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File: 117 KB, 1200x831, finasteride_tab_5mg_x_28s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24189414 No.24189414 [Reply] [Original]

started taking pic related, got my hair back and no longer care about cooming, bitches have no power over my brain anymore. A win win.

>> No.24189480

Congrats you destroyed your DHT levels and don’t have a sex drive

>> No.24189507
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Isn’t 5mg a crazy high dose for fin if it’s being taken for hairloss? Also I’d rather have a working dick and high libido and be bald than essentially a eunuch with hair.

>> No.24189538


I have a pill cutter and quarter these bitches, buying 5mg is cheaper.

>> No.24189564

I've been taking 1mg for 18 months and I'm just as horny as ever. 30 yrs old.

>> No.24189592

How long have you been on fin?

>> No.24189602

Just get a decent stack of XRP and you’ll be able to get a quality hair transplant and a harem after it moons.

>> No.24189639

I couldn't get these prescribed by my doctor he was scared my balls would stop working baka I'll just fill my hair eventually it hasn't gotten that bad yet and $5k to fill the hairline is pretty cheap

>> No.24189644

Same except have been taking it since 23

>> No.24189651

Do you keep lossing some hair? Did you have any big shedding on the first 2-3 months?

>> No.24189680


Thanks fren. I already have a 60k stack, will add more if it tanks.


6 months.


My dick works, I was super horny all the time to the point where it was distracting my other activities at times but now it's more controllable. Sex is like a "yeah sure why not?" instead of HOLY SHIT MY DICK NEEDS TO GET WET RIGHT NOW

>> No.24189768

Waste of money just shave your head unless you look like a ski slope at 4pm.

>> No.24189849

I take fin dut and tranny meds all to stop balding. I will shove any chemical in my body to have hair

>> No.24189910


Why? The whole point of having nice hair is for sex appeal.

>> No.24189969

same, 27. All my friends is losing hair, im just looking younger. Dont take the fearmongering pill, try it. No sideeffects

>> No.24189972

Fuck off poorfaggot

All i care about is looking like an anime twink

>> No.24189982
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This. Cut your cost from .15 each to .04 each

It's dose independent above 1mg for hair loss

Not him, but 3 years

Yes, then it stopped.

My third best decision after LINK and LASIK

>> No.24190052

is $5k to fill a hairline US prices or you going to some 3rd world?

also does that last indefinitely or do you need to "fill it again" in like 10 years as you shed further?

>> No.24190071

You regrew hair? It looks better then when you started?

>> No.24190093

Does it give you Moobs and increased cancer risk?

>> No.24190168

would you rather have your hair back or BoringDAO. you can only choose one

>> No.24190185

>is $5k to fill a hairline US prices or you going to some 3rd world?
scandinavian prices and yes you'll have to fill again eventually but maybe the hair doctors can prescribe finasteride afterwards to delay even further

>> No.24190359

faggot retard
just shave it off and grow a beard

>> No.24190400


no thanks you NPC drone. I don't want to look like your run of the mill balding-viking-pretend dork.

>> No.24190464

Started taking 1 mg at 23. Am 30 now. Absolutely zero side effects. Maintained perfect hairline. Friends all balding aggressively. Married the girl of my dreams bc I look good with hair and would be absolutely ugly without.

It’s a miracle drug.

>> No.24190525

The fact that people have been shilling this inorganically for a week tells you everything you need to know about the safety and effectiveness of this shit. Get gamed by globalist shills trying to destroy your psychology at your own peril.

>> No.24190566
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Pharmafag here, it's a DHT blocker with about a 1.5 percent chance to leave you with permanent ED.

Its meant for benign prostate hyperplasia, but the side effect of regrowing hair (because male pattern baldness is a sensitivity to DHT) caused interest in marketing it as a cure or potential stop to male pattern baldness.

So sure, cosmetically you'll have more hair, but every single guy I've dispensed it to was on an SSRI or literally looked gay.

You are turning gay for hair.

