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24205863 No.24205863 [Reply] [Original]

So here we are, beginning of a massive bullrun... and I'm only working with what you see in the picture. I hate myself. I've been aware of all of this for years, and never took it seriously.
And now here I am, missing moonshot after moonshot. I hold ETH and XRP steadily for years as they crab, I finally try my hand at altcoins to see if I can make big money like some of you - and I get fucked. I buy RSR and OCEAN near their ATHs, I fell for SFI - bought at $400, got greedy and didn't sell at 1k, panic swung back into ETH and lost an eth in the process. I just swapped 10k PNK for CP3R earlier, even though some kind anon told me about it when it was $13.
I'm LOSING IT brothers, the fomo is starting to destroy me. I try so hard, but when I play it safe - risk wins. When I take risks? Bluechips win. I can't take it.
I got a friend into crypto a few years ago, he went all-in on XRP with a 35k stack. He ended up being a horrible friend, but if that fuck hits $100k during this, I'm going to lose my mind.
I know that's a lengthy read, but I'm begging for some help. This is what I'm working with. What should I do?
50-100k would change my life, allowing me to do great things.
Please advise me, anything you have, anybody that's made huge gains... What should I do? How can I maximize this in the next month?
I know there isn't usually "community" here, and rarely is there true kindness...
But I'm open to anything, I just want some genuine help from somebody who wants to see a young man succeed.

(and to the bro that shilled me cp3r, I'm so sorry I didn't listen - I was sucked into the SFI bullshit. You were right, I was a fool).

>> No.24205900

stick with RSR, it'll moon with a week

>> No.24205917

You really think so? Should I get more?

>> No.24205920

No link
No ocean
No ewt
No dot

What a shame.

>> No.24205958

>$13k portfolio
>wall of text
stopped reading right there

>> No.24205977

I have had link, dot AND ocean before, but they didn't do anything and I chased lesser, vile coins. If I were to get back into these, how would you suggest I do it?

>> No.24205979

your stack isn't bad, just hold what you have

BTC, ETH, XRP, RSR are all good picks

I'm holding UNI too, some are saying could go to $5 by tomorrow

>> No.24206002

Take it from an anon who turned 15k into 180k this year. Look into ORAI. New oracle coin, non-anonymous team, hasn’t majorly pumped yet but has been gaining value recently. Still only 4.5 mil MC and down on the day so not a bad time to buy. Stake it in the vault until February for an APY of around 1000-1700% until it ends (percentage lowers the more people buy in so it’s there to reward early investors). Play your cards right and this is an easy 5x from here if not more, I’m just trying to be conservative

>> No.24206049

I am sorry for the wall of text - I'm lying next to my girlfriend just sweating and cursing myself for not buying a ton of cp3r a week ago, it's like every time I shut my eyes, my mind screams at me that I fucked up. What do you think would be a good alternative to RSR?
Thank you, it's nice hearing positive things.

>> No.24206051

ok OP i read a bit more and you seem desperate. my friend killed himself a few weeks ago and i wouldn't wish that on anyone or their loved ones. just do BTC/ETH/LINK and stop thinking about shitcoins. you aren't in the right state of mind to parse through a sea of scams.

>> No.24206057

*until it ends in February. And MC is only 4 mil right now

>> No.24206142

Thank you anon! I'll look into this immediately. What would you suggest I swap for this, if I were to go that route?
And wow... 180k would quite literally change the entire course of my future right now.

>> No.24206195

Believe me or not, but a great buy is unit protocol


Mainnet releasing in the next few days, it WILL pump so buy a bag and get rid of whatever you don’t think is worth it to get it. Personally I would swap all your PNK for it (or as much as you can consider swapping).

In terms of general tip, get more exposed to defi (maybe lend or SNX), sell XRP after the flare drop and watch defi go up, it is the next big thing in crypto (again)

>> No.24206212

I... I actually really appreciate this. I won't. I promise anon. Things have been really rough for me this year admittedly - I lost my job, my home, AND my dog too as an extra kick in the balls. It's been tough but I'm making it through. I don't know if I'm religious, but I have been praying. It's awful, but money really is the issue. I have good people in my life, I just want to be good like them.
Sea of scams is a good way to put it. I feel like I'm treading water with this stuff, and I keep watching life rafts being tossed out but I can never quite reach.

