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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 33 KB, 224x531, article-1295895-0A7D8253000005DC-979_224x531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2422518 No.2422518 [Reply] [Original]

The best thing about becoming crypto rich is that you can keep dressing like a NEET.
Suddenly the pitiful looks from superficial, judgmental people taste oh so sweet.
"Fuck you money" is way more fun if you hide it.

>> No.2422539


That's not how a NEET looks like.

>> No.2422548

That's an actual bum

>> No.2422592

>"Fuck you money" is way more fun if you hide it.
hell yeah it is

>> No.2422598

so you bought 100k of ETH when it was 8 dollars?

>> No.2423663

Are you still trembling when you walk outside? Is that how you cope?

>> No.2423773

This anon knows what's up

I refresh my blockfolio, then I dress just like that guy in clothes I got from goodwill that I never wash, to make sure to give the full effect. I mess my hair up and hunch over, then I walk into public

I mutter to myself "gurb thefur floo flung. FLEGGEN SHLUN FLOONG!" while staring at others as if I'm begging them to answer a question I can't believe they haven't answered yet. They think I'm schizophrenic but I'm actually just a coiner. To the simple minds of a nocoiner it's the same thing - they can't comprehend my superiority

It confuses them so much and I just think to myself "LOL these stupid plebs don't even know how rich I am, I made over $400 last week without working"

>> No.2423784


>> No.2423814
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>> No.2423820

>I made over $400 last week
more like last night

>> No.2423836

Remember, it's not real money until you cash it out.

>> No.2423864


>> No.2423869

got 50k and am already thinking about going back to being a NEET ;_;

>> No.2423910

Which with a Bitpay card is anytime anywhere so whatever

>> No.2423921

For some reason the fatter my wallet the more easily i can leave my computer nest

>> No.2423926
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Iktf, except I dress well and have educated friends that boast about their new jobs, making 45-50K eur per year while I a paying myself and my partners minimal wage for our startup.

If only they knew ;-)

>> No.2423958

Real NEET wardrobe is autism shoes, plain jeans or sweatpants, and a baggy sweatshirt to hide either fatrolls or hungry skelly physique

>> No.2423971

You don't sit around shirtless and let tobacco collect on your sweaty chest because you ran out of cigarets and are rolling your butts with a rolling paper?

>> No.2424213

Pretty much me except I don't use Blockfolio and I average $400 / day

>> No.2424450
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B-but anon, I am a NEET who like to be clean and dress well.

Pic related, my last acquisition.

>> No.2424710
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>> No.2425123

That's how I dress. Fuck those $1200 business suits what the fuck are they made of? It's ridiculous and seems made for naive corporate slaves

>> No.2425240

im an old fag, i appreciated it

>> No.2425255
File: 62 KB, 631x313, IMG_2161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the proper attire for a white man with class. Stop dressing like a wigger

>> No.2425281
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>> No.2425321

and yet they still beg for food

>> No.2425338
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>> No.2425372

The fuck! Is there more?

>> No.2425413



>> No.2425433
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I aspire to be this man

>> No.2425443

fuck you money isn't fuck you money if you aren't telling people fuck you with it
>letting plebeians with not even a fraction of your net worth judge you

>> No.2425462

fucking gay

>> No.2425472

>letting plebeians with not even a fraction of your net worth judge you
because why the fuck not

>> No.2425481


>> No.2425488

Do any decent non-materialized girls exist at all?

>> No.2425530

You wouldn't say the same if you could touch it. I bought during sale at 265€ (original price 380).

>> No.2425575
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>tfw 29 years old working $15 an hour still wearing clothes I wore in high school, drive a 17 year old car with 185k miles, but nobody knows I'm worth 6 figures

Anybody else know this feel?

>> No.2425582
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>> No.2425593
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But you could have bought this. Why waste on useless coat?

>> No.2425604

Well, I am happy with my GTX770. I don't mine right now.

>> No.2425627

There's a difference between being materialistic and wanting to be with someone who can potentially provide for your family. Money isn't everything but no one wants to be on food stamps and shit. Plus, he sounds like an autistic faggot.

>> No.2425653
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What's your powerlevel?

