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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 272 KB, 1907x885, coinbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2412595 No.2412595 [Reply] [Original]

Now you know it too.

Try to load www.coinbase.com

>> No.2412788

It's fucking FDIC insured and they're the highest security exchange out there.

Would you fucking chill?

If you'd said Poloniex or Bittrex that would be more believable.

I personally fucking HATE Coinbase, but no they weren't hacked.

>> No.2412809

Coinbase works perfectly fine on the mobile phone.

>> No.2412827

This also happened a few weeks ago nucoiner for similar reasons nucoiner.

>> No.2412854

For a while it wasn't working on my iphone

>> No.2412894

all that volume will do that

>> No.2412912


works on my android phone

>> No.2412943
File: 190 KB, 800x1200, nayeon01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>babby's first crash

coinbase does this every time theres a volume spike lol

for over a year its been like this
I remember last summer when it CRASHED from 750, same thing

its not mt gox'd

>> No.2412965


> highest security

It's been exploited multiple times. Google is your friend.

> FDIC insured

On your USD wallet, not crypto. Read the terms and conditions.

Now you wonder why normies like yourself get Jewed. Sad.

>> No.2412980

wew lads

id hate to be one of those faggots who keep their coins on exchanges right now

>> No.2413148

What alternatives are there? Coinbase is down a lot, but I've never lost a cent.
Tbh senpai I keep 90% of my coins in bittrex and haven't ever had a problem in months

>> No.2413177


I wonder what happens to coinbase when the amount of fiat being cashed out exceeds their cash reserve? This might be fun to watch.

>> No.2413203
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>tfw have 13 ETH on coinbase

pp-p-p-please no

>> No.2413309

If coinbase ran off with everyone's money it would be the end of cyrpto.

>> No.2413389

This thread a meme

>> No.2413396

>On your USD wallet, not crypto. Read the terms and conditions.
are you sure about this? i thought it meant that they insure you in USD i.e. give you back your crypto losses in USD

>> No.2413456
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>> No.2413492


Fuck no, Bancor is about to come out which is crypto with no exchanges

Status is dropping which is basically a single point of contact for everything etherium

The fun and games are only just beginning, anon.

>> No.2413496


You can't seriously believe this.

>> No.2413511

Minister you, Satoshi

>> No.2413526

Coinbase goes down like once a week. Chill the fuck out people

>> No.2413535

this tbqh

it worries me aswell, lets say ethereum moons so hard that even those with 10 ethers becomes millionaires, how the hell would you manage to cash out?

no exchange has the capacity to cash out all that money to tens of thousands of people, and if they did, it would crash so hard

but i guess it would happen gradually, those with more ethers would cash out at 500$ and 1k, those with less would wait for 1.5-2k, and so on, so there always is a couple of millions for you to have

>> No.2413542

This is like the worst time for it to go down

Fuck those coons

>> No.2413543

any USD in your account are insured in the sense that if theres some sort of robbery or catastrophic meltdown or whatever, the FDIC will make sure you get your money

if you make bad trades and take losses, thats on you dude

>> No.2413556

You're saying that will wipe out every cryptocurrencies? Meh...i don't know...

>> No.2413560


seriously this

its always like this when theres a volume spike

>> No.2413591

You sir are a spaz

>> No.2413598


>> No.2413599

Well, when normal banks lose liquidity it usualy means hard hit for value of currency, hit that potentialy can turn into hyperinflation if whole system loses balance.
and what exchange rate would they use in case of robbery? Current? at he time of robbery? some fixed one in the terms?

>> No.2413605

>"no exchange has the capacity to cash out all that money to tens of thousands of people"

You do realize the price rises because people are putting cash IN to the system right? If it goes to $500 and $1000 that means there's people buying in at that price point.

>> No.2413612

>Thinks FDIC is going to insure your virtual decentralized currency
>Thinks FDIC is going to insure every retardcoin out there
>Thinks FDIC is going to insure speculative garbage

>> No.2413629


Do you think the entire world economy is going to fail when coinbase tanks?

>> No.2413661

Far from it.

>> No.2413960

i don't mean crypto losses like if the coin goes down, i mean if the crypto you own goes missing or something like mt gox they will insure you the value of it in USD

>> No.2413979


Well anon, I'll have you know that the government is suppose to protect me from anything negative in my life. I'm entitled to only the positive things in life.

Cause' fuck the children in Thailand that make my shirts. I FUCKING DESERVE IT ANON. CAUSE' I WAS FUCKING BORN AMERICAN.


