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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24166811 No.24166811 [Reply] [Original]

What deck are you going to build when you make it? Any cards you want for yourself?
Going to build myself a dinosaur deck to play with in the current meta. Im going to cop myself a PSA 10 Dark Magician Girl 1st edition just to have.

>> No.24166814

I own around 4k LINK btw

>> No.24166825

I am gonna pay some sluts to dress up as dark magician girl and that Egyptian bitch (og DM) and fuck the shit outta them.

>> No.24166828

Brehs what is the most powerful Yu-Gi-Oh, I only watched the cartoon

>> No.24166830

A full foil ultimare rare pref lightsworn deck.

>> No.24166837

When I make it I want to create a YuGiOh ripoff video game.

>> No.24166862

Same with blue eyes white dragon. My DICK (DECK) will be the best.

>> No.24166879
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Im going to make all my girlfriends dress up as Dark magician girl while I fuck them dressed up as Dark magician. I also will also fuck them as normal yugi while they are dressed up as Tea or wtvr her name is. Since he is so short I will have to put my knees in my shoes and fuck her that way.

>> No.24166892

i want to make a vn when i make it

>> No.24166914

I'll be buying up Magic The Gathering cards when I make it. It will be nice to build any deck I desire. Maybe I'll even pay someone to organize them for me!

>> No.24166918

Based. Think about the cosplay sex we will have. High quality custom made outfits.

>> No.24166928

Made an elemental hero deck a couple years back. I like it, just can't play right now because of winnie the flu.

>> No.24166950
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I've got the only deck I'll ever need.

>> No.24166974
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>> No.24166994


Before Card of Safe Return and Ultimate Offering was limited (its probably banned now) I was wrecked people with plants. Lonefire Blossom > Gigaplant >Pay 500 on UO to extra normal summon Gigaplant> Use it to special summon Lonefire Blossom again> Draw a card from CoSR> rinse repeat until I had 3 Gigaplants on field and 1 of whatever other plant seemed good at the time. I built it when I was like 15-16, I'm 30 now. People fucking hated playing me it was great. I made so much fucking money back then from Yugioh.

>> No.24167026

Its the best when people hate your cards. How did you make money bro?

>> No.24167055


>> No.24167092

When I make it I'll only be touching pokemon cards.

>> No.24167144
File: 1.62 MB, 1108x1542, 37B68ED7-2051-4283-B608-DF7FDCF0465A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not build a deck in what will be the greatest crypto game of all time? From the producer of the Pokemon CCG


>> No.24167203


Probably around $5000 over a year playing almost every weekend at tournaments. My friend routinely came in top 3 as well with me so we kept just using the money to buy more cards and refine our decks which led to more winning. Lol I was 15 and didn't work or have any concept of money so it was great. We also ran Six Samurai, Nurse refucile burn, and gadgets. A lot of people were running Dark Armed Dragon builds as well. Once Dark Armed got limited Monarchs took over. I remember that shit like yesterday. I probably made more money or about the same playing Smash Bros Brawl over a summer a few years later.

>> No.24167235

looks lame
What cards you looking to get? I personally want a 1st Edition PSA 10 shining Gyarados and Magikarp. Has an opportunity to get em both 5 years ago but passed it up for a weekend of partying. Still regret it.

>> No.24167250

Anyone that dreams about what theyre spending their wealth on are not entrepreneurs and they dont have a successful drive mindset

youre just gambling addicts

>> No.24167258

Yeah fuck off

>> No.24167274

Venusaur has always been my favorite when I make it I want a psa 10 first edition to commemorate the occasion. Other then that I'll probably just buy sealed product.

>> No.24167291

I'm just waiting for Felgrand support. I already integrated Blue Eyes but sometimes there are some anti-synergies, and lots of dead hands/draws.

>> No.24167304

Mystic Mine!

>> No.24167307

smooth brains are the people who bathe in their dopamine dreaming of what to buy in the future

stfu and start living in the moment

>> No.24167324

yeah im doing the best i can buy buying vns and playing them i cant just start making vns right this moment bitchass

>> No.24167344

successful people dont just spend all day gambling on shitcoins and then sitting back for the rest of the day, start a business on the side

>> No.24167382

You are a fucking idiot. Ive spent the last 4 years building a business from a idea into one of the top choice brands from my niche on Amazon. I could sell it right now and be chill off my ass for a few years but I still want to keep on going. I spend every second of my twenties not spending shit on anything but my business/investments. So now that I want to spend some of my cash on some nice cardboard I lose my entrepreneurism? Fuck you faggot, how does tai lopez's cock taste?

>> No.24167664

why the fuck would i start a side business and grind for pennies when i can make 10 grand flipping uniswap shitcoins

>> No.24167765

You’re going to “cop” yourself, what type of faggot are you?

>> No.24167768
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>> No.24167866

I forgot almost everything about YuGiOh but I remember I once won a local tournament with my Goblin Attack Force beatdown deck while everyone used to play those fucking Data Garasu decks. Fucking niggers. They are like those faggots who uses to pick Eddie in Tekken 3.

>> No.24167888


>> No.24167920
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Is Kaiba /ourguy/?

>> No.24168435
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>> No.24168679
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bought myself zombie structure deck combined with eldlich engine i like doomking balerdroch. I always wanted dds BEWD

>> No.24168883

Nigga 4k is nothing what have you been doing for the last 3 years?

>> No.24168896

>tfw mind slave Tea
My fetish

>> No.24168963
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