>> No.2425696

Nice taste anon

>> No.2425728

If you hide it, it's not fuck you money anon....

>> No.2425740



>> No.2425751

This could be me not caring for fashion, but all I see is the same jacket millions of urbanite wear. Can't understand the appeal of paying to be like everyone else (especially as ghetto people love that type of collar over here). Isn't the way you dress meant to express your individuality or some shit, when it actually matters to you?

>> No.2425768

>no one wants to be on food stamps and shit
Nice strawman, it clearly was not food stamps. The man had his own place that he was paying for so she knew he wasn't broke and she was under the impression he did freelance work online, it just wasn't good enough for her when she knew someone who's husband had already bought three homes. They hadn't even been dating a full year judging by the post, "I had been dating him for most of 2014" instead of dating for x years, so she doesn't even have room to bitch about him not moving in on marriage yet. And this is her version in which I'm sure she's making herself look as best as she can.

Odds are that the man was in love with her but wanted a trial period to make sure she'd stick with him without knowing about the money. Its what I'd do if I wanted to marry for love instead of end up with a gold digging whore.

>> No.2425777

>isn't the way you address supposed to reflect individuality
Only hipsters care about that shit, its supposed to look nice and feel great.

>> No.2425791


donate here to help me create something that may not be strictly legal AT FIRST but will bloom to be 75% legal in a year !!!!!!

>> No.2425801
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But printed paper is real money?

>> No.2425822

She did nothing wrong

>> No.2425836

That feels so gooooood

>> No.2425850

if you find any, let me know

>> No.2425851

It's about the construction quality and comfort. It's solid, with leather details in key areas. The hood and the fur can be easely removed. It's also subtle, you don't scream "look at me" when you're on the street.

It's like asking why should you spend 80€ in a pair of jeans when you can spend only 5.

>> No.2425868

Do you have any idea how much having kids costs? The guy did absolutely nothing with his life, just went around spending as little money as possible. It's not even all about money, people (guys and girls) are attracted to people with drive and purpose. Sitting around watching netflix every night isn't attractive to most people.
There's a difference between not showing your wealth and being smart vs. doing nothing with your life. He would be useless if he didn't inherit money.

>> No.2425876

look at the second post in which she lies saying the break up was over him lying to her, despite in the first her clearly breaking up over thinking he only had moderate means. Its not so much that what she did was so wrong in breaking up with him, what it is is that its funny as fuck that she's so obviously a gold digger and kicking herself over her mistake now.

>> No.2425885


>> No.2425888

Its quite clearly all about money when you read both of those posts.

>> No.2425920
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Stop dressing like a wageslave

>> No.2425921
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>'he served me potato soup for dinner... i have to end it .'
>finds out he's minted
>'i want him back so bad :('

KEK just fucking lmao @ women

>> No.2425926

I bought 1k ETH at $10 and sold at 400 yesterday. I'm pretty much set.

>> No.2425952

where do you live?
>400k inb4 taxation

>> No.2425955


congrats bro.

>> No.2425962

Can we please just excommunicate all women already?

>> No.2425965

Not really. If you're cashing out of crypto completely I suggest that you invest nearly every bit of that in an index fund after the next stock market crash(which seems overdue) while wagecucking for a couple decades.

>> No.2426050

The thing is that, in all likelihood, she'll probably never find another guy as rich as him. No matter who she dates in the future, at the back of her mind for the rest of her life she'll always be thinking about the time she dumped the multimillionaire that wanted to settle down with her. Imagine how much that must fucking burn.

>> No.2426143

Fuck off roastie you ain't getting my money

>> No.2426464

Funny how I read that post as [autistic screeching] of a powerless roastie. You don't ""find what he does attractive""? Ok, go fuck yourself. The guy is livin his life exactly as he wants. The fact that this triggers you to no end is also a nice bonus.

>> No.2426486

Six figures in the bank. Still wear the same Quiksilver shirts I had in middle school (PhD student now). My right tennis/autism shoe has a literal hole where my big toe sticks out of. Feels good.

>> No.2427561

Yea if you have the cash

>> No.2427595

There was no cheap alternative back then so suits were the actual cheap things at that time, the same way as why horses would've been cheap before cars arrived.

