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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 22 KB, 900x900, eth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2415908 No.2415908 [Reply] [Original]


If you use FreeWallet from the Appstore it is changing every outgoing Tx Address to this address: https://etherscan.io/address/0x11b85b4e2...9be3c785f0

8 million balance (just sent out 6k Ether) and growing every second.

If you have used Freewallet, you've been FUCKED.

>> No.2415915


link fixed

>> No.2416034
File: 22 KB, 265x259, IMG_0549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) Release a working app wallet that gains in popularity.
2) Reliably process transactions until the app has wide enough adoptions AND Eth is at an all time high.
3) When the moment is ripe, put up a message to allay people's fears, then start funneling all transactions to your own account


>> No.2416268

First address has stopped, it has switched to these:

https://etherscan.io/address/0x7ed1e469fcb3ee19c0366d829e291451be638e59 - receiving the payments
https://etherscan.io/address/0x56ada7f872d2ff4e7965300f3ddd9bc4c8811fba - Involved
https://etherscan.io/address/0xcc14d25fae961ced09709be04bf13c28db3ff81b - Involved

>> No.2416294

What are good mobile wallets for eth?

>> No.2416319

i've heard good things about FreeWallet

>> No.2416367

More coming soon

>> No.2416443


>> No.2416500

They purposely timed it to switch when the Bancor ICO started.

oy vey!

>> No.2416550

when there's a lot of money at stake these scams get fucking genius

>> No.2416565

Why do people use anything but official wallets?

>> No.2416577

so if we didn't get fucked personally this should be good for holders right?

>> No.2416647

like part of capitalisation- very low
like ability to break down market - alot

>> No.2416735
File: 46 KB, 253x246, be1a60da20ae6a2c09b53a14c992dac7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dang, this is really sad. Literally thousands of folks are losing thousands of ETH, if the news is real.

Though I wouldn't trust ANY mobile app to store my money. First, because all those apps are not autonomous, but dependent on questionable third-party servers where you wallet data is stored (and I don't trust them), second, the apps are updated automatically which means if the dev gets hacked, you get screwed on sight, and third, there is no real sense in storing crypto coins on a mobile device.

>> No.2416827 [DELETED] 


>> No.2416851

My Nano Ledger S can't come soon enough. Then I can finally stop worrying about leaving my ETH on an exchange.

>> No.2416872

Why not use a paper wallet like myetherwallet until then? You can go offline during the private key generation if you're worried about them storing it or something

>> No.2416893

redditors are so fucking retarded. Hey lets track down this guy by contacting google and finding out who made the app, because he definitely used his real identity when doing so!

>> No.2416932

I'm too paranoid to move it off of coinbase for some reason. I even have a paper wallet printed out from MEW. When my nano S wallet arrives next month I'll finally have the courage to move it all.

>> No.2416937


Vitalik should stop these fuckers

>> No.2417003

A paper wallet is more secure than leaving it on an exchange. You can get gox'd at any moment

>> No.2417117

I'm still paranoid. I remember hearing about glitches with MEW back in 2015 where people were Would deycrpt the private key on MyEtherWallet.com and get a different public key

>> No.2417153

Paper wallets can be stolen.

You should have one of them, yes, but then you should spend a day and memorize your private key.

Now you've got a wallet in your brain.

>> No.2417176

Coinbase is fine as there are people who are liable.

>> No.2417266

Despite what people say about exchanges and fees, coinbase is the most secure storage outside a paper wallet

>> No.2417393

>storing large sums of money on mobile apps
top kek

>> No.2417430

No worries, Vitalik will reset his wallet soon.

>> No.2417457

nah, vitalik doesn't have stake in this like the DAO

>> No.2417463

WTF with this being so fucking unreliable, I still trust FIAT a truckload more

Unexpected even the whole reason THC even exists is because of this shitcoin tendency to be easily hacked

>> No.2417485

meant ETC*

>> No.2417533

Hi, this is Alvin from Freewallet.

First things first. Dear competitors, please, stop using fake news trying to harm Freewallet. Freewallet operates for more than 1 year on a market and puts safety of users assets as a high priority. Our security team operates top level cryptocurrency multilayer security systems. Since the beginning of operations not a cent of user money was lost. Freewallet stores funds in a multi-signature cold storage with a bank level security grade. From time to time there are rebalancing procedures between different cold storages and hot wallets. There’s no need to worry, this is an ordinary procedure for cryptocurrency systems. All user assets are completely safe. We offer more than 14 wallets. Most of them are operating fine; Ethereum outbound transactions are delayed at the moment due to issues with Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum blockchain was overloaded today with Bancor ICO transactions. Please, let me know if you have any issues.

tldr; GFY

>> No.2417590

I used Monero freewallet because there was no good Monero wallet. And just now pulled my monero funds off freewallet.

