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24152193 No.24152193 [Reply] [Original]

Grocery Stores and food is so expensive. How do I save money on this

>> No.24152236

Buy prechewed food

>> No.24152240

Get a better job and join the middle class, scrub.

>> No.24152260
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I starve myself. I would rather invest then waste money on food.

I haven't had a meal since yesterday for lunch.

>> No.24152267

Rice beans and frozen vegetables can take you a long way. Throw in some peanut butter and some fresh fruit and you’re all set. You can feed yourself for very cheap if you don’t mind cooking a little bit.

>> No.24152291

life of boris on youtube.
learn how to cook and plan your meals and snacks and you can live for $25 per week

>> No.24152298
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Onions, unironically.

>> No.24152319

get costco membership
buy king arthur flour 25 lb bag for 15 dollars
eat 1 lb of bread (flour) a day = 1000 calories
now half your calories for the day cost .50 cents

if you do this, make sure you make the bread sourdough so it digests easier.
i did this for the past month and its super simple
just mix the shit in the morning = 10 minutes
wait a few hours
pop it in the oven at 400 degrees and wait 40 minutes
boom that's it

>> No.24152335

eat the bugs, it's better for your wallet and the environment

>> No.24152338



>> No.24152351

by simply not paying for it

>> No.24152429

buy essential foods, avoid snacks unless a good deal, buy a generic brand when possible, buy in bulk frozen foods(spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, wild salmon, diced chicken etc.).

>> No.24152446

god, you disgusting little wrenches, are you that poor to waste 200/300$ a month on healthy food. In the long run you will benefit from this.

>> No.24152459
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Depends on your budget. Costco can be a good option if you're middle class, but it's more expensive (even accounting for bulk) than the bottom-tier food you might get at a Stop n' Shop/Food Lion/etc.

In terms of "what to buy that is cheap", pic related.

>> No.24152488

don't buy pre-prepared foods. hunt for protein if you have the land.

>> No.24152493
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fill jug at $0.25 water machine

>> No.24152509

canned fish and beans can be cheap too

>> No.24152508

Flour and yeast

>> No.24152515

Absolutely. You can also easily homegrow them, particularly as a poorfag.

>> No.24152517

unironically a High Starch Plant Based diet

lots of wheat, rice, tubers, legumes with some fruits and vegetables to supplement vitamin and minerals

cheap, dense calories, healthy, stores for a long time, easy to cook

chad diet

>> No.24152573

take the rice/pasta and chicken thigh/ground beef pill op. get a selection of seasonings and sauces and you are good to go. fruit for dessert, such as mandarins or bananas.

>> No.24152582

unironically ngmi

>> No.24152589

or just mix flour and water and wait a few days to get your own yeast for free

>> No.24152622

Tbh fasting is not a bad way to save money
I often fast for 21 days like every other month now, and make sure to eat a lot whenever it's free food or I can get lots of food for cheap
It's not only economical but also healthy for you

>> No.24152745
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Eat local.
Grow your own food.
Hunt your own meat.
*Eating squirrels/boar/deer is fine in the US (Check you state laws)

>> No.24152783

t. india

>> No.24152846

Shoplift. Easy at Costco. Bring bag from nearby store, put covid mask on, put discretely groceries in bag. Buy like 1 thing lets say toilet paper. Exit.

>> No.24152854

t. Fatty

>> No.24153564

fasting is recognized as beneficial by doctors, muslims, christians etc

>> No.24153588

Save money on other things. Food is necessary

>> No.24153861

Food is the cheapest its been in history yet you spoiled faggots complain about the price. Pathetic.

>> No.24153920

I spend like $400-500/month on food per month for my wife and I. We don't buy the cheapest shit and we don't go to Walmart because it's full of minorities and with covid there's like a 30 minute line minimum. There's definitely room to cut costs if you can be bothered. How cheap are you trying to go?

>> No.24154160