>> No.2427624

for me he is very useful. Thank to him i have that nice screenshot >>2425281

>> No.2427640

>no one wants to be on food stamps

Hey, speak for yourself. I make about $1,200 to $3,000 a month working a few days a week doing independent contract work and get $200 a month from food stamps. It's great. I have to pay for almost none of my food.

>> No.2427665
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This sort of reminds me of this girl I knew back in college whose boyfriend was this rich Jew from Monaco whose parents owns a cosmetics company.

I distinctly remember her leaving with him during the middle of the semester to go on long trips abroad, likely flying on first class.

He was actually quite a handsome person and he had a very well educated demeanor to him and was soft spoken. Found out a year later this girl dumped him because he was 'too nice' and that she wanted to spend more time with her friends rather than with him. Which probably mean't she wanted Chad's cock.

Flash forward to today, 5 years later-- this guy drives a Bently and owns a DJ record company in Monaco, has a fucking *hot* Russian girlfriend and this girl works a shitty job in marketing earning less than 50k a year.

Looking through this girls facebook over the years you see the point when she was dating the rich Jew she was all smiley and had vintage filters for all her pictures and made all these funny faces; then after she broke up with him her pictures had less smiles, and more of this insufferable pseudo-creative 'im every woman' vibe to it.

Stupid roastie, lol.

>> No.2427675

Made $100k in about 2 months. Not much by some anons standards but I'm getting there. Just treated myself to a a new $800 laptop as a treat.

Never reveal your wealth to women.

>> No.2427698

any pics of hot girlfriend?

>> No.2427722

I get 1400€ of benefits from the government and 1000-7000€ profit from cryptotrading. I am officially unemployed and homeless, but i do own my private island where i have small off the grid illegal cabin. Kek

>> No.2428213
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youre either a gold digging whore or a beta faggot. lurk moar.

>> No.2428234

music to my ears

>> No.2428256


>> No.2428454

This. Feel kind of bad for the girl in that she's dating some guy with a bunch of money and he just wants to bum around. When she leaves him, she finds out he's loaded and is left confused what the fuck this guy's issue is. I mean she made the right choice if the guy has no ambition and was just lazing about with his riches tucked away.

>> No.2428506

t. mad roasties

>> No.2428582
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white knight faggot confirmed

>> No.2428620

what is a hyperbole

>> No.2428665
File: 101 KB, 927x719, t-thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be poor forever. Even if you win the lottery. Even if you buy a shitcoin that moons x1,000,000. You have the poor gene and would soon be parted with your money.
Thought I'd let you know. Don't quit your job.

>> No.2428679
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Obviously, what the guy was doing was deliberate. Put yourself in his shoes. You've got millions of dollars and you're looking for a partner. You can pretty much have any woman you want but the probability that someone you choose will marry you with intention of divorcing you to take half is very, very high. So, you go out of your way to make sure that whoever you marry will accept you regardless of your wealth. He probably would have told her eventually. He was literally testing her and she failed miserably. She exposed how much of a vapid cunt she is. When you think about it, it's a pretty good thing to do even if you've only got a couple of hundred grand in assets.

>> No.2428769
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this is now a roastie hate thread

>> No.2428792

>not really
Are you fucking retarded ? Did you just immediately assume he's from the US or Western Europe ? If you go to Eastern Europe with $200k you're pretty much set for life if you're not spending like a retard. And that's the second world, even better in the third world.
Almost anywhere on the globe except for the first world 400k sets you for life.

>> No.2428825

If true, congrats

>> No.2428920

Please anon and any other anon reading if can give a less eth rich bro a piece i would be utterly greatful 0xAC644c87D1B50Fd570A6626Da3350efB1721C171

>> No.2428974

Good goyim. You know why it's called the rag trade and who runs said trade?

>> No.2429046

Even the cat is miserable

>> No.2429415

Fucking roasties

Omfg I hate them

"You just made $x...? Why aren't you spending it on me? I don't think you love me. Buy this thing even if it's a complete ripoff"

>> No.2429471

There's no such thing as unconditional love (maybe perhaps from a parent towards a child). It's retarded to go into a relationship without anything to gain, whether it's status, comfort, security, excitement etc. It's likely that he knows whats going on but decided to accept it anyways.

