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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 424 KB, 1536x2048, ElTMYcOWMAEhFW1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24165236 No.24165236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is life so unfair. We wagecuck and try to trade shitcoins in the hopes to obtain freedom. Whereas these E-Thots just make money just posting nudes on only fans.

>> No.24165267

Nobody is stopping you from doing the same. Trust me, there IS a niche for you out there, doesn't matter how you look.

>> No.24165286
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>> No.24165287

Supply and demand. I have no interest in E-thots, but unfortunately a lot of people do

>> No.24165292
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Shut the fuck up, I am eating beans to so I can buy some shitcoins on UniSwap

>> No.24165295

who is this? i'll drop a few hundo on her if she's slutty enough

>> No.24165309
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What is the price of dignity?

>> No.24165313


>> No.24165318
File: 101 KB, 510x680, EfPKzF9XsAAdTB2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is a fucking Harvard grad and a Software Engineer in SV.

>> No.24165329

Anon, I don't blame her. I just can't fathom my life like this anymore! Spending my Youth wage cucking at papa bezos warehouse.

>> No.24165336

Fucking trash

>> No.24165339

idgaf about her academic credentials, i care about her tits, pierced navel and ahegao face. got a name or what

>> No.24165346
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>> No.24165359

Nian Hu

Wrote some meme articles about hating men and muh feminism. Actually put "facebook meme group" in her resume. Copy and pasted two projects and landed a job as a software engineer after going to a shit bootcamp.

The absolute state of this cringeniggerworld

>> No.24165361

She's also Satoshi and she coded Bitcoin at 8 years old.

>> No.24165362

if it makes you happy most onlyfan girl gets doxxed then harassed for their entire life and they might be making money now but they wont be accepted in any kind of high society and will for ever be laughed at so be happy you trade shitcoins bc everyone will say "wow anon you are so smart" once you make it

>> No.24165370

>Trust me, there IS a niche for you out there
No, there really isn't.

>> No.24165386
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>> No.24165390

NyanTheCat on twitter or NinaHu

>> No.24165406

thanks mate

>> No.24165427

This, no point in having money if you have to degrade yourself to the level of a prostitute.

>> No.24165434

An excerpt from Nian Hu's column entitled "Bitcoin Bro":

"The tech industry prides itself on shaping the future of our society. But when bitcoin bros are in charge, what we end up with is a vision of a future where women are marginalized and subjugated."

>> No.24165446

software "engineer" anon, dont insult my field with this niggertalk.

>> No.24165472

Biologically and conditioning has fucked males over.

>> No.24165651

when is the onlyfans bubble going to pop?

>> No.24165662

simps gonna simp

>> No.24165691

It's the golden age for women. In 20 years nerdy dudes will code virtual reality chicks to fuck and open source babes will be available to torrent fuck on pirate bay. Women will complain endlessly as their sexual revolution inevitably leads them to further marginalization. For right now, you beg women for choochie shots and give them your life savings. Happy to be gay. : )

>> No.24165731

if this bitch isn't showing her uncensored tight asian butthole spread wide open on her knees, then there's no way im buying

>> No.24165733

terrible taste in whores, shes ugly by all standard
no tits, ruined skin, no eyebrows, fucked nose, ect.

>> No.24165761

she's absolute trash, but that's what's hot about it

>> No.24165770

you can literally fuck a girl for $120

a solid 7 at that

the issue is that people are scared to actually go and do it

>> No.24165771

>these muffing fucking loafs
>in her early 20s
i could open a bakery with this. asian americans are truly disgusting

>> No.24165803

you are an insufferably stupid person

>> No.24165846

I mean bitches have been making racks stripping for ages. But don't worry about how they're getting their money, focus on you. A complete waste of time, and emotions.

>> No.24165861
File: 585 KB, 599x596, 1580689228023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be born as female in the current era
>Worshiped all your life from birth
>Never know loneliness
>Get good jobs effortlessly
>Improving your already great standard of living is as easy as simply not eating that third doughnut
>Can make a small fortune by putting on makeup and taking pictures of yourself or even just recording yourself play video games
>Can decide to not work and get some wealthy man to marry you, then you can get bored a few years later and take him for everything he owns

>Be born as non-exceptional male in the current era
>Might as well kill yourself and hope to reroll as female

>> No.24165900

you can fuck most qts in thailand for 60 dollars

>> No.24165903

Thanks for giving me hope.

