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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24165764 No.24165764[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.24165774

Sure, thanks for reminding me. Glad im not a retarded anti-masker.

>> No.24165779

Yuo have to wear the mask so the virus cannot infect you hahahahaha

>> No.24165784

Oh hey sorry, Australian here, we handled it great and are coming out of mandatory masks now and reopening...
Enjoy kek

>> No.24165787

Anti-maskfags are never, ever going to make it.

>> No.24165818

Wear the face diaper, goy.

>> No.24165835

i wear mine like a chinstrap when i have to go in a store. eat bugs fucking cuckolds. have fun with that nanowire 5g vaccine

>> No.24165877

Why are you so fuckin retarded? Does noone listen to you ever, so this is the hill you've decided youre gonna die on?
The mask isn't for your protection you fuckin spaz
Ideally the virus kills a bunch of you retards in your desperate cries for attention
Further, you're just wrong.

>> No.24165911
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If the masks work why are they still shutting things down?

>> No.24165940

If seatbelts work why are there still speed limits

>> No.24165944 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 540x507, 1523924003249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized the masks actually benefit and helps the Jews hide.

>> No.24165952

If condoms work why are there still babies

>> No.24165961

Because retards like you won’t wear masks because “they don’t work” and “Jews”.

>> No.24165963

because no one actually wears them, smoothbrain

>> No.24166038

calm down there cue ball I have covid and can’t handle much stress. Then I would cough loudly

>> No.24166094

all of you are idiots, the virus is 100% fake.

>> No.24166115
File: 20 KB, 540x507, 1523924003249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized the masks only actually benefits the Jews by helping them hide their noses.

>> No.24166160

this, its just a mask lol

>> No.24166166

Let's entertain your analogy. If a baby doesn't wear a diaper, the house gets covered in shit.

>> No.24166175

lol my neighbor tested positive. he wasnt even sick, i was less than 6ft away no mask, didnt get sick. back in feb they were saying it was only transmitted on surfaces and that masks dont do anything. now its in the air? bullshit. doubt its even real, probably mental suggestion for weak minded fags like you. also shouldnt used masks be contained in biohazard containers if its so fucking serious? i see a fuckton of them littered around, isnt that more of a health hazard? its like they put flouride or shit in the masks to keep people from using common sense jesus

>> No.24166190


>> No.24166204

>Still denying the virus a year later
Shits real you fucking schizo. You won’t die from it, but it’s out there.

>> No.24166206

No because the particles on the mask aren't going to suddenly become blown by wind and go up into your nostrils. Were you outside when you interacted with this person?

>> No.24166245

you might as well wear a gimp mask too you cuck

>> No.24166247

You don't need more lockdowns or masks for it either.

>> No.24166271
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>> No.24166342
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Unbelievably based.

>> No.24166345

Only poorfags have to wear them.

>> No.24166376

I was at the grocery store earlier and everyone had one on

>> No.24166407
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>> No.24166442
File: 60 KB, 710x1124, 1570785374944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no it's even more cucked : you have to wear a mask so you don't infect other people! HAHAHAHAHA

>> No.24166502
File: 279 KB, 840x560, Klaus-Schwab-World-Economic-Forum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are these top level kikes never seen wearing one?

>> No.24166532

based, op btfo

>> No.24166552

I’m sorry anon, you have to eat bugs for the rest of your life, also you have to give up all your property and take this little shot that will kill your immune system and will make you infertile. I mr Shekelberg was really really against these measures but because of some uncooperative citizens who refused to wear masks we were forced to do this for the rest of your life.

>> No.24166833
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based and redpilled

>> No.24166921
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>> No.24166941

>put on mask
>beat them up anyway

>> No.24166946