>> No.2429602


No offense but Will is being a shallow prick here in my opinion; I can understand not disclosing your finances but deliberately putting up an facade of poverty is uncalled for. Women do care about money and it makes sense that they do because wealth is future security especially for a prospective mother.

>> No.2429629

>doing anything woman care about besides treating them like cumsluts

>> No.2429658


Who gives a fuck? If she wants to travel the world or do other things, she can pay for herself and not leech off of someone else's money. Fucking gold digging bitches.

>> No.2429719

>facade of poverty
Maybe he doesn't need to waste all his money to live happily?

>> No.2429742
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She knew that he had a paid house, car and a job. That's not poverty.

>> No.2429815

My eyes are like this (well, at least one of them). Clear blue with partial heterochromia.

Do I have a chance?

>> No.2430260

Why should you spend 80€ in a pair of jeans when you can spend only 5?

>> No.2430489

Not taking care of your feet isnt a good feel and is bad for movement and health. Im the poorest most frugal fucking jew ever, i raid garbage can for food and bottles at my uni. I steal 100% of all free samples. I eat rice and lentils everyday for 3 years. Still i buy myself new shoes (on sale of course) because i dont want to develop bad movement patterns from unevern surfaces.

>> No.2430720

What country? Cash out in a country where you won't need to pay taxes. Here in Denmark we don't pay taxes on crypto, I can help you cash out here in Denmark if you pay me 100 eth :)

>> No.2430881
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>It's also subtle, you don't scream "look at me" when you're on the street.
I laughed hard enough to have to wipe a droplet of spit off my screen when mousing over the first reply (>>2425462) because that's exactly what I thought when looking at the jacket. The furry collar takes it from "resonably fashionable but probably uncomfortably snug designer wear" to "I'm a gay fashion model that likes the musk of ballsack in the morning".

>$100k in two months
That's very good. I have $10k in the bank and that's it. NEET, can't find a job. Nocoiner, knew about bitcoin back when you could mine it with a GPU - but didn't, because I didn't want to wear my GPU out prematurely. Maybe it's time to just lie down and die..

(Not the guy) In my country do pay taxes on crypto, if it's traded. It's only not taxed if you mined it. If he has hundreds of thousands in crypto, he can't just take that briefcase of cash and walk into his bank with it. They'll ask where he got it, and in a best case scenario he'll get taxed.

>> No.2430976

>If he has hundreds of thousands in crypto, he can't just take that briefcase of cash and walk into his bank with it. They'll ask where he got it, and in a best case scenario he'll get taxed.
In Denmark he can, it has been decided by the tax council.
''Hvis man som privatperson tjener penge på bitcoins eller en anden af de nye digitale valutaer, kan man med god samvittighed stikke pengene direkte i lommen uden at opfore dem på selvangivelsen.

Det har landets overste skattemyndighed, Skatterådet, afgjort på et mode i dag.''
Put this in google translate if you don't believe me.

>> No.2431011

i keep telling myself this
because the altcoin market could crash any time
and there goes my used 2007 gallardo lambourghini

>> No.2431054

This is "I Wish Life Was Assassins Creed" teir.

>> No.2431064

Minute 0:23

Does it look uncomfortable?

>> No.2431169

stultus stultorum facit
but anyways would any of you gentlemen share a tiny part of your wealth? I just startet with cryptocurrencies but without a little help I guess I won't do shit


Thank you

>> No.2431177

>if you live frugally in a shithole you're set for life
not everyone's idea of being set is a lifelong supply of tendies and a 5 monitor gayming PC

>> No.2431213


>Dressing like a bum
>Not dressing in the most boring, forgetful and common cloth according the demographic you move in

It's like you can't even.

>> No.2431226
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>> No.2431265

>depressed woman kills herself
>le roastie xDD
/r9k/ pls go

>> No.2431378
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stop white-knighting, faggot. She doesn't sound too depressed in her tweets, more like entitled

>> No.2431393

>29 years old
>I'm worth 6 figures
Most non-retarded people are. Also actually six figures, not memecoins.

>> No.2431405
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It just says "make money" and that it's because they're not real currencies. Doesn't say anything about mining or trading, so it seems any profit from them is tax-free. I'd still say it's still a bit unambiguous, but yeah, I guess for now you won't have to tax at least.

