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2414736 No.2414736 [Reply] [Original]

This is what we've been waiting for lads.
This is the dip before we truly crush 3k

If you think BTC is dead, you're a dreamer

The only question is now, what alts do we buy while they're low?

My picks so far

Tell me yours?

>> No.2414778

how do i buy BLOCK? Haven't found an exchange site.

>> No.2414787
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Rate mine. Am I going to get money?

>> No.2414801


>> No.2414828

If you don't buy it now you're retarded. It's at a perfect pitchfork (490) and I guarantee you it'll moon this or next week. Stop buying stupid nigger coins and make some actual money.

>> No.2414852

BitBay. touched 1500 earlier this week, it's going right back after this dip.

>> No.2414932


gotta invest money to make money anon...

you've invested nothing. you'll be lucky to make it to kia land at this rate.

>> No.2414953

I can't put more right now, anon. I accept donations though.

>> No.2414966

Why Sia? It doesn't seem like it's going anywhere anytime soon?

>> No.2414974

i'm losing faith in btc guys

what if this fork kills it for good

>> No.2415001

>Why Sia?
Because that man is holding bags of Sia.

>> No.2415009

I started off with similar earnings. It's fine, he's doing the right thing. The amount of mistakes I made with 20$ that have longterm saved me is crazy. He'll earn relative profit and have a lot more in the next two weeks if he's lucky.

>> No.2415020


ty, thought it wasn't for EU fags.

>> No.2415030

Decred, BitBay, BLOCK, Ardor

>> No.2415061

Gemini isn't.

>> No.2415069

It's stressful because I started with 100€, and during my first week I ended with 250€. After that I had faith in Blitzcash and almost all my profits flew.

>> No.2415079


>> No.2415099

>This is the dip before we truly crush 3k

True. Wish I could buy. ATMs down, coinbase down, I have no 3rd options

>If you think BTC is dead, you're a dreamer

Definitely with you there

>The only question is now, what alts do we buy while they're low?

I dunno

>> No.2415121
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Fantastic list OP

I'm holding 3 of those. Here are some of my other long term holds.


>> No.2415129

amazing tech

>> No.2415153
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>> No.2415162

Keep 50% in BTC. Don't be swayed by ETH. Even if it does take off, BTC is a lot more solid than ETH. I was in a similar boat. Think I started with €70 and made €3 profit in one week lol. Just take your time.

>> No.2415187
File: 468 KB, 791x606, pepeart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're going to the moon on Siacoin.

>> No.2415206

I'm all in with the 124k sats I've made from beg threads to trading niggers(that were also given to me and then I traded) into BLOCK. The only hope for me to make something, desu.
What is a steady 10% make me when I have 3 dollars?

>> No.2415228
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>tfw loaded up on SHIFT, SC, BLOCK, FLO and COVAL while they were all on sale
It is a good feel.

>> No.2415563
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Good buys
Sia interests me a lot, gonna look into it more

>> No.2415832

Thanks fampai. Have a lot of faith in those coins so I'm thrilled to pick them up at a discount. People really need to stop freaking out and realize that these dips are gifts.

>> No.2416301

The ones i feel most comfy on are

>> No.2416491

Literally my portfolio but I have a lot of comfy ETH and Ark as well

>> No.2416521


>> No.2416575


>> No.2416676

It could be which is why I saved some BTC just in case. We'll know soon.

>> No.2416688

Is it a good time to buy BTC? First time buyer, but I've watched with interest for a while. Probably won't buy up a bunch of altcoins right out of the gate.

>> No.2416752

My big altcoin holds right now are ARK and GNT, but I might sell my GNT for more ARK once brass comes out

>> No.2416856

Yes, though you may want to give it a day or two as it may not be done dipping.
Also, nice digits.

>> No.2417078

so whats special about ark?

>> No.2417241


So it goes

>Buy BTC during the bottom of the dip
>Switch to alt-coins during the dip

Is this correct, or should I just stay hitched to BTC?

>> No.2417379

wtf is a fork

>> No.2417387

Their smart bridge tech can potentially be a staple in the crypto world. You would theoretically be able to use any coin in place of any other coin rather than having to go to an exchange and selling your coin for the other coin.

