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File: 75 KB, 1389x1202, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24207876 No.24207876 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the token called PNK and not something like KLE or KLR? I thought PNK was some homosexual thing which made me ignore this token for months.

>> No.24207936

what you never had a pnk before bro?

>> No.24207945

it's ~*~greek~*~

>> No.24207970

Pinakion, it's a word. Technically it's a pinakion coin for the kleros courts. Honestly it's more of a wonder why it's called kleros and not pinakion.

>> No.24207972

I was once PNK'ed by the entire football team in highschool

>> No.24207989

PNK = Pinakion, an ancient greek tablet used to draw from a pool of jurors. The whole thing is all greek themed because greeks had a really advanced court system

>> No.24208024

I too enjoy anal sex

>> No.24208074

Haha I literally thought the same thing

>> No.24208103
File: 98 KB, 1897x483, ive seen what happens in kleros courts before.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But have you seen what happens in kleros courts before?

>> No.24208126

If their court system was so advanced, why did they go extinct?

>> No.24208151

you're a homophobe. this is something the kleros courts will have to judge you on but you'll probably wind up with some kind of PNK payoff at the end so don't sweat it

>> No.24208163

There was a meteor or something

>> No.24208227

I don’t like the idea of sharing my passport photo with some greasy Frenchman just to vote. You stake your PNK for a chance to sit on the jury and earn some eth, but they force you through additional KYC hoops to participate. Now they’re working on a proof of vaccine algo for their contact tracing app, a preliminary requirement for new jurors. Covid, after all, stands for “Certificate of vaccination” and “ID”. Does Kleros work? Yes. Will you sell out your personal data and be forced to wear the mark of the beast as part of it’s UI? Absolutely.

>> No.24208295

>Anon doesn't wear a mask in Kleros court

>> No.24208335
File: 533 KB, 1929x411, Pinakion_Archilochos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24208364

Fuck man, between this and LINK being shilled by the WEF, we might as well cut a nice piece of the pie out for ourselves, this is how they say, here is your chance pleb, speak now or forever hold your peace.

>> No.24208578

Because men kept fucking each other in the ass instead of fucking women and making babies.

>> No.24208603

this, gay ass project senpai

>> No.24208712

I just went to my old high school and asked which kids were the ones currently making fake IDs for everyone else. Got a good one for $100 and I use that for all my kleros cases.

>> No.24208757

... shit shit fuck fuck how do i sell this?!

>> No.24208761


kleros cucks btfo again

>> No.24208771

PNK = Pinakion

In the end only educated people will make it.

>> No.24209092
File: 108 KB, 900x506, 1597282721453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two in the Pink
One in the Stink

>> No.24209131 [DELETED] 

They let in the jews
The village won't make that mistake

>> No.24209236

PNK is literally the next LINK. It's hilarious.

Why? Because the guys who missed the first train will kts once they realize they missed this one too. Ngmi