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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24181759 No.24181759 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24182230

when did this board became full of XRP skyzos?
old /biz/ wouldn't touch this piece of centralized garbage with a 10 foot pole

>> No.24182295

>old /biz/ wouldn't touch this piece of centralized garbage with a 10 foot pole
imagine being such a newfag to believe this

>> No.24182371

you're not fooling anyone reddit

>> No.24182431
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i was here when Digimarines and REQ fags were still around
now prove you're as old as me, i'll wait
dumb nigger

>> No.24182440

more like 2k sats lmao, some newfags are going to learn the hard way not to marry their shitcoins

>> No.24182462
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thnaks frens

>> No.24182610

Money is money. I don't care about the tech and neither do the normies that are pumping this skyhigh.

As you might expect from a /biz/ board, we're here to make money, not to religiously stick to one project that might do something useful in 10 years.

>> No.24182833

>Linkies have been sticking on their coin for the last 4 years
now fuck off
you soon will learn, just like the TRX fags back in the days
dumb money is dumb money

>> No.24182853

Did you need to put in your private key for the ledger airdrop?

>> No.24182956

You should care about the tech, since it uses a mere fraction of the energy of BTC/ETH, while offering 4 second transaction times and 1500 TPS (scalable to 50k+), which is the same as VISA. Validators are less centralized than Bitcoin hashpools right now as well. It honestly astounds me at how many people think some archaic energy hungry shitcoin is going to stay on top just because it was on top in the past. It's the pets.com of crypto really. Look at idiots like
Still parroting false information. Why? Because they're scared.

>> No.24183000

how much do they pay you, retard?
XRP is centralized garbage
also, it has billions of supply
you will get dumped on because you're a retard, period

>> No.24183099


When that happens I will still have made more than you ever will.

Like, what's the point of visiting a finance board if you're just going to spew nonsense and ignore all the advice. If you want to stay poor, that's fine, but at least get off my board newfag.

>> No.24183150

You have no idea. You obviously weren't there.

>> No.24183192

I only have 45k XRP, am I going to make it bros?

>> No.24183237

How does $4.5m sound?

>> No.24183267

ha, i wish anon

>> No.24183282
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i'm going to laugh at you so hard soon
stupid retards
keep larping as le old fag while """"""investing""""" in the most centralized normiecoin around, dumb niggers

>> No.24183304

>keep larping as le old fag while """"""investing""""" in the most centralized normiecoin around, dumb niggers
oh no, please not many buyers. anything but that.

>> No.24183325

sometimes /biz/ actually wants to make some money for a change

>> No.24183338

decentralization is dead
now its about positioning yourself in the ones that the elites will force adoption of

>> No.24183364

I sincerely hope you dont kill yourself after XRP moons. I hope you find a way to live with peace after rejecting your ticket to a new life

>> No.24183394

yeah sure bro it's the TRX debacle all over again lmfaoo
it's going to be hilarious
especially when you retards think this shitcoin will reach more than a couple of dollars while there are literally billions of supply lmfao
cope, i'm not a neophyte retard like you

>> No.24183410

xrp is going to dump after the flare drop, smart money will exit and greedy cargocultists will be left holding the bag again

>> No.24183516
File: 90 KB, 428x313, You will only have yourself to blame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an objective fact that the validators are less centralized than BTC.
>Durr 100 billion is too much supply!
And 1 billion LINK (70% held by Sergay & co) isn't? If you actually understood XRP's usecase, you would realize that trillions of dollars are in play. It can easily go to 10-20$ per coin if it becomes the standard for bridge currencies when CBDCs really begin to take center stage.
>Look it went up and then crashed during the completely speculative bullrun of 2017! This means it can never go up again!
>Why yes I am conveniently ignoring that everything else crashed in 2017, how did you know?
You're a fool if you think XRP is a normiecoin by any stretch of imagination. Only 2 million wallets exist holding XRP, out of the 100 million + crypto wallets in existence. 90% of these wallets hold less than 100 XRP. You think in a world of 7 billion people, that normies have even begun to enter into this space? How fucking stupid are you? The ONLY coin normies are buying is BTC and MAYBE, MAYBE ETH. This isn't something up for debate, it's an objective truth when you look at statistics about wallets.

>> No.24183544


Says the who who thinks that Digimarines and REQ fags make him old. That was literally just 3 years ago... You so funny. Now get out.

>> No.24183569


Smart money will buy the dip and hold until 2k minimum

Check these repeating digits

>> No.24183601

who gives a shit about Link, did i said i was invested in? no, kill yourself braindead moron
>xrp is not a normiecoin
sure thing normie
i ain't reading the rest, you're obviously very dumb
still 3 more years than you lurking this board, newfag

>> No.24183647

This guy gets it.

>> No.24183796

don’t get caught holding it back down -95% bro. It’s whales pumping your bags, you’ll be left holding them if you don’t take profits before they make their exit

>> No.24183825

a last reply for you braindead morons
if you were really oldfags you would know that you need to invest in low cap coins and dump as soon as it tops, not on some coin in the top 5 that was literally shilled by MSNBC and other MSM outlets
enjoy holding bags lmfao

>> No.24183879

So how is your shitcoin of choice doing?

>> No.24183881

Making 5k or 10k means nothing to me

It’s all or nothing. My stack is sub 5k. This needs to go beyond $10 for me to get an itch

>> No.24183909

i do swing trade because i'm not an idiot who hold bags forever
enjoy holding those bags, idiot

>> No.24183929

Hope so I held on to 20 when I sold my stack for link

>> No.24183933

>blah blah blah I listen to investing patterns made by retards like me and not Gods investing patterns

>> No.24183952


>> No.24183976

>I'm not going to read information that takes 5 seconds to absorb and you're dumb for it

Hot diggity damn definitely not making it

>> No.24184002

Oh god, my sides. A swingtrader is here to tell us we're holding the wrong coin.

>> No.24184012

>ignores advice from God

>> No.24184034
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no need to waste time reading the diatribe of some mongoloid who thinks he's a smart ass invest god because he dumped his money on Ripple

>> No.24184049

This coin already made a x100 this month and continues to rise.
If you bought at .25 you are already golden
COPE noobie

>> No.24184083

Last piece of advice for you. Hopefully you dont need it


>> No.24184177
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literally in my filter list
just so you know how little i think of you

>> No.24184248

>claims he doesnt think of us
>spends all of his time crying at us getting richer than him

ngmi XD XD XD

>> No.24184274

Yet here you are, streetshitter.

>> No.24184305
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you sure are my dude
enjoy holding bags
yes because of how the OP formatted the post

>> No.24184338
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anyway i'm leaving for good
maybe i'll unfilter you when the pink wojaks start popping up ;)

>> No.24184351

Fudders trying extra hard today kek
>13 posts by this id
>"Last reply"
You think about XRP all day, don't lie.

>> No.24184435

>"this is my last reply"
>posts another 6 times itt

>> No.24184918

>I have no argument, maybe if I call you normie and reddit enough you won't notice this
You reek of 2016 election tourist

>> No.24185353

What lofi trap mixtape is this?

>> No.24185494


>> No.24185883
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