>> No.2417476
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17.5K coins in Siacoin

>> No.2417495

>t. Eth shill

>> No.2417505
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BTC is always good if you want to hodl long term. For trading it's not as exciting and volatile as the others but there can still be huge gains. Its generally going to go up all the time as long as its relevant since the supply is limited, unlike ETH for example where there can be infinite inflation.
You can project how much one BTC is effectively worth when there are just 21 million of it, spread among 9 billion people, assuming it is relevant.

Also, don't worry about "the flippening" with the ETH hype, ETH is very much a bubble, it will most likely crash and burn without ever recovering, though the bubble might rise a little more. There are whales using the ETH hype right now to
A) farm stop losses from retarded first time investors
B) drop BTC from its recent ATH to buy more

There is a lot, A LOT of cold, immovable money in BTC. Companies that invested millions of dollars into mining ASICs that are not compatible with ETHs SHA3 hashing on a hardware level. Whales have a heavy interest in keeping BTC rising.

>> No.2417535


>> No.2417563


Then BTC is probably what I'll go for. I'm not going to have a lot of time for active management in a few months so long term investment is good for me.

>> No.2417594

Byteball will neber go as low as today again, and in 7 months it will be a top 5 coin

>> No.2417628

Thats the best strategy i think. Keep your BTC in a wallet off the exchanges so you're not temped to do stupid shit in bear markets.

>> No.2417629

What's so good about Byteball?

>> No.2417664

shouldn't we buy altcoins BEFORE the dip, and sell them DURING the dip? in this case you'll get out more BTC then you put in?????

>> No.2417691

No, because if you by during the dip you'll get a large % of btc for the same money.

>> No.2417697

This NGR is currently hodling:


You forgot the most important factor in the ETH bubble: ICOs. The price of ETH is being driven by whales buying mass amounts to buy into ICO's that only accept ETH. ICO's are the crypto bubble of 2017. As soon as whales stop making money from ICO's this shit is gonna pop. ETH is going back to $50 and most shitcoins will die, but we will emerge from the ashes stronger than ever.

>> No.2417730

There is not "infinite inflation", Vitalik said the inflation rate is designed so that there will be 100m eth in circulation.

>> No.2417775

I know, but its not hardcoded and there are central decision making entities that could change this at any time. Its effectively fiat.

>> No.2417799

i never buy altcoins with fiat... i have never owned a credit card either, and i am nearly 30 yo...

meh, the world is really great without a credit card

>> No.2417816

tight grip


>> No.2417864

You forgot one other thing, as ETH and shitcoins die, BTC gets stronger (as people want to cash out of memecoins)

>> No.2417889

they ask for phone and address etc

>no they dont

they do faggot, try creating a NEW account

>> No.2417942

Thank you, you are right. I believe as crypto stores of value go, I see two end games: One is a winner-take all scenario where Bitcoin or it's successor reign over the majority of the crypto market cap. The other is where every meaningful social network ends up with their own currency (imagine a IslamCoin, VeganCoin, etc...)

The relationship between ETH, BTC, and alts is interesting. Short term they are all linked, but there is a long-term inverse relationship between king BTC and all the pretenders.

>> No.2417947

Vitalik did a rollback to save their friends money from DAO

ETH is not decentralized.

>> No.2418141

If eth crashes that much I wouldn't be surprised if Ubiq takes its place

>> No.2418185

a "rollback" lmao can you be any more retarded? He proposed a hard fork and most of the community agree with it and decided to go with the new chain. The fact that people were free to disagree and stay with the old chain shows that it is decentralized.

>> No.2418320

LSK. However I see it as a long term.
STRATIS sounds good too. When block chain technology takes off I can easily see people building stuff using Javascript (for the web people) and c#.

I think long therm we may see different blockchains living together ( less than there are now), stuff built on top of them and something like blocknet in order to make them interact with one another.

>> No.2418344

Such a steal right now

>> No.2418451


Thanks for the tip. Wasn't on my radar since it's not on Polo.

>> No.2418480


>> No.2418554


>> No.2418740

newcomer waiting for cuckbase to verify bank acct, gonna drop another $200. What should I invest in? Hoping xvg will restabilize at 220 or so

>> No.2419624


Any particular reason not to leave it in exchanges aside from that?

>> No.2420736

If an exchange goes under they take your coins with them. Read about Mt Gox if you haven't already.