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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24189754 No.24189754 [Reply] [Original]

Just for your information that this board will be useless in 2021 because all the normies will flood in after this bullrun

>> No.24189820

You can still post banner ads and take normie money so not quite useless.

>> No.24189841

I'm selling the day after XRP is on CNN

>> No.24189871

>Normies still aren't talking about btc
Why are (((they))) suppressing it?

>> No.24189963
File: 26 KB, 1164x400, screenshot-trends.google.com-2020.11.23-13_58_52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24190064

>implying you’re not a filthy newfag and you’re not the one who destroyed this board in 2020

>> No.24190084

take your meds

>> No.24190204

I'll be gone by then

>> No.24190273

4chan was compromised a long time ago by something else. Not normies which are your own personal demons.

>> No.24190513


>> No.24191413

yeh seems like PNK is already running

>> No.24192293

I wanted to create a private telegram group 2 years ago when I had the same realization.
But the more I learned the worse this place became, and I have no way of filtering those who have a good mindset.
Twitter is unironically my only hope but most of them look like nulinkers who joined this year...

>> No.24192363

>normies flood in
>pajeets flood in
>normies get scammed and leave
>pajeets don't have anyone left to scam and leave
it's the circle of life

>> No.24192480


What does that make us?

>> No.24192515

scrapyard barons

>> No.24192551

I joined Twitter in 2019 but I was holding since ICO

>> No.24192564
File: 629 KB, 1142x928, Screen Shot 2020-11-14 at 8.13.53 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People have been saying that since 2017. My main concern with /biz/ these days is how little original meme art there is. Very rare there's a new pepe. New LINK meme. New shitcoin meme that isn't just an old LINK meme with the shitcoin logo plastered on it. I don't really know what that means, but it's not good.

>> No.24192729

You aren't paying attention anon. This is decay era

>> No.24192877

>frogposter complaining about newfags

Absolute state of this thread

>> No.24193365

It's been ruined since this year when LINK mooned

>> No.24193533

Too late. Recent extra-cringey influx of normie newfags gravitating towards RLC boards. Almost want to sell out of spite. Why do they ruin everything?

>> No.24193574

Aren't we in the bullrun already?

>> No.24194546

They're already here. This board went to shit after the 2017 bull run. The only saving grace was chainlink.