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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 98 KB, 1060x1052, 1392331193648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24149261 No.24149261 [Reply] [Original]

let's gather up and reminisce on the good old days

>> No.24149300

>It was trashed by the nazi jannies
Not surprised.

>> No.24149302

dogecoin > bitcoin

>> No.24149360

No /biz/ thread was better than the high school senior that got doxxed:


>> No.24149455
File: 617 KB, 860x647, 162-1624286_transparent-pepe-laugh-pepe-laugh-png-png-download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.24149464


>> No.24149552

>$175 rejected

>> No.24149619

2014 was after the $1200 runup, the BTC mumus must have been INTOLERABLE to the tech geeks on /g/.

>> No.24149744

LoL fucking nufags

>> No.24149796

if you want bitcoin posts from 2010 there's /g/ archives

>> No.24149968

I love how they did a master plan for this inmate. Biz really got each others back.

>> No.24150046

>1M in Sept 2017


>> No.24150099


>> No.24150191
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Forgot the image

>> No.24150228
File: 94 KB, 640x315, 244A61C2-01EE-4C3E-AFE6-0259EEAEB395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck those comments. Lol. I bet this guy suicided for not buying.

>> No.24150243


>> No.24150275

So many posts in there remind me of present day chainlink FUD. Just bitter, nocoiner cope.

>> No.24150306
File: 138 KB, 640x498, 85C1FD45-33EA-4348-A749-91370E9274C3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet this guy is sippin on his drink right now.

>> No.24150588

About fun:

>> No.24150590

His math was rigth but he was off by another 10 years

>> No.24150782

comparing btc to link fucking lol how new are you

>> No.24150943

i had a bitcoin talk account in 2011 and participated in thread that SN commented on.
you guys dont know those levels of comfy

>> No.24151004
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>> No.24151007

kek I remember that

>> No.24151036

survivorship bias, most early adopters sold way too soon

>> No.24151144
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>> No.24151181


Just so you know I’m responsible for the Godzilla and pen in the /biz/ sticky picture.

>> No.24151232

Holy shit the hashrate is amazing on my airbook.

>> No.24151237

Their only problem was that they were extrapolating right before the bear market
Otherwise it's still pretty accurate

>> No.24151332

Nah the guy sold at 5 bucks.

>> No.24151377

kek came here to post this

>> No.24151402

Didn't realise biz was up in 2014 already. I feel like a newfaggot for only being here for 3 years

>> No.24151410

Now you see how useless it really is to be a time traveler
You could post a completely accurate chart of Bitcoin's price history in this thread and no one would believe you
- sent from Citadel intranet to external location

>> No.24151474
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This is antilinkers in 2020

>> No.24151536


>> No.24151582
File: 15 KB, 690x148, anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he made it

>> No.24151684

this is precisely why this decade is going to be so brutal for nocoiners.
we are leaving the realm where the average person will ever be able to afford whole integer bitcoin. its at used car level now, but will be "house" level next. by 2030 will be 4-6m per coin

when the average tard wakes up to this reality they are going to lose their minds en masse.

>> No.24151793
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im so glad im autistic

>> No.24151866
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wouuld it be unironically songbird tier in 2030?

>> No.24152045

Every time I doubt predictions like this they end up coming true. Pretty sure Bitcoin is going to not only overwhelm gold, it's going to blow it the fuck away.

>> No.24152519

Oh man, i wished i had opened my eyes back than instead of jerking off in front of my laptop in my student appartment.

>> No.24152529

It wound up being a rainbow instead of a straight line.

>> No.24152610

I think your prediction is true if the market would sort it out. However governments and banks will prevent this. We will witness a standoff in a few years and btc will unfortunately lose. The governments cannot allow the people a way to get out of monetary control. The money printer is securing the financing of the governments. Allowing btc is defunding them basically. It will end in a pretty mess my friends.

>> No.24152663

society will be split.
the meme virus disappears but the threat of it is constantly preached. no one will have the ability to confirm any of the numbers from the msm. but they screech about so every day, so you will hear that 200k more died of meme virus 2024, etc. but no one will personally really knows anyone with it...this leads to most people tuning it out but simultaneously same people following protocol of constant mask, shots, distancing, lockdowns, etc.

most humans (those who had unservicable debts prior to great reset) will live in "public housing" and receive ubi. conditions will be cramped and messy but they will be fed and housed.

"those who can sign" (ie. those with no debts and provable assets, like btc) will live in idyllic nature preserves that really resemble the blend of old towne living with low-key robots doing most things. bricked town squares, nature trails, a handful of restaurants, and lots and lots of peaceful green spaces. housing will be nice but not over the top, emphasis will be on "comfortably sized" and bric-a-brac trinkets or dozens of tech gizmos will be looked down upon. These preserves will be declared "virus free" so no mask or lockdowns on its residents.

