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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2420906 No.2420906 [Reply] [Original]

>19 years old.
>Poorfag family.
>Beg and plead with my parents to let me borrow money to invest in DGB.
>Show them how the price doubled in the time they had been "thinking about it"
>Tell them about how they're presenting to citibank all these guys are making money and I'm missing out.
>They finally agree and let's me borrow $4,000.
>Go ALL IN at 6 cents. ~66,500 DGB
>Presentation is a horrible boat picture.
>Tanks to 3 cents.
>Mom asks how the investment is doing.
>Can't bare to tell her I lost $2,000. This is a fortune to us.
>Lie and tell her I made $1,000.
>She lights up with happiness and tells dad.
>They want to celebrate.
>Meanwhile Eth doubles in price in like 3 days.
>People saying it could go to $1,000 / replace BTC.
>This is it I have to make it back with this.
>Switch from DGB to ETH when it's $400.
>It immediately TANKS $100.
>Sell at $300.
>It immediately shoots back up to $400.
>I fucking lost $2,500 of my parents money in a matter of days.
>Find out this was pretty much the last bit of money they had, no emergency fund.
>They still don't know.
>This can't happen. This can't happen. This can't happen.
>Might need to kill my parents in their sleep and myself.

>> No.2420922
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>> No.2420995


>> No.2421012


So this is the other side of the crypto story. For every
>500000% returns
another guy falls head first into poverty.

>> No.2421019
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This is probably your only lifeline anon

>> No.2421033

bruh just admit it

come clean on everything and laugh about it after

its just monkey 4k aint shit to stress about

tell them also u learned alot and will not be investing in cryptos any longer

>> No.2421042

Sorry but I don't think this is enough.
Do you think I could sell my body?

>> No.2421062

OP i suggest you learn how to suck dick really well.

>> No.2421081

HAHAHAHA thanks for the laugh OP

>> No.2421097

In all serious, if the story is true, i would stick the money in UBQ while its on a dip. Then deflect for two months.

>> No.2421106
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>horrible presentation
You mean the one you never watched that caused Digibytes to be finalists in the competition and to receive rewards in july + plus setup connections with other major business and lead the way for interaction with singapore govenment? ok.

go ahead and invest in other shitcoins and lose more money, but if you stick with DGB, you will actually see this become the future currency of the world. 60 k shares will be worth about 30 k dollars in a year, for it will only take a 4 billion market cap (this is 1/8 of ETH's current). Shame on you for trying to short term with a long term investment.

XRP - Banks
ETH - Business
BTC - large amounts of payment
DGB - micro payments because of speed and security

But sense i pity your retardness, i will give you a hint on how to double your money so you can buy more DGB. Every 2-3 days, theres a new meme coin on biz that goes up at least 200%. Yesterday is was NGR coin, now its that braco ICO. Look out for these.

>> No.2421107

desu you should come clean with your folks, they'll be pissed but it's a lesson about gambling with your parents' hard-earned money.

Or wait for some sick fuck patron to sell pictures of yourself to you fucking slut.

>> No.2421135

HEY OP stole my story from >>2420599

>> No.2421139

I can't come clean.
They might not take the shock very well.

I think I'm done.

I can't think of DGB anymore.

>> No.2421153
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>DGB - micro payments because of speed and security
dgb is neither cheap nor fast if the network actually had transaction volume

>> No.2421156

You're a fucking moron for multiple reasons.

>> No.2421197

Just stay all in on eth for two weeks and don't even look at it and you'll have your money back

>> No.2421200

fuck lmao I did something similar but it was with like a 100 bucks. At this point you might just have to make it all back with some other crypto. Try ARK

>> No.2421254

How did you fuck up so much, retard?
Buying DGB when it was at 6 cents? I profited off of DGB but I sold it near 6 cents, it was obvious that it would fall.
It's a sad story but you should die from being such a retard and "LOLOL FREE MONI" and not studying about markets and cryptos during the time your parents were thinking about it.
Actually, you shouldn't start studying when they started thinking, you should have studied before you even gave them the idea.
Sage because some retard is going to believe that it happened and give you some pocket change.

>> No.2421343

If someone could give me DGB then it would be appreciated


>> No.2421400


>investing more than you're willing to lose
you deserve this

>> No.2421442


>> No.2421449

get a fucking job

and this is an 18+ website. reported

>> No.2421455

Try using the copy feature on eToro or 1broker. You clearly don't know how to do this yourself so just let someone else do it for you.

>> No.2421517

>buying high selling low
>Zero diversification
>zero research of trends or the coins
This is what I call Financial Darwinism

>> No.2421609

Time to start a ponzi, give your parents $100 a month for the next four years until you can recoup. Best lesson learned for the next Spec bubble, just don't forget it.

>> No.2421625
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>be 19 also
>Paycheck of 369 comes in after working extra hours at min wage job
>Deposit 600 something saved up cash from wherever
>Spend 10 in DGB
>DGB 2x
>Put 200 in DGB
>DGB 3x
>100 more into DGB @1300 sats
>Put a lot into ETH @$89-127, cold storage
>Get dad into ETH $141, he's a happier man now
>Sell news on the presentation at 1815, right before the tank
>Invest 100% of my money into ETH, @ 0.1 BTC
>Hodl few days while working more, jerking and smoking weed and shitposting
>Today is my best day ever in crypto
>0.5 BTC // $1000 USD gains (I'm at 1.8 now, was under 1BTC a week ago)

I dreamed of a Europe trip some day in my life. Now I might be going before the end of this year.

