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File: 218 KB, 1028x706, ocean protocol & $epan .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24193160 No.24193160 [Reply] [Original]

$17M Volume on a $2.8-3M MC. $EPAN Paypolitan looks like it’s going to surprise a lot of people.

1. $OCEAN Cofounder John Sheridans vouching for $EPAN. (yuge, oceans protocol $182M)
2. Merges traditional finance and defi - it's APPLE PAY for defi.
3.Team tokens locked for 2 Years. Low inflation till 2022.
4. Team from Europe.
5. Demo ready.
Epan released with a massive solution that connects banks via IBAN by utilizing the European PSD2 regulatory framework.

PSD2 is an EU Directive that sets requirements for firms to provide payment services; banks and building societies, payments & e-money institutions...etc

team video: https://twitter.com/paypolitan/status/1330586837849677824


coingecko https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/paypolitan-token
dextools https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0xeb4770eea58fefab132663b852a8b7a35a843c71

>> No.24193359

+1 Massive potential
Even at 1 usd would be a no brainer.
No new tokens released in circulation for 6 months...

>> No.24193876

This will fucking explode any second

>> No.24194260

Looks like fucking bullshit to me

>> No.24194994

good eye

>> No.24195093


only shitskins use "gem"

kill yourself

>> No.24195604

Im from Europe retard :)

>> No.24195684
File: 167 KB, 1200x957, XKIM5LPHE2FL2F2XTPJZ3XUM5I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off pajeet, this is a white man's board

>> No.24196600
File: 66 KB, 980x655, noviofeo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am white mate