>> No.24152695



a good portion of people who live in these preserves come from crypto sources...its a thing that becomes very very taboo to discuss. literally no one ever admits to ever having / owning bitcoin because of threat of kidnap and ransom. however it becomes sort of an open joke: the guy you meet at a dinner party that claims he made his money from a tech company and claims he's sad he missed out on crypto, but that later after a few drinks he starts reciting 2021 pricing moves with textbook level accuracy and suddenly knows bitcoins full backstory.

contrary to conspiracy theory, the great reset was not dreamt up by satanist. its entirely practical in design: record debt + record welfare coupled with sweeping automation / robots / drones / ai that reduces need for jobs by 80%. the result is none of the debts at personal or nation-state level can be paid anymore, thus the need to minimally feed and house majority of humans and scale back consumption.

its an unfortunate time that no one is happy about. but the general thought is in 20-30 years the we can go forward with just 700-800m humans who all live a much higher quality of life than any other human previous ever could. the notion of 'capitalism' pretty much disappears (or I guess is completely altered) and 'the ability to sign' becomes almost a 2020 notion of a currency. In the same way you need an API key currently to access web resources, your 'ability to sign' will sort of be an API key for day to day life.....directing robots, procuring food, etc

>> No.24152826

Big old This
Where's that 21 million club image when you need it?

I bet since we're in the midst of the 3rd 4 year cycle in Bitcoin's trading history that once this bubble tops we're going to see a 4 year bearish cycle where the paradigm is flipped
Instead of 3 years bull market, 1 year bear, we will see this 4th cycle (occuring after the 1 year bear market following next year's top) be 1 year bull market, 3 years bear
This will really shake out the laggards when they were just getting in
After that, we're right on track to a $1 million Bitcoin by 2029

>> No.24153012

It is impossible to ban Bitcoin. I'd recommend you watch Andreas Antonopoulus videos on the subject.

>> No.24153063


i'll have long since traded my crypto for metals and joined the amish.

>> No.24153152

Your scenario sounds nice. But it would simply end up in a complete chaos. You think the majority (and with it comes political majority witnvoting rights) of "no-coiners" accept their destiny just like that?
>on the way to being forbidden (and yes, a ban can be effective enough for people not to use it despite the decentralization)
>a chaotic mess, the accumulated debt will lead to massive riots and following redistributions.

>> No.24153249
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What happens when I don't eat the bugs?

>> No.24153366

even pm holders require some degree of crypto.

although the lower tech of bitcoin remains firmly proof of work, the added-on layers become "PoS" concept.

so you don't "transfer bitcoin from A -> B" to buy a house or enter a citadel....you "sign the communities collective multi-sig". you basically stake your coins with threat of forfeit if you break rules (ie. murder, theft, etc).

selling your house just involves someone else replacing your sig with theirs and your coins again become unencumbered.

collectively, at a higher level, the various preserves / citadels use their collective signatures to vie for resources.

so even pm holders need to deposit their metals in depositories in order to get signature ability....

>> No.24153370

Anon, I'm fully aware of the fact that it's technically not possible. But what do you think if governments move in and simply declare it as illegal to use and own. It could be declared as a crime. Crimes can't be prohibited technically either, still most people don't perform them because they fear the penalty. I think you got my point, i don't discuss that btc is technically not erasable or destructable.

>> No.24153452


i don't want signature ability lol. it's against my religion.

>> No.24153456

>But it would simply end up in a complete chaos.
absolutely you are right.
but you aren't asking "Chaos compared to what?"
compared to 4B being unfed, homeless, with nothing to offer and no way to acquire credit?
trust me the citizens of the encampments are not just docile retards, they are however people without much option.
they aren't forced to live there. they are free to find someones land to live on (if they'll let them)....its just that they've really run out of options.

>> No.24153477

its not a problem. good luck on your own.

>> No.24153535

It must have been earlier than this.
I bought BTC with eve online money in 2012 because I saw a thread about buying RPGs with it on /b/

>> No.24153580

another thread ruined by walls of text from daydreaming doomer schizos, take your creative writing assignments to /lit/ and shut up

>> No.24153607

its paradise

>> No.24153610
File: 568 KB, 1606x866, Screen Shot 2020-11-22 at 1.29.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss this. it's almost comfy in a way seeing people so naive to what the future would bring

>> No.24153706

The last cycle top was the first time in btc history that the blocks were full. This is the first cycle with scaling being an issue, if it is not solved we will not go much higher than last cycle. Maybe x2 or x3 from top to top, eg ~50k btc. If scaling is solved we can go to 100k - 500k

>> No.24153840

Lol, i just checked the address in the pic. Indeed someone sent 5btc to him on the 27th one day later that year.

>> No.24154066

there were no cashies and curry cashies and combies and assorted jeets
blessed times

>> No.24154225





I hear a lot of kek, yet no mention of its crypto homepage https://Cryptokek.com

>> No.24154480

What are governments going to do? It’s too late there’s already too big, mega corporations are banked on this. If they go ban it it would literally be a death sentence to them, that in turn would cause a mega crash.