Go tell your parents you made a mistake. The guilt of being celebrated because of deceit will eat you alive for the rest of your life knowing you've lied to the people who you're closest to. Don't worry about repercussions. It'll make a stronger person out of you. Tell them losses are expected at the start as you find out how the market works but in the long run it'll be worth it. Work extra and pay them that money back as a sign of reprimands.

*You* got everyone into this, now it's up to *you* to get everyone out. Study crypto. Understand the market. Don't blindly invest in shit. LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES.

>> No.2421635
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he he he.......that is what u get 4 trusting SHITcoins loser bitch faggot queer fag fag

>> No.2421642
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>They finally agree and let's me borrow $4,000.
>I fucking lost $2,500
>Might need to kill my parents in their sleep and myself.

Bro! You're still up $1500, just cash out now and kill your parents.

>> No.2421681
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GOOD POSTER, if I had gotten into crypto earlier, I'd be asking for a receiving address so I could thank you. Also OP do this.

You're like a facebook user trying to fit in, sharpen up cunt.

>> No.2421690

You buy when it tanks and hodl. That's how people make money. Also diversify. Don't go all in in 1 thing.

>> No.2421910

My apologies OP

>> No.2421997

If I had went all in on ETH in January 2016 I would be giving you $3000 dollars right now to cover your loss

>> No.2422056

>parents trust your dumb ass
>you lie
>parents are proud of you
>you contemplate killing them
Kill yourself, spare your parents.

>> No.2422147


You were doing good until you said you wanted to go to Europe. Enjoy dying in a Muslim related crime

>> No.2422170

I'm going to help you right now anon

buy xrp and hold it for 1 week

you're welcome

I'm not fucking kidding, just buy and hold it. Do NOT stay in ETH if you are still in it. You will make your money back in 1 week.

>> No.2422205

Cryin ahahaha

>> No.2422221

put it in eth and leave it all week. no margin. I can almost guarantee you will make it back.

>> No.2422284

OP how long have you been following cryptos before you begged for money?

I get the feeling you only started last month.

I hope you didn't convince your parents that they'd be getting returns immediately.

Just explain to them that it's long term. You should have never sold that DGB btw.

Any of the big coins are going to provide solid return in due time, it might not be overnight but I beleive that one day we will be looking at cryptos and saying "damn why didn't I get that in 2017"

Stay at it. Don't listen to biz, do your own research. No one has to die.

You're freaking out because you're seeing thousand dollar swings, I get the feeling that this is a lot of money to you. Of course it seems like lot if it's not your money and probably bigger than you've ever had in your bank account.

Own up to your parents. You don't have to act like the investment is gone but just say that you got in a little over your head and you'll still make money but it will take longer than you expected.

All in all, it is probably money they can afford to lose. If they gave you money to trade alt-coins that they can't afford to lose then they are the morons not you.

>> No.2422299

Buy high, sell low

When you buy high, you know you are buying something of value because it's expensive.

Likewise, when the price drops, you need to sell immediately since the coin you bought obviously isn't any good anymore.

>> No.2422348

>Likewise, when the price drops, you need to sell immediately since the coin you bought obviously isn't any good anymore.

>> No.2422405

You can't come clean but you're done with crypto
You need to go to a casino and put it all on red.

>> No.2422451

>>>Back to /pol/

>> No.2422526

OP you literally CANNOT be this retarded. I seriously do not believe it holy shit. How do people like this even manage to find their way to /biz/? Shouldn't you be on /r/bitcoin or something?

>> No.2422624
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>be 18
>Find out about stratis before the normies do
>Invest all that my parents had saved up for me without their consent because fuck it
>Mfw almost a milionaire by age 19

You dun goofed OP, kys

>> No.2422770

You bought in ATH with all your eggs in one basket. I have all my eggs in 2 baskets- ovary 1and ovary A.

Anyway, you have 2 options:

1. Hodl. Typically I do this because another p&d will happen.
2. Buy out and into something else. I've made (as of right now) 5x my money plus the cost of rising bitcoin on mooncoin because I bought in at 1 sat. (I could have sold at 11 sat but I literally do not care about the $20 I put into it, and see moon as a long term project that will go up to 75-100 sats in 6-10 weeks, and at this point I'm going to dump) Do I wish I bought more? Yes but I don't regret going all in because that's fucking dumb. This is gambling, and I put my money in a lot of coins and make smaller gains when they all pump, because they all do.

3. Drop it when it's hot. When it's pumping, and peaking (this is shown by exceptionally large volume, the depth chart, other shit I don't have time to explain to a nocoiner who doesn't understand markets) dump the coin you bought. Don't get too attached, it's not your pet cat or dog. It's a coin, with an abbreviation for a name.

4. I bought a bunch of dgb at 676 sat and sold at 997 sat. I know what happened to dgb. I don't care that I could have made more by sticking with it. Ride the wave, that wave, and don't worry about the rest. I still made BTC when I sold my dgb. Who cares that I didn't sell ath.

5. Im buying back into dgb soon. It's a shit coin but it's falling so fast so quick that it's going to p&d again within ~ 2 weeks.

My advice is hodl. Don't buy ath and then sell because something is tanking. You missed that wave. Wait till the next.


>> No.2422904

All hail the Queen.

>> No.2423083

You've got one more chance OP, SWT will be mooning on June 14-15th. Not sure if it will go high enough to completely recover what you lost but it's better than keeping on loosing.

>> No.2423096
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OP is not... but I am unfortunately... he took my story from this post.



>> No.2423216

Sent ;)

>> No.2423307


>> No.2423843

>DGB - micro payments because of speed and security
mother of god. I'd rather put my small change into posw every week

>> No.2423937

OP whaqt the fuck you dont read this board? iron hands, HODL HODL HODL HODL HODL HODL
the price only appreciates. leave eth there and go on check back in an year!