>> No.24190644

I started balding early, this shit broke my dick for a month. Zero libido and impossible to get a hard on. Stopped taking it and lived the buzz life since

>> No.24190732
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>So sure, cosmetically you'll have more hair, but every single guy I've dispensed it to was on an SSRI or literally looked gay.
>You are turning gay for hair.
perfectly fits exactly with the agenda of paid globohomo jewish shills

>> No.24190756 [DELETED] 
File: 512 KB, 2664x1494, D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it hard to find good defi?
Looked through DYMMAX (dymmax.com), they created a referral program with Probit, wanna join. Good staking model, private sale was finished with 1mln funds.

>> No.24190761

It saved/thickened the hair on top but didn't restore/lower my hairline. For that I'm getting FUE at hasson & wong (probably overpriced but I don't care).

>> No.24190779

it's gonna make your muscles weak, and your beard patchy.

>> No.24190811
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>literally looked gay

>> No.24190832

enjoy your man boobs

>> No.24190924

you idiot you are being chemically castrated by the pharma jew



>> No.24190953

I am losing my hair and was thinking to start taking fin after reading these stories, but after reading your post, I decided not to. Thanks bruh.

>> No.24190965

This guy looks gay unironically

>> No.24190984


do it don't be a pussy. If you get any sides just stop taking it.

>> No.24191044
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>> No.24191102
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>> No.24191132
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>> No.24191161
File: 109 KB, 1205x670, c7e86b520abb6e6b74dd1a7646ed476c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alirght /biz/ I'll let you in on a secret.
Screencap this.

A lot of people are worried about taking fin because of sides
However Cassiopea SpA are currently developing a topical androgen blocker (so the effects are not systemic) - Clascoterone
They just recieved FDA approval using this drug for hormonal acne treatment
The hairloss version is the same, just a higher concentration, about to enter phase III trials.
It will 100% get approved, phase 2 reports comparable results to finasteride but with no side effects.
Buy Cassiopea SpA Stock NOW
see: https://www.cassiopea.com/product-pipeline/

>> No.24191273
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>> No.24191303
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>> No.24191345
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>> No.24191347

I started taking Propecia in the late 90s. At the time I was naive enough not to question an FDA approved drug. In fact in a way I felt lucky that the drug had become available at a time when I was only starting to lose my hair. I was doubly naive in thinking that it was a double win in that it would also help prevent prostate cancer, which my grandfather was suffering from. It is only through my negative experience of taking this drug (I experienced limited side effects whilst on the drug, although the side effects I did experience were no less devastating; and further side effects on cessation) that I have been placed in that unfortunate position of discovering that both the pharmaceutical industry and the FDA do not have as their primary aim, the health and well being of patients. It appears that in some cases the patients are only there to be hoodwinked, then milked for profit. As I’ve read before, if this was the automotive industry there would be a timeous safety recall if there was any potential threat to customer safety. It is not good enough that we are reliant on the courts to prove causation and then only to be rewarded compensation which the industry has already factored for and can readily afford. What needs to happen is for there to be criminal sanctions with real consequences for those where wilful negligence can be proved. It is only then that real change will happen. Maybe if the many thousands of victims of various drugs were to pool together and speak as one voice then our governments might actually put the lives of those who vote them in first.

>> No.24191385
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>> No.24191411

I suffer the same fate. I started this drug in my early twenties with my whole life ahead of me, and here I am a decade later praying that a miracle gives me any kind of acceptable future. I went from a normal man to a senseless, brain dead automaton void of passion and incapable of enjoying anything in life. I honestly feel like I died the day I took that first pill. This drug is poison; please, please god, DO NOT TAKE IT.

>> No.24191427
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>> No.24191443
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Beautiful eyes, this person has good soul. His mental disturbance is due to too many incarnations of being a woman and being born in a large city.

