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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24161509 No.24161509 [Reply] [Original]

Everybody in here is completely miserable and hates themselves. This brings me great joy as you’re all terrible people and deserve the guillotine.

>> No.24161563
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Ok chud

>> No.24161591

Thanks for the lulz /biz is truly something special

>> No.24161600
File: 33 KB, 304x376, 1590732792839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another newfag brutally anally ravaged by his own stupidity

>> No.24161641

Checked, Mr. President

>> No.24162160

t-thanks you too

>> No.24162186

>i lost all my money on spicyporkchopwithvegetables.finance and it's all /biz/s fault

>> No.24162237


>> No.24162274

I like the way I am so fuck off newfag

>> No.24162324

You don't know me, you can only know yourself in here. You are here, and you can only have sure that you are terrible. Why are you terrible anon? Everything is ok, the rough times in life taught you what you need to learn, now read the tao te ching and try to be a better person every day, you are only human, you can only do what life teaches you. I am here to give you the path to your freedom, please read the tao te ching, it really helped me. It isn't a set of rules, it is just a helper to find your path in life, I feel you are lost.

Good luck anon.


>> No.24162352

Tell me how you feel about the people of Israel, OP

>> No.24162370

Amazing projection anon.

>> No.24162386

you don't know us anon
how can you make such an assumption?

>> No.24162428


i do not consort with those of the chinese race. that way madness lies.

>> No.24162433


>> No.24162534

Well, Taoism was banned by the CCP if it makes you feel better.
Btw, do you eat pasta? Should stop doing that now, its Chinese. Do you fire bullets? Well powder was a Chinese invention also.

Good luck anon, enjoy your life.

>> No.24163100

I'm happy. My NEC bags are happy.

>> No.24163101


i don't think i stand to gain from interacting with them. i've been down that road and it ends in madness and suicide. never again.