Sweden here, it's counted as trading I think. The reasoning is something like equating them to other financial instruments you buy/sell, I guess. You can actually count 70% of losses against your taxes, too. It's a bit tricky.. anything to do with the tax authorities is, because they've decided to only hire severely autistic people that can't explain anything to you, or respond to an e-mail with a clear concise answer.

Wow, there's a guy that would have a beer AND fondle your balls - at the same time!

Really though, it's probably fine. Meterosexual as fuck, but probably fine. I just don't like tight clothing, and designer-wear is usually tight. In the attached picture, it looks like it's as tight as you'd want a jacket, only he hasn't even closed it.

You wear what you like, but I generally find that "designer" clothing is a bit much. If you care that much about what others think about your clothes, then that's a pretty female trait to be honest.

>> No.2431417

>not wishing a random woman death over a tweet about fedoralords
>white knighting
pls go, autismo

>> No.2431536

Some "designer" clothing (as you call it) can be horrible, just pick what you find interesting and avoid the rest.
It's not that tight in real life. Just see all what he's wearing under it (a polo neck, a blazer, and probably something else). It just looks tailored to give it a better effect.

Who cares, I enjoy it and that's all that matters.

>> No.2431673
File: 31 KB, 410x308, 159_seto_kaiba_hands_folded_serious_pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is this shit real?

Because I don't think I've ever seen a vagina like the first one in that image.

Do vaginas really change with the number of dicks that have gone into them? I always thought that shit was genetic.

I'm asking honestly here. I'd like to read more about.

>> No.2431749

>inb4 hipster steal our look how they stolen the "silicon valley" look

>> No.2431799

If true, congrats anon. Buy some land.

>> No.2431801

I don't know where you live, but not in reality.

>> No.2431828

>Who cares, I enjoy it and that's all that matters.
Yeah, it is. Don't worry about it.

The main reason I think I don't like tight desiner-esque clothing is because it's not actually tailored. It just looks tailored. So it's snug, but it doesn't fit well. If it's tailored, it can be fairly snug and fit well (or if you get something that just happens to fit well), then it might not be so bad. I have a suit jacket that I inherited (not from anyone dead, just from when they were younger) and it's pretty snug, but it fits pretty well so it's comfortable anyway.

>> No.2431996

yeah guys please never forget
altcoins will prob be dead in 2 or 3 years
especially when normies get in on this
like 500% increase in pump and dumps

dont get too greedy always liquidate some into fiat and put it in physical gold or something

having 5 or 6 figures in internet points doesnt mean anything most of you dont even have an exit plan to cash out a large sum if you had to

>> No.2432028

You're lucky.

>> No.2432163

This. She let jealousy and insecurity get in the way of a good thing.

>> No.2432374

Labia is genetic, the vaginal opening can get stretched but only through ridiculous amounts of stretching, like having a baby.

>> No.2432433

That's not how adaptation works.

>> No.2432434

>liquidate some into fiat
I just liquidate around $1500 / month, to live a simple life, keeping the rest in BTC
Also saves taxes

>> No.2433247


Seconded. If he was worried about her loyalty then show her a middle-class life and lead a normal life. If that *that* is not enough then you may have someone who is more shallowly materialistic.

>> No.2434218

Most people I know / grew up with are completely fucked by now, either working low-wage jobs and living shitty lives with unplanned children, studied a worthless subject in college and are in debt because of it, or dead

>> No.2434285

That's called a cuck.

>> No.2434382

Why are people shaming the girl for leaving him? He's just rich off grandpa's money, by all other measures he does literally nothing else. Unless you are a gold digger, you want a man who has something besides wealth - good genetics, respected in his community, respected in his field of work, skilled at something, etc.

>> No.2434499

They are angry little virgins who think women have wronged them.

>> No.2434590

If you read the subtext you see she was getting frustrated and jealous of her friends who were buying 3 houses and shit like that, she wanted the high life and he wasnt about that. So really the problem solved itself.

Even if she did stay with him I seriously doubt he'd give her all the bullshit she wanted.