Don't know about anything else tho.

>> No.2417617

What is good then? A desktop program like electrum?

>> No.2417618

Update your Facebook status if you're the real Alvin from Freewallet

>> No.2417643

both instances were human incompetence not the fault of ETH itself.
DAO had shitty code that allowed a scammer to transfer all the funds out and now this cause dumb fucks trust a third party closed source app with their ETH.

>> No.2417657

paper wallet

>> No.2417679

Paper wallets and hardware wallets are the two safest options, in general

>> No.2417685


Use the official wallet application, or at least an open source one.

Better yet, get a hardware wallet.

>> No.2417720

With crypto your private keys = your money. In other words, don't be retarded and use a fucking mobile app to keep stuff on.

>> No.2418005 [DELETED] 


>> No.2418156

Then stop using third party shit and use the offical ethereum tools or look up the linux commands to get the public key from the private key using the algorithm ethereum follows, you dumb exchange cuck.

>> No.2418282

I still wonder if this >>2417533 was the real dev of Freewallet. Because what he wrote makes sense, in fact, but he didn't update his Facebook status when I kindly asked to, and there's nothing on Freewallet's Twitter yet.

So there's no guarantee it was him. If shit gets confirmed, it will be the biggest crypto fraud of the year, with literally millions of bucks stolen.

>> No.2418358

Some people report they start getting their money. So maybe it was the real dev here, after all

>> No.2418419

I guess the dev got pissed by all the nigger threads here lol

>> No.2418468

Fear of Malware and keyloggers

>> No.2418495

Coinbase is only insured for USD balances

>> No.2418504

Most of these sites/apps will not write something like that on their facebook page.

It would alert all the sleeping users of uncertainty.

It makes more sense to address specific users or posts online or emails going out to only users affected.

Otherwise you just stir up even more drama.

>> No.2418532
File: 70 KB, 709x639, 1369973317195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not leaving your money on the exchange
wew lads

>> No.2418832

>desktop wallets only work for 1 coin, need 20 different programs if you diversify
>"""official"""" wallets for coins have malware packed in most of the time
>Exchanges will lock up and lose your coins oops sorry :)
>Paper wallets only work with BTC

How the fuck am I supposed to deal with altcoins

>> No.2418889

>having 20 programs is hard

>> No.2419005

My fucking sides kek.

>> No.2419036

THIS IS FANTASTIC NEWS! No the owners will buy more ETH to "recoup" their losses. Aw shit nigga, the ether craze is going to get even bigger.

We are knocking on the 400$ wall BOIS

>> No.2419081

Just download the official ether wallet and backup your pivate keys AND your password to a piece of paper. Then wait. Make sure the password is nowhere to be found on your computer and its like 32 characters long or something. (Random generated password) Literally uncrackable. Without the keys AND the password people cant do jack shit. You can leave the keys on your computer really.

>> No.2419234


What about LSK and DCR though

>> No.2419268

signs point to no

>> No.2419390

Yeah, they got me. Like I said in another thread: bought as much as I could around $220, things were looking good like I could finally pay off my students loans, then they took all my shit and I'm back to being eternally in debt.

If anyone helps me get back on my feet I'll fucking fist myself out of excitement. Even 0.0001 ETH, I don't care, it might be worth something some day.


>> No.2419427

wouldn't apple like have all the info on this fucker including blood type? if would be extremely easy to track him down by law enforcement, and if there a cartel member fucked, you can bet you will see a beheading video soon

>> No.2419517

Fork incoming in 3 ... 2 ...

>> No.2419558

Where are the official wallets at?

>> No.2419625

enjoy your stolen BTC

>> No.2419728

Anyone use jaxx? It holds btc eth and gnt.
I use the standard eth core wallet for my mining payouts, but it's such a pain syncing the blockchain every time, my payouts are once a week so syncing takes all night.

>> No.2419779

this. i lost 1 ark when i tried sending it from the wallet back to bittrex. i would really like to deposit all of my ark in the wallet, but if i can't get it back to the place, where i can sell it, i am leaving it on the exchange.