>> No.24165914
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honestly, I can't imagine the dudes paying her money. How miserable and maximum simp do you have to be to finance this bullshit?

>> No.24165923

In 20 years the coding will be done by AI. Humans are obsolete.

>> No.24165926

So you took the gay pill, how’s that been working out?

>> No.24165928

Her body’s like 7/10 how is she in the top .7%

>> No.24165930
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>Hey! My name is Nian Hu and I'm a sophomore living in Mather House with a concentration in Government and secondary in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. I'm from New York City and I went to the Brearley School. I also participated in Prep for Prep.

>software engineer

>> No.24165939
File: 3.03 MB, 4032x1960, 20191015_174553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference between someone who is going to make it and OP, is that the only reason I have ever even seen this bitch is because he posted her here. He is simping for some whore, and simps don't make it. They're being sucked dry by the vampirism that is modern day (((CULTure))). Only fans thots are irrelevant to your success don't waste your time with whore and porn Jesus Christ. Like get a knife and a gun and go kill some animals or something don't just sit around and watch porn you stupid sissy

>> No.24165950

most people have low self-esteem from low self-awareness, and resolve that through further distracting vices (porn, drugs, food, work, 4chan, etc)

>> No.24165953
File: 10 KB, 228x221, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wrote some meme articles about hating men and muh feminism. Actually put "facebook meme group" in her resume. Copy and pasted two projects and landed a job as a software engineer after going to a shit bootcamp.
This pisses me off. I see so many women get jobs theure not qualified for yet when i apply i get insta rejected by the computer. Whats going on!!!? Im not even white to begin with. Ive seen some resumes to and its utterly shocking how i lose and not even get a chance.

I really hope i strike it big in stocks cause i no longer want to return to wagecuckery for low end positions where i fetch things for nearly everyone in the office while women with my qualifications get management tier roles or something good.

Reeeee i want to be able to live my life without having to try to get a job when most reject me in the first place without ecen an interview!!!!

>> No.24165959
File: 1.08 MB, 1125x2436, 3A743872-42B1-4B4E-8228-37A27E9816E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don’t understand how women can claim we live in a patriarchy when they can make half a million just for being women.
>But they have to get naked and lose their dignity!
No! This girl has an onlyfans that is only pictures of her in bikinis or shorts and she never has to get nude. She is literally being showered with money for being a woman.

>> No.24165972


>> No.24165995

As they should be. I work with loads of women. When actually required to do their jobs or consistently tell the truth, they suck at it. The company I work for could have 3 lawsuits against them because of women being dishonest/shady. Not to mention the drama/unprofessionalism that's attached to such "empowerment".

They're supposed to breed children not put other people down. Literal loser mentality.

>> No.24165998

I don't see how anyone with known pics can work around guys. dudes could just pull up the pics while talking to her. and ejaculate

>> No.24166009
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>Be born as male
>Get in shape
>Join Special Operations
>Burn it all down when the time comes

>> No.24166043

The bubble has only started.
How? where?
This is at a global scale.


She used tinder, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, SnapChat, pinteerst, YouTube, to advertise herself.

>> No.24166057

We should just bomb her Linkedin and let the CEO and co-workers of her company know what this thot is upto.

>> No.24166069

When your enemy consolidates, it would be wise to consolidate, secretly, with others who can mutually benefit from where or what it is you wish to achieve. There is a literal undermining of men, namely white men, but also men in general. My guess is it is to weaken a society. Shift the power tabling. Brotherhood and purpose can shatter this though. Secret societies exist for a reason.

>> No.24166077

>No, there really isn't
There is a niche for everything
Your brain is too limited

>> No.24166110

There are dudes making tons of money because they make videos of themselves playing children's games
Smart people make money off of stupid people's attention.

>> No.24166170
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>Smart people

>> No.24166200
File: 60 KB, 621x414, MightyDelta1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gear up anon, got another HVT raid on some e-thot tonight. Weapons free on all simps. All the donations we find go to the squad retirement pot.
Why aren't you getting ready, /biz/?

>> No.24166207

Well OP, are you the top 0.7% of anything?

>> No.24166238

0.7% of the worlds biggest loser for sure.

