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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24147467 No.24147467 [Reply] [Original]

i just realized there is no such thing as passive income i want to fucking die the thought of that was the only thing that made me happy.

even streamers have to get online every couple days to make sure people stay subbed and keep donating. even onlyfans whores have to post nudes constantly and instagram posts, even if you own a business and have employees doing everything youll have to answer phone calls and invest and overlook everything, even if you invest in stocks they go up and down not just straight up unless youre talking long term, even youtubers need to constantly upload

is there fucking anything thats passive? i mean even like spend one hour a day setting shit up and letting it ride? the only thing i can think of is the dj akademics youtube/instagram where he just reposts and talks about news stories

>> No.24147488

trading bot

>> No.24147498

Just invest in an S&P ETF and shut the fuck up

>> No.24147504 [DELETED] 


>> No.24147514

It requires a lot of working and saving. 25 x yearly expenses then withdraw at 4%. It's "passive" after the initial investment

>> No.24147532

just fucking buy and hold BTC till 100K in 10years
free passive income

>> No.24147536

Put $10k into a stablecoin savings account that gives 8%

You now earn $2.19 a day passively

>> No.24147540

Yes but eventually your money pile is so big and you own enough shit you can let it decay a little bit from not actively managing it and still be rolling in money

>> No.24147561

Dividend stocks, renting real estate and having a property management company take care of everything, staking rewards, investing in a “turn key” businesses.

>> No.24147582

Stake 32 ETH in 5 years.

>> No.24147604

>dj akademics
he sold his soul and threw his fellow black men under the bus for money and fame. dude is a clown and a lot of people don't like him.

>> No.24147615

Passive income is either a really low apy because there's no effort involved, or requires a lot of initial time investment with no returns before the money starts flowing

>> No.24147619

that really wouldnt give me any money that i care about unless i had like 100k invested in there and the only way id do that is if i already had a house and nice car and just had hundreds of thousands laying around

>> No.24147629

Saving 100k is easy if you're not a complete degenerate and retard

>> No.24147642

i mean hes obviously racist

>> No.24147658

that literally has nothing to do what i said

>> No.24147665

So you ask how to passive income without the means to achieve passive income.

>> No.24147698


Its almost like the system is setup so you have to work and produce in order to make money. Damn life is ruff.

>> No.24147741

Nope. That is not even enough.
100k with a 6% roi and 4% withdrawal rate, gives you 4000 to spend per year.

500k gives you 20k...

>> No.24147760

how is a dividend stock not purely passive income?

>> No.24147776

real estate, retard.
>muh being a landlord is hard
then pay a property manager 10% of gross rents.

>> No.24147778

just work your ass off and stop complaining my portfolio averages 20% returns. Imagine having 300k invested and a 100k per year job it will take you about 5 years to retire after that.

>> No.24147818
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>ñeeeee no such thing as passive income
>no not that type of passive income
Poor forever.

>> No.24147827

It’s called a dividend stock

>> No.24147834

try 1 year
1 million in 10 years

>> No.24147856

You said
> and the only way id do that is if i already had a house and nice car and just had hundreds of thousands laying around
Having a "nice car" has nothing to do with anything savings-related unless you're a degenerate

>> No.24147883

Put 10% down on a 50k shit box and hire a management company to do all the work. Let the renters pay down the mortgage until you can refi it and get another 10% down to buy another one. Build an empire. It's not hard

>> No.24147964

>reeeee I have to do work to PROGRAM and BACK TEST
>nooo nooo noooo
OP thought that passive income meant literally breathing and having a big pile of money fall into your lap lmao

>> No.24147995

5000 dollars i invested a year ago is now worth 20000. Your just not doing it right

>> No.24148028

I hope these rates last. Itll destroy the current banking system. You can even get a 0.5% in a savings account.

>> No.24148048

its like 20% a year

>> No.24148053

Go back to work wagie.
Monday tomorrow, time to get in cagie

>> No.24148074

in what? im a retard and missed every opprotunity. theres no more link or bitcoin

>> No.24148089

Where did you get the idea that streamers and OnlyFans whores have a "passive income"? Those can be side-jobs, but they still require work.
Passive income comes from dividends/staking, but you just need a lot of it.

>> No.24148125

holy fuck ETFs really do pay out like 10% a year. what a bunch of worthless fucking garbage i wouldnt give a shit about that unless i had like 1 mil invested in it and id rather just buy my dream house. imagine wasting all that fucking time for 10%. fucking trash

>> No.24148141

>100k in a ETF
Try 500k you underaged faggot lmao
100k is jack shit

>> No.24148171

this, as easy it looks like Belle delfine probably has to take multiple pics/takes of vids to make it look as "appealing" as possible. Not to mention how many Whale simps she has to satisfy. what she does is probably a full time job.

>> No.24148209

>I've never heard of dividends

>> No.24148210


There is. Orion Protocol. Read about it, form your own opinion

>> No.24148217

yeah its all fucking worthless. i want a fucking house and a nice car not to get fucking 40k a year from that dog shit

id rather spend the money then wait until im a fucking boomer to use it

>> No.24148226

kys delusional kiddie
You never gonna make it

>> No.24148234

Her bf does most of the administrative work I think so its a two-person operation on top of that.

>> No.24148262

you were probably saying that last year too. “Woe is me” attitude is the problem. Invest in the projects you think will change the world and ignore the market cap. When you learn more about the space, you can ape small amounts into defi projects or shitcoins or leveraged positions or whatever.

>> No.24148309

They only pay that if the markets are going up. You could even be in the red for many years until you break even. Yes you could invest 1mil and end up with less if you pull out early.
Welcome to the real world kiddo, take a seat.
Also consistently making 10% every year is really good lmao.

>> No.24148324


>> No.24148351

only boomers have time for that shit. i want a nice house and a car before i even think of worrying about 10%

>> No.24148355
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>> No.24148479

It's hilarious seeing you have a mental breakdown after realizing how shit the returns are in the boomer market.
If you want to make it early you have to gamble your hard earned money on crypto, why do you think this board exists you fag?
You either make it or lose your life savings and kill yourself. There's no plan B and no in between, there is no passive income unless you are already rich.
Godspeed you massive retard.

>> No.24148575

I usually lurk, but here's the only advice I'll give out this year:

Just dollar cost average into bitcoin and buy when things seem low. don't even pay attention to the charts so you can try to "sell high" and then buy during a controlled correction. Buying between 15-20k NOW is a huge discount when it will be 40k-100k by 2022, a million in 10 years.

I've put about 5k a year into BTC (100 a week) and even bought at 15k because I could tell there was going to be a pump so why not buy at a discount. Everything you buy starbucks or unnecessary shit, just put the same amount in bitcoin. you'll be amazed.

this isn't a dream scenario. fiat currencies overinflate and get overthrown every century. you're just lucky enough to be born at the infant stage of the switch to a digital currency. welcome to the electronic age.

or you can go slave away and trade all of your wage slave dollars to some bank who bought ever property and small business they could back in 2008 (with assistance from chang & co. giving them loans) Black Rock, Berkshire Hathaway, all these assholes we're hand in hand with congress fucking you over for your entire life. They brainwashed teachers with the college meme, who in turn brainwashed you. You come out the other side making less and less every year. Some people have made something of themselves with their degrees, but most have not. This is way worse than the great depression because we have effectively de-skilled an entire generation with meme degrees. Make something useful and scalable and don't think being an administrative assistant or help desk jockey is a real career.

>> No.24148583

i figured if i bought apple and amazon it would go up 100% a year.......

>> No.24148624

Or it could go down and you rope yourself.
Remember stocks only go up until they don't.