>> No.24206246

Anything but ETH but probably UNI or PNK. Maybe RSR too. You already have ETH/XRP for higher caps though so a mid/high cap like UNI may not do anything super crazy at this point, not compared to what ORAI can do at least. I shilled this to biz when it was $10 but no one really listened, it’s now $21 after being down 10% on the day. Not suggesting you go all in or anything of that sort, but at least get yourself a small stack and stake it in the vault while it’s still going on

>> No.24206250

Thank you friend, I'll look at that ASAP. I think either PNK or UNI are my first to go.
I will take your advice as well.

>> No.24206297

I'll absolutely give it a look, even if I'm just getting $500-$1000 worth right now. I promise myself I won't get greedy if it moons.

>> No.24206342
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To all the anons that have answered so far with helpful advice - thank you all. It means a lot to me. Anonymous 4chan people have been better to me than many in life, and I would buy each and every one of you a beer if I could.

>> No.24206390

>I have had link, dot AND ocean before, but they didn't do anything
thats your problem and that will lead you to lose even more money. stop chasing shicoins unless you have 100k in other crypto.

Buy Link, Ren, aave, snx and just fucking hold

>> No.24206420

Thank you for shooting straight with me. I know that I have a major problem of being a fuckwit, and I really am trying to change. That's why I made this thread - I'm hoping that if I make any more moves, they'll be good ones. I'm terrified I'll fall for something stupid again.

>> No.24206423


Circulating Supply
200,030 / 86,000,000

KEK good luck with that cash grab

>> No.24206433

Taking profits here and there is smart. What’s really cool about the staking for ORAI is that you get 25% of your rewards unlocked every week for you to restake/sell, then the remaining 75% are released in 15% increments starting in December to prevent dumping, and also gives you free money over the coming months to look forward to even if you were to sell your whole ORAI stack before then. There is no lock up or unstaking period either so no reason at all not to use the vault. Good luck fren, I hope you make it

>> No.24206484

Thank you brother, I will look into this project in the morning. My nerves are already calmer, with all of this input from so many people. I'm mostly going to need to look into HOW to stake ORAI if I buy - I assume the info is on their site or something right?

>> No.24206486

first of all you need a longer time frame for these things to mature. you can always get lucky with shitcoins but more than likely you will lose money if your jumping from one coin to the other. trust me. find good projects that you believe in and stick to them.

ill give you a bone. look into VIDYA - its a crypto gaming ecosytem with staking, 1v1 matches, NFTs and a bunch more. they are just getting ready to release their shooter game. go on to their discord and read thru it until you are sure that you can hold this for a few months. If it doesnt do it for you then move on. simple

>> No.24206502

man you've got a lot more invested than I do
we're all gonna make it
just get delusional and believe
actually doesn't matter if you do or don't there is enough momentum behind this that'll have to happen

>> No.24206509

VIDYA is at 1.5 mill MC with 40million out of 50 million tokens circulating - the 10 million are in uniswap. ORAI has 200k circulating out of 86 MILLION

>> No.24206518

why dont you actually learn to dyor and read the whitepapers and follow the project and understand if it can make in the industry

>> No.24206527

This is why it’s important to look at tokenomics and read the whitepaper anon. I too had the same thought at first and actually sold until I did my research and bought back in. Most of the coins are locked up for years and won’t affect anything at all in the short term. Would you really miss a chance at a 5-10x in the short term just because a lot of coins will be released 3 years from now? Not every coin is a 3 year hold, you’re looking at this from an uniformed perspective

>> No.24206552

You are switching your decisions too easily. Chasing shitcoins is a risky proposition. Stick to the fundamentals. Just hodl. Wait. In time.

>> No.24206571


Pretty self-explanatory once you connect your wallet and see the interface

>> No.24206595

no no fair point. I personally dont like coins that do that bcuz they usually perform really bad (in my experience). and there are other coins that dont do that. It just pisses me off personally. whats 200k out of 86 million ... 3%? jesus

>> No.24206597

I appreciate the sound advice, I truly am looking for some lucky one-in-a-million 100x, and this is exactly my problem.

I will check out VIDYA, I've seen it on here mentioned before once or twice. I think gaming will be the next big move after DeFi.
Thank you friend. I hope we all make it. I shared your delusion all the way up until the last few days, now I'm worried. I feel like the next month could be so crucial, the difference between winding up with $25k vs $125k...

>> No.24206601

ADA is aiming to be superior to ETH in all ways but pure developer adoption by February, which will come in time. Hype for their smart contracts will be worth a massive run-up.