>> No.24154510


>> No.24154713


I was on /biz/ when BTC hit $1k again in 2017. Back then every other thread was about trading pharma and tech stocks. There were a few threads about BTC and I remember when BTC was in the $700 range I saw one warning nocoiners to buy before it crossed $1k so they wouldn’t become suicidal.

>> No.24154845
File: 100 KB, 1024x1104, 1605920456891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have listened biz




>> No.24155373

Institutional investments are big money men and will use their considerable resources to fight any government crackdown. The more paypal/square/grayscale etc etc that put their money in the more legitimacy and protection from goverment intervention there will be. Also game theory says any country bans it only gives other countries the benefits. Bitcoin is too big to fail lol

>> No.24155659
File: 610 KB, 1860x684, Bitcoin dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24155870

suicide fuel
the post

>> No.24156256

Bumping comfy thread

>> No.24156716
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last bump

>> No.24156780

how can every bank and every government stop it? it's literally global

>> No.24156902


>> No.24156908

haha holy shit. love the last post especially

>> No.24156977
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>> No.24157319

we're getting deeper

>> No.24157605

>contrary to conspiracy theory, the great reset was not dreamt up by satanist

This is where you start to get it wrong.

>> No.24157628


this guy ruined peoples lives

>> No.24157709
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Reminder that crypto is still in this phase. We are early

>> No.24157742

Remember Lambo Anon larping as a LINK insider until he got d0xxed


>> No.24157772


>> No.24158303
File: 211 KB, 3324x652, g_missingtheboat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search bitcoin on the /g/ archive, order by oldest posts.
this is kino

>> No.24158659

feels good

>> No.24158660
File: 26 KB, 800x547, The-original-Bitcoin-faucet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this is kino
Archived first bitcoin faucet from 2010 that gave away 5 BTC per Captcha.
I wish I was there bros
hold me bros

>> No.24158715

Maker of that faucet had prob killed themselves

>> No.24158806 [DELETED] 

he's a true believer, he's probably a millionaire now
it's the people who didn't use it the faucet are roping

>> No.24158883

he's a true believer, he's probably a millionaire now
the people who didn't use the faucet are the ones roping.

>> No.24158954
File: 26 KB, 800x843, 453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your whole life could've been different just by solving Captcha 10 times in 2010. How fucking insane is that?

>> No.24158980

was intersted in it but I had no money and no idea how to buy it, there weren't any trading platforms and wallets were a pain in the ass to set up I literally tried and coudn't figure it out

>> No.24158989
File: 48 KB, 1223x249, one year later.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maker of that faucet had prob killed themselves

>> No.24159007

same desu
feels bad

>> No.24159125
File: 22 KB, 600x630, 1874421351826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24159150

Every time I see a bitcoin thread, I just shake my head and laugh.

You severely damaged losers are literally the Bronies of /biz/. You know, that sub-group of 4chan kids who obsess over the preschool girl show My Little Pony? You probably don't know since all of you pathetic losers are far too busy fapping to monetary fantasies and wishing that bitcoin prices rize to 1000.

Why on earth would a group of you no-lives cling heavily to something as sad as this? Is there some sort of mental sickness in you guys? Did you not have a childhood? Do you not have a grasp on reality? How can you allow yourselves to deteriorate to this?

At first, I figured it was one lonely kid making these threads and bumping all day while crying in the basement for being such a useless waste of life... but then, I realized this isn't one kid doing this. There are at least fifteen of you in these threads that are getting hard over the prices of bitcoin. There isn't any doubt that all of you autists are fat, out of shape, and friendless.

Is that the thrill you kids get from these threads? Is it the fact that you can laugh and sing and can't even get off of your bed to empty out your piss bottle? Do you not realize that this board doesn't exist for you and your buttcoin? If not, then WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR FIXATION?

I'm speaking for /biz/ as a whole, and possibly, your families as well. Just stop. This isn't healthy. Stop now and try to live a regular life. How embarrassed must your family feel when they have to explain to your aunt and uncle that you lost all your assets playing in the jewcoin market.

Just stop already. Quit with the silly threads. OP, delete this thread. Kids, clear your browser history and sell all the bitcoins you have.

I am telling you this because I am empathetic and I care. Please listen to me.

>> No.24159190

Government can ban anything on paper.
Strong government can make it reality.

>> No.24159245

they literally would just shoot you on sight then and fine your whole family tree forever

>> No.24159431

i was like 12 when I heard of it and wanted to mine it but didnt want to use a lot of electricity cuz i live with a poor single mother

>> No.24159929

This shit breaks a man, 220 BTC = $4 million now

Remember back when you first learnt of bitcoin from the news or seeing online somewhere.

You thought you should buy some because it might be worth something more one day, remember. You didn't do it neither did most of us.

>> No.24160001

I remember these faucets, I was 14 back then, fucking about on miniclip, I even browsed to one once around that era, I'm sure. Playing my RuneScape bots.

>> No.24160052

/biz/ was set up to get btc of /b/ actually, it was almost all about bitcoin and /smg/ was a fucking mess with like 1 or 2 serious people and the rest were trolls

most of the btc up for grabs was scams too