>> No.2414029


Yes anon, the government will defiantly insure a decentralized currency that's not backed by anything. That's of course why they tax you on it. The government has your best interests at mind anon.

>> No.2414031

>not cashing out via alphabay and selling the entirety of what you bought for MORE gains
it's like you faggots really do hate money

>> No.2414068

Minister you, Satoshi

>> No.2414071

Again, how do you even determine the value of stolen coins?
They can fucking change 10-20% daily in value.

>> No.2414073

so what's the safest exchange to keep your crypto

>> No.2414101


The government of course.

>> No.2414134

It's bullshit that coinbase's website is still down.

it's bullshit that coinbase is keeping all of us hostage.

They've been given hundreds of millions of dollars from funders and they can't even create a site that can handle heavy load...

Also i believe they intentionally bring their site down to profit off the crash. They take millions for themselves while leaving our accounts with only a small gain if any.

>> No.2414420


>build insanely high traffic site and can't handle high traffic

I'm losing money right now. These cunts are gonna pay. Luckily I bought a lot of gold and silver with most of my BTC a few days ago but still.

>> No.2414482


They need to set guidelines.

1. New users can't cash out within 30 days.

2. Margin trading, loan trading, and selling/re-buying at dips shouldn't be allowed.

3. Limit each user (who is older than 30 days) to only be able to cash out once a week.

4. Those who want to cash out large sums need to do so gradually over a few weeks, not all at once.

>> No.2414501

i am not sure that bitcoins in your coinbase account are insured in this way

>> No.2414523

Probably genetics. Ask your parents

>> No.2414549

Enjoy crashing the market. I mean...
>selling/re-buying at dips shouldn't be allowed
What the fuck? You have no idea how markets work if you think this is in any way enforceable or tolerable

>> No.2414562

>so what's the safest exchange to keep your crypto
>What is the best dick to put in my ass while not being gay?

>> No.2414579


Nope, the guy above is right.

Only USD wallet is FDIC-insured:


>> No.2414621

Yes, btc is insured by Lloyd's of London too

>> No.2414648

>All digital currency that Coinbase holds online is fully insured. This means that if Coinbase were to suffer a breach of its online storage, the insurance policy would pay out to cover any customer funds lost as a result.

The insurance policy covers any losses resulting from a breach of Coinbase’s physical security, cyber security, or by employee theft. The policy is provided by a syndicate of insurers through Lloyd’s of London.

>Coinbase holds less than 2% of customer funds online. The rest is held in offline storage.

>> No.2414706


HYIP's I've been involved in on talkgold.com set the same rules all the time. You give them a sum of money and in 30-60days you get your money back with interest. Some of these HYIP's have been going on for years.

>> No.2414864



Look child. Why would the government fully insure a digital currency?

>> No.2414918

Ok not the government but it's still insured so who gives a fuck who's insuring it. Sperg.

>> No.2414931



>> No.2414946

>2. Margin trading, loan trading, and selling/re-buying at dips shouldn't be allowed.
get fucked m8

>> No.2414972

>All digital currency that Coinbase holds online is fully insured. This means that if Coinbase were to suffer a breach of its online storage, the insurance policy would pay out to cover any customer funds lost as a result.

Literally what is wrong here? Your crypto is fully insured.

>> No.2415080

this fucking faggot lmao

>> No.2415604

>Yes, btc is insured by Lloyd's of London too

It is not insured for market crashes you dense fuck.

>> No.2415678

I never said anything was insured for market crashes, "you dense fuck".

>> No.2415704


When did reddit show up here? You gals are cute.

>> No.2415800

Wanna see my tits?

>> No.2415825


Nah, I've got my own to play with.

>> No.2415844
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>> No.2416366

lmao. Girls(male) or girls?

>> No.2416380

Coinbase is back up.

Buy more ETH!

>> No.2416458
File: 85 KB, 500x750, fe6935a317d5aec2abf1fea88555106f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Minister you, Satoshi

>> No.2416524
File: 124 KB, 992x527, vitalic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian hackers!

>> No.2417206

If etherium moons so hard that an eth is worth 100k, fiat is dead and you don't want to cash back in to it. Sell 0.01 eth a week for rdd and sit back to enjoy getting camsluts to deprive themselves for your money.

>> No.2417722

Coinbase looks to be back up.

So that seems to be done.

I would imagine there was a lot of panicking about ETH prices and whatever else that led to people wanting to bum rush the site.