>> No.24206630

good luck anon. just slow down. if you have to gamble with shitcoins .. put like 500 bucks and work off that. dont all in or half or something. keep it reasonable

>> No.24206662

just be careful dude, crypto is full of pajeet scammers who don't give a fuck if they scam you out of your life savings

>> No.24206705
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There will always be another coin, anon.

Keep your head up. You’re earlier than most and you WILL make it if you keep at it.

>> No.24206768

I do, my problem is I look at everything with the eyes of a child, if that makes sense. EVERYTHING seems like a great idea to me, I just have so much hope and faith in people/projects.
This is good to know, although I'm interested in both for different reasons!
You are right. 100%. I suppose the pressures of life have been weighing on me lately and I'm becoming desperate for a big chunk of cash.
ADA is something I'll look into. I haven't heard of it before, is it fairly new?
I believe you. I don't want to gamble, believe me, but FUCK do I want to die when I see random shit doing a 20x. I will promise myself that I won't risk more than $500 from now on, if any.

>> No.24206830

I appreciate the wisdom... it just makes me so sad thinking about that, the fact that there are people who truly do not care who they hurt. I can't imagine selling somebody a scam, knowing that it's a scam... it seems so cruel. I know it's everywhere all the time, but it still just makes me so so sad knowing it.
Thank you my friend, I'm not looking for affirmation here - but I will admit, this made me smile and feel a lot better.

>> No.24206842


This is a coin that isn't talked about on this board, but look into VET. Notice how I am not telling you to buy it, but merely look into it, research it, and then make an informed decision on your own.

You may just be looking for a "shill" where we tell you "buy X it'll moon" but the best advice I can give you since you seem sincere is to just take a look at some of the fundamentals and partnerships that VeChain has lined up.

>> No.24206848

Your portfolio isn't bad anon. Just stack up more RSR.

>> No.24206943

crypto is a scammer's playground because transactions are final, which is by design. in many instances there is no recourse; if you buy a shitcoin and get dumped on then you're just stuck bagholding.

>> No.24207045

Not to mention the survival bias. For every 10x'er, there's for sure more than 10 failed shitcoins.

>> No.24207078

Noted, friend. I appreciate the sincerity, and you are correct - I do NOT want random shilling. That's what's lost me money to begin with. I just added VET to the (top) of the list of things to look into.
If I do go in, any advice on which coin to dump into it first? I was thinking PNK or UNI to be the first to go, what do you think?
Thank you! I was looking to at least round it out to a nice 100k, then if it goes to $1 I'll be living a totally different life.
This is also really well-put: it feels like it's fundamentally built for rugpulls. Don't get me wrong, I love the lack of regulations - but just HOW low is the barrier of entry that these random jeets can cum out a shitcoin in a week??

God how many fucking crosswalks and traffic lights are there...

>> No.24207112

OP... take your 13k and go half RSR and half PNK. You don’t have enough money to be that diversified.

>> No.24207204

I have actually considered something along these lines before, but a move that risky kind of freaks me out, especially on those two coins. I feel good about both personally, but the general concensus here seems to be 70% againat PNK and 50% against RSR. Do you feel pretty confident with both?
Also, I know this is pure conjecture, but what do you think their respective prices will reach in the near future?

>> No.24207212

I like UNI, I just picked up another bag today actually. It's the world's largest decentralized exchange that handles the most volume and still has a relatively low marketcap, and hasn't pumped with the rest of the alts, which makes me think there is a lot of potential for growth in the upcoming days/weeks.

ETH is great for obvious reasons, XRP has been doing well. I can't give you advice on RSR, PNK, CP3R because I haven't looked into them.

Although, I do suspect PNK is mostly a biz meme shill, but again, I'm not sure.

>> No.24207218

it's all permissionless, which means anyone can print their own ERC20 token, anyone can put it on Uniswap, and anyone can come to /biz/ and shill it. it's ancap on steroids and if you make a thread that gives off vibes of desperation and naïveté then people will try to take advantage of you.

>> No.24207305

investing emotionally is bad op. you sound like you are losing money since you are impatient.

>> No.24207330

I like the fresh perspective on UNI, I feel like after the airdrop and the dump I never hear about it anymore. I too am hopeful, I see no reason it couldn't end up at least near $20.
and PNK has confused me to the point where I went in - it's actually a really viable idea for the current social climate of sjw-internet culture, but at the same time I feel like it's possibly a huge scam too. I know I'll kick myself if it goes up to a dollar or more.
Part of the reason I made this thread now was that... certain timezones are asleep. But I do see what you mean. I was actually planning to make this thread and see if anything was mentioned multiple times, as opposed to lone shilling. Not that these aren't legit answers, but I would love to see some ideas "seconded"

>> No.24207352

My stack is only 4k right now. You're doing better than some people

>> No.24207355

You are correct, and I am - although no MASSIVE losses yet, just enough here and there to make me hate myself. Part of my issue is the fomo, knowing that this bull cycle could and at any time, and I will have missed my chance. It's scary and sad to think I could end up with 100k+ and could just as easily piss away the chance too.

