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24195493 No.24195493 [Reply] [Original]

1KG silver for approx 1000 USD (yeah i know the price is higher because 23% tax).

good/bad time to buy precious metals before Christmas?

Is silver dumping or mooning, and why is that ?

>pic related is the shit
>i like koalas

>> No.24195512

I bought 10k of silver like 5 years ago. It hasn't done a fucking thing.

>> No.24195809

looking at the graph , you might be in profit if you bought in 2015

>> No.24195841

You'd just be buying it to fill your itch to buy and collect something. It's better than spending you money on a lot of other worthless crap, but will probably not be a great investment.
Silver is a byproduct of mining copper. They will be mining the shit out of copper for the rest of you life because electric vehicles require a lot of it. This means the odds of a silver shortage driving up the price is pretty low.

>> No.24195966

It feels like you own something real. It's heavy and shiny. That's pretty much it but I still like it.

>> No.24196023

Are you set specifically on that Koala? You could get a more generic kilo bar for a much cheaper overhead premium.

>> No.24196088

if you must buy PMs for whatever reason I would recommend gold

>> No.24196320

yeah my concern here is that every fuckin country locked down their economy and started printing money out of thin ass. it has a value, im looking at gold aswell. still way off from ATH, and why the fuck would precious metals fall off a cliff, where there's money printing everywhere?
its not that big of a difference where i look, pretty much couple of USD on kilo, and 1KG bars look like shit.
i can buy a lot of less gold :(

>> No.24196543

Lot less gold is a feature. Way easier to hide and transport

>> No.24196764

god im so glad i sold 100oz for 2400 two days ago. Some guy was telling me he bought at 40 over a decade ago. i can't do that.

t. bought 100oz for 1780 including shipping cost

>> No.24196785

If you buy it just know that you will have to look after it until you are dead. Then your children will take it and depending on how well you did will either sell it at whatever price they can or hold it until they, themselves die. Repeat until the US dollar and economy truly collapse in about 300-500 years.

Then your descendants will have something they can truly profit from

>> No.24196928

yeah but did USA printed 20% of existing USD that year aswell ?
>Repeat until the US dollar and economy truly collapse in about 300-500 years.
it doesnt even need to collapse, either way USA economy is fucked from Covid, so starting 2021 choppers are going straight to Iran or whatever muslim country needs freedom.

military industrial complex needs to make money right ? if Trump pulled USA out of some wars, Biden will for sure go the other way ?