>> No.24191554
File: 141 KB, 900x969, EhQeQYjXgAQdaSw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24191576

Don't take fin anon, there's much better medicines coming out. Minoxidil + Derma rolling has seen my temples grow back rapidly and overall hair has thickened massively. No sides and going to keep it up till either a miracle cure or the hairline gets bad enough to warrant a transplant

>> No.24191883

I've been taking it for over a year now and haven't had problems so far. I have become a bit less horny after taking it, but not by a lot and I'm still horny fairly often. I haven't had the hair I already lost come back like how it is for some other people, but I haven't lost more hair either

>> No.24191909

This has nothing to do with any of this

>> No.24191949

>all white


>> No.24192088

anyone here tried Ecklonia Cava? couple anons mentioned it yesterday, might buy some

>> No.24192146

if ever you needed evidence that transgenderism is a psychological terrorist attack on western nations

>> No.24192881
File: 1.18 MB, 426x285, Glock-Slide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just start pinning test to balance it out then

I looked into finasteride around a year ago because I nuked my hair by going straight onto SARMS in high doses instead of building the dose up over a few weeks and allowing my bodies testosterone and DHT levels to reduce. Luckily the hairloss stopped fairly quickly and I didn't need to take any, but a lot of the bodybuilders I talked to say they take both finasteride and testosterone and it balances out just fine.

Having hair is important and it is a huge turn off for women if you are bald. Anyone who says otherwise is either coping massively or is dating an ugly hambeast. 99% of women are repulsed by bald men.

>inb4 b-but Jason statham or other bald guys get girls

No, you mean rich actors get girls

>> No.24193690
File: 32 KB, 960x540, FB_IMG_1606096168166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake and gay. I had a roommate who went bald super young and he got ladies more than any of us. He also was shorter than all of us too. I guess it was because he was laid back and naturally confident. No one cares if you're bald, just don't be insecure about it that will literally kill all of your game

>> No.24195039

Low chance of tits, prevents many kinds of cancers (if their growth is driven by DHT like it is in the prostate)

>> No.24195480

I continued being "horny," but something else changed in my mind. Heard it also inhibits some DHT-like hormones related to your neurons. And increases estrogen. Just had a different view on people. It was odd. And maybe the estrogen made you more femboyish degenerate what sexuality is concerned, too? Hard to tell. Would not recommend anyway.

>> No.24196103

Honestly guys, from the bottom of my heart, please don't use fin

>> No.24196244

Trumps been on this drug for decades and hes the most based being in existence. food for thought

>> No.24197219

I tried this about two times, in both cases after 3 weeks I had sharp pain in my balls. I dropped it and the pain went away.

I just stick with some topical rogaine. I rather go bald then have my dick fall off. Trump's dick likely doesn't even work anymore due to his long term use of Propecia, hence the need to overcompensate as a big macho man.

>> No.24197840

these are the types of men who say they would do anything to save their hair

>> No.24197999


>> No.24198200

I’ve been taking fin asteroids for about 4 years and it’s been great for me. I started on it before I started to lose my hair, and so far I’ve kept it all.

The only thing I’ve noticed was every 4-6 months, my hair sheds a good bit for a weeks or two, but it always comes back thick.

I do the 5 mg cut in 1/4ths, and it only costs $10 for a 90 day supply. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to keep their hair.

>> No.24198503

doesn't this have drug interactions? is it safe to drink alcohol while you're on it?

>> No.24198724

Anyone who takes this drug is retarded.

DHT enhances strength.
DHT builds fast twitching muscle fibers.
DHT is a neurosteroid.
DHT converts to Allopregnanolone (Neurosteroid).
DHT converts to 3a-Androstanediol (Neurosteroid).

>I- I don't notice anything
No shit you don't. Since when do people notice mental changes that happen over a long peroid of time.

>> No.24199403

that aint a wig

>> No.24199440

finasteride is also a neurosteroid

>> No.24199546

That shit ruined my life. Gave me massive anxiety and ended up in the ER a few times before any of the doctors put it together. Apparently class action lawsuit about it. Been off of it a few years and still trying to get my body back to normal.