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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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24134195 No.24134195 [Reply] [Original]

Debate me.

>> No.24134229

Who are some well known devs so I know to jump in when they release a token?

>> No.24134276

I actually believe psykeeper is a genius, been in the tg since it started early Nov. He's very informative and fixes shit so quick. One guy said the site wasn't working on his mobile, he said give him a few hours to do it.

Few hours later fully mobile compatible.

Got ddos attacks on launch of SFI token, creates 4 different backup sites to cover downtime.

Who is this cunt? The algorthim and maths behind the readjusting tranches is borderline genius, anyone have any idea who the fk he is.

We need 4chan to figure out who it is.

>> No.24134298

andre is connected but is a sloppy joe copy cut and paste job dev who was hailed as a god only because yearn was successful. They had a decent team and absolutely killer marketing.

If you want to look at a true defi god and legit god-tier coding autism look at psykeeper’s original work on saffron. it’s a thing of true beauty

>> No.24134323

he's also really quick on discord just answering questions, amazing how he finds the time. Could it be multiple people behind one name?

>> No.24134356
File: 195 KB, 1200x799, 6CA7B024-0739-401F-B83F-9166BBDA8771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original pic: How it Started
Pic related: How it’s going

>> No.24134397

They did say in an ama in a different tg channel that there's about 10 ppl working on this. Anyone find it suspicious they had 0 funding? Dev's are not cheap to whoever is bootstrapping. I honestly think there's crumbs out there, because alot of Twitter followers are legit mentioning "just got off the phone with one of the devs" ... they must be really well known people. There not spectre group shitcoin shillers too, these are legit people with reputation on the line.

>> No.24134457

I wonder if they will stay anon forever or reveal themselves eventually

>> No.24134626


Surely they will eventually, expecting the main dev to get doxxed.

>> No.24135004

Nah doubt it. If anything he will just go public imho

>> No.24135812
File: 274 KB, 946x992, Fuselberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuse > ETH. debate me.