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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24156642 No.24156642 [Reply] [Original]

Only retards do not have at least some XRP.
Financial institutions will always win.
XRP will always be the number one coin associated with financial institutions
There's a reason why despite the everyday fud against XRP everywhere, it's still the number three coin.
Just check out the bull run of 2017 see how history is bound to repeat itself.
XRP overtook fucking ETH for the number two spot.
Many people even actually believed it was on its way to dethrone fucking Bitcoin for the number one spot.
But XRP, the token itself, is not needed, you say?
Well it doesn't fucking matter. It didn't matter then, it doesn't matter now.
XRP will always be associated with Ripple and financial institutions.
As proven already, this association alone is more than enough to inevitably pump XRP's price.
The price itself is a bonus factor; dumb money loves low prices and they love owning large quantities of coins.