypothetical situation. when i give someone advice, i try to tailor it to what's going to happen in real life. you're just describing every neet's wet dream in staking an enormous stack of ETH while living off food stamps and autismbux. in real life the price is going to swing hard up and down many times and the staking network isn't even launched yet.

>> No.24231557

degenerate and irrelevant ambitions

>> No.24231590

>my eth chads
On /biz/ we fud eth, it's board culture.

>> No.24231595

Suicide stack is just large enough to not commit suicide when it moons. Make it is self explain

>> No.24231696

>bitcoin -- 50% byzantine resistant
>ETH 2 -- 33% byzantine resistant

>> No.24231757
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, A910BD1C-1D1D-4940-9EA4-BFE26F4142CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We know what's coming and nobody can stop it.