>> No.2434597

>They think I'm schizophrenic but I'm actually just a coiner. To the simple minds of a nocoiner it's the same thing - they can't comprehend my superiority.


>> No.2434619

Why would you even keep that much in the bank? It's not insured or invested.

>> No.2434705

Dress how you want, no matter how much coin you got.

I wear hawaiian shirts and adidas pants because they are comfy.

>> No.2434732


Amazon gift cards bb.

100k on Amazon will buy you all kinds of shit.

>> No.2435523


>> No.2435587

I think the point is that it's not even his entire net worth.

Also it's a stupid ass meemee, how else would they illustrate "rich"

>> No.2435833

>t. ambition meme

>> No.2435842
File: 170 KB, 400x400, what_the_fuck_am_i_reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither is spending money like a retard monkey.

>gotta have that $300+ phone to go on facebook
>gotta have that shiny $2000+ laptop to use office and excel
>also those expensive brand clothes & other gay ass accessories ofc
>also gotta eat out every other day cause I can't cook for shit


>guy has 400k and happy he feels set for life
>you should give it all to jews and spend the rest of your life working for some other jews

Seriously, KYS.

>> No.2436103

It's threads like these that make me so pissed at women. Like how could they be such gold-digging whores, am I rite?

But then I remember that hating women and being alt-right is a symptom of autism and literally the last thing I want to be in this world is a supporter of edgy perma-virgin skeletons who make fun of others anonymously on the internet to make themselves feel better about being foreveralone alpha-wannabees who's parents are disappointed in them, kek.

I personally hate feminism and the whole LGBTQABCDEFG bullshit that has taken over the media, but I'm supporting it now because I can't stand 4chan neets and seeing them get triggered is fucking hilarious.

You're mad that feminism and PC are winning and will take over the world in 10 years and you're desperately trying to fight back on the internet because you're too afraid to do it in real life. At least the leftists show up in person for protests. Top fucking kek. Enjoy a life of pure misery and disconnectedness hahahahaha

>> No.2436157


What they don't realize is that women have always been like this, and it's in their nature. It's only apparent now because of societal/moral collapse. They are too afraid to change the game and do what needs to be done in this age.

There is a reason they weren't taught to read 200 years ago.

>> No.2437053

>hair stylist

>> No.2437125

lol saved for pastaing later

>> No.2437175

post photo of cabin

>> No.2437212
File: 5 KB, 645x773, IMG_0119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw NEET who does pretty much nothing all day, live at home with parents
>told my girlfriend of 8 months I feel bad for doing nothing while she takes classes and works
>told me that as long as I'm happy she doesn't care and that she loves me no matter what
>doesn't know that I'm worth $1 million in crypto

I'm going to tell her after I propose to her

>> No.2437253

You're a lucky man anon.

>> No.2437275

she literally did nothing wrong. she gets with the guy knowing nothing about his wealth. sticks around for a while and comes to the conclusion he is a NEET bum and so leaves.

why would she stick around if he presumably cant provide?

theres a difference between gold digger and biological instinct

>> No.2437299

Fuck off

If she wanted money maybe she should have gotten a job so she could invest in crypto, learn a skill or start a business

Men aren't for roasties to leech off of anymore. You wanted equality, remember?

>> No.2437442

she probably is a whore but its not like Will is a catch at all

the dude inherited his money, he didnt even earn it PLUS the family were lucky too, by having land that happened to be over some oil. sounds like a loser family who owned some land and got lucky. they probably had shitty genes.

for women, success is important. will was not successful, he was lucky. she probably did her offspring a favor desu.

women want successful men because they want their kids to have successful genes. its biology.

with all that said i wouldnt be wasting time on roasties like her though if i had that kind of cash. id be trying to wife up virgins.

>> No.2437471


Nah if they can vote they can get their own money.

I'm all for an anti-autistic view on women but that doesn't mean you should be a pussy worshipping enabler.

>> No.2437483

im worth 7 and havent showered in 2 weeks. underwear full of shit stains.

im not piss bottle tier yet though

>> No.2437508

>8 mo
more like propose a way for you to lose 500k

>> No.2437531

>still wearing clothes I wore in high school

I wear old clothes too, but not that old. My shoes are also worn out. Nobody knows I'm a software developer.