>> No.24166244

You literally have to win the lottery, only 5% of women in 1st world countries can do this. The rest of them have it worse than men.

Not even mentioning pajeet and black women, they are fucked.

>> No.24166249

Imagine being as wrong as this simp

>> No.24166275

>ahegao face
>ahe face face

>> No.24166280
File: 8 KB, 200x200, c8f2fadcef66e894d0ce49b389d68170--big-lips-fake-lips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


capitalism rewards the best in every field whether is capital managment or spreading your ass hole on the internet.

find what youre good at and corner the market stop being a jelly faggot, she deserves whatever shes getting

>> No.24166291

How exactly am I wrong, cunt?

>> No.24166298
File: 385 KB, 2048x1536, 161161186_nyanthekitty-13-07-2020-79991909-my-pussy-is-tight-but-my-ass-is-even-tighter-i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24166310
File: 40 KB, 715x715, 3509dd2870294cb93087162e8ea17163f3-14-pewdiepie.rsquare.w1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>While I wage cuck this guy is making 200k a month being top 0.7% youtubers
What the fuck is your point, op? This isn't going to end well for the zoomers glorifying it. It's a machine where the top few make it big then get spit out, while the hugely vast majority can only pathetically aspire to be what the top few can. Nobody who partakes in this wins. It's actually better for guys like pewdiepie because his fame is more reliant on his personality, whereas whoever the bitch in OP's pic is solely reliant on looks which will inevitably fade in only a few years. This is more of a meat grinder for girls than a way to 'make it', and I find it pretty lulzy. Imagine living life as a retarded bitch anyway.

>> No.24166327

I love brown girls

>> No.24166328

It honestly makes me want to puke knowing how so many people "donate" to rich as fuck streamers, instead of helping the needy. Now that's something to be pissed off about. I'm sure a good number of them actually do charity work (I mean how couldn't you and live with yourself) but it still makes a little sick when I think about it.

>> No.24166343

this is what computer scientists said in the Seventies, not even joking. If you spent 1 afternoon of your life trying out some programming on one of the many many websites out there, you'd know that AI won't make programmers obsolete anytime soon

>> No.24166367

based j bro

>> No.24166391

I wonder where these skanks are gonna be in the in the next 5-10 years, I got a feeling that simps are gonna be an old fad and in the future these whores won’t have a platform.

>> No.24166394

how much did you donate to the needy this year? no need to embellish, this is an anonymous forum

>> No.24166406

buy signal

>> No.24166433

There's no niche for average looking male, kys

>> No.24166475
File: 98 KB, 400x400, Brapper Token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy $BRAP and profit off of e-thots

>> No.24166483

I'll give the needy cash here and there when I see it, and it seems like that amount has been increasing. And I don't even live in the city. But I don't donate to streamers, especially not the big name ones who have already made it.

>> No.24166497

There is a great hype around Pteria DAO and there are some reason why you should chose it

> staking system with $PNT and $DOUGH token rewards
> stable APY on staking of 24% (2% monthly)
high ratings on CMC and CoinGecko with token price rising (5-15% rising just for a day)
> first DAO that cooperate with Wallem, modern blockchain game, NFT rewards

> pteria.org
> t.me/pteria

High token liquidity on Uniswap and Balancer, PTERIA is listed on 5 exchanges now

>> No.24166526
File: 888 KB, 2349x2130, nyanthekitty-10-07-2020-78918924-Oh no I caught you look.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24166542

Is that Sergey on the right?

>> No.24166581

>Trust me, there IS a niche for you out there, doesn't matter how you look.
Not for me.

>> No.24166605

Woman can never be truly free tho

>> No.24166780

the company she's at is total garbage tho

>> No.24166927

Found her LinkedIn


>> No.24167069

there's nothing you can say to her that will make her change her worldview. messaging her will just provide her with ammunition for another blog post about how misogynist 4chan trolls said mean things to her on the internet
the worst thing you could do to her is ignore her

>> No.24167106

I just can't understand why onlyfan though. She is not even good looking.

>> No.24167111

damn this bitch knows her audience

>> No.24167118


>> No.24167133

At least you are not a prostitude

>> No.24167149

i will suck your dick for 50 XRP

>> No.24167192

At least you still have your dignity, OP. At the gates of heaven this whore will have to answer for her sinful lifestyle. She will burn in hell for all eternity.