>> No.24207382

Thank you friend, although I will admit - my stack WAS only about 4k, and then over the summer I started dumping in every red cent I had. You are looking at my portfolio, my savings AND my emergency fund. Next stop would be selling the truck.

>> No.24207496

>Part of the reason I made this thread now was that... certain timezones are asleep.
i don't know what you have in mind, but "pajeet" in this context doesn't just mean people in India. They could be in Southeast Asia, or South America, or Eastern Europe, or even Africa. I'm pretty sure a lot of the motherfuckers shilling scams here are zoomers in Western Europe or the Anglosphere. It doesn't matter where they are from, they're trying to convince you to pump their bags. It's a global market and unlike the stock market it's 24/7. You could get dumped on while you're asleep. I'm not tryihg to hype it up because after all we're all just exchanging meme coins. It's really not that serious, but when you put serious money into it then it becomes serious.

>> No.24207519

It’s not too late to get into CP3R, OP. I’m not sure how much research you’ve done (I assume at least some), but if you have any questions about it, they have a discord and telegram with plenty of other users and very helpful mods. I’m pretty new to crypto and I’m not trying to shill, but I’m just letting you know it’s not too late to buy in if you wanted to.

You should also check out their new announcement

>> No.24207525

I don't understand, can you please explain what is staking? Not a native speaker here.

>> No.24207567

RSR requires the price to beat 0.025077 as it's the weekly resistance. If it beat that price it'll go up.

>> No.24207624

Youre overtrading / making erratic moves.

Pick a project you think will succeed, place a bet, exit at a predefined point. Thats it. Timeframes matter but an exit within like 3 years is very good.

>> No.24207630

have you heard of kobe beef of wagyu beef? it's when you use your crypto as collateral when speculating on Japanese beef futures.

>> No.24207814

You have to HAVE

>>> PIPT <<<< !!!! In your retarded portfoliio.

PIPT = 8 top defi GT + 400% APY. A FUKIN NOBrAINER

>> No.24208062

anon, all you have to do is buy the dips on axie infinity's governance token $AXS and fucking hold

#1 game on eth
pay to earn model

villagers literally make more money playing axie than wagecucking

>> No.24208804

You got some good picks. Think of these assets like vehicles. When you're stopped in traffic and notice the cars in the next lane start moving, so you switch lanes and then that lane stops moving and the cars in the lane you were just in begins to move.

All the cars reach their destination eventually, and same with coins. Just be patient and you should make it to your goal.

>> No.24209019

I think $RSR is very likely to pump a lot the coming month. $XRP could go a lot higher before the dumping starts.

>> No.24209125

Dump the xrp for vidt, it’ll pump bigly by the 26th of this month.

>> No.24209152

Will XRP pump when that Flare drop thingy comes around?
I'd be willing to sell right now for some more RSR

>> No.24209153

Thank you friend, this genuinely looks like a good project. Intelligent people and it is just starting to gain traction. Put 1eth (half my cryto worth) in it. Maybe I will be able to afford something nice in the future :)

>> No.24209155

>I do, my problem is I look at everything with the eyes of a child, if that makes sense. EVERYTHING seems like a great idea to me, I just have so much hope and faith in people/projects.
I'm having kind of the opposite problem.
I go through their projects thinking they're run by conmen and the telegram channels they have set up are filled with useful idiots and packets in on the scam

>> No.24209164

Wtf retard your not even in a bad position you whiny bitch

My portfolio looks similar to yrs except less eth more link

Buy some fucking link retard

>> No.24209179

you portfolio is fine, just hold all of those with iron fucking hands through 2021 and you have a decent chance of making it

>> No.24209260

Okay here's what you do.

Don't sell more of your shit to buy shitcoins, never buy into "buy X it will moon" shills.

Don't touch the ETH, it will go 1.5-2k easily.
Get link, lots of link, and as anons have said before buy more RSR, swap some shitcoins for it if you have to. Then be fucking patient, the moonshots will keep coming.

>> No.24209288

>never buy into "buy X it will moon" shills
>and as anons have said before buy more RSR
lmao, desperate