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24122065 No.24122065 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me why this wont be the next Chainlink..
The CTO even looks like Vitalik.

>> No.24122126
File: 43 KB, 646x682, AVAX investor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AVAX has already 600+ Validators TODAY and is the most decentralized Crypto. Radix is a centralized shitcoin, only has sub 100 Validators.
AVAX did in 2 years what RADIX couldnt do in 7.
Polkadot is also centralized, and made by a Pedophile Coomer.

>> No.24122622

Seems like your blinding yourself with AVAX tho, I'll hand you the validators part, but saying it's the most decentralized crypto is like saying Craig is satoshi.... Radix just started the development, and compared to radix is like building with clay programing-wise.
Im not discarding AVAX, but Radix just simply have a better and simpler way to build DAPPs

>> No.24122777

>Radix just started the development
too little too late, it will never outperform AVAX.
AVAX is the most decentralized crypto and it maintains SUB SECOND FINALITY.

your scam shitcoin cant compete.

>> No.24122981

both interesting projects. unfortunately, both rely on fees, and neither will see adoption

>> No.24123233

It doesn't need to outpreform AVAX tho, it only needs to show its usecases where AVAX simply isn't capable of competing, such as being chain-agnostic on ETH networks, or the fact that AVAX is turing compatible, while Radix is not, and probably never will be because of its main net...

You may see this as shitcoin, but then again people here allways laughing at me when I talked about Chain or Cosmos.. Idk why tho

>> No.24123292

Well, when you do find a DeFi solution with the same capabilities without fees, please contact me. I'll be the first to show interest.

>> No.24123466

Any shitcoin will be x100 on the next bullrun. Just hold.

>> No.24124321

Oh, im hodling like a young padawan with a broomstick, im just saying, beliving in a project helps.

>> No.24124410

>it only needs to show its usecases where AVAX simply isn't capable of competing
no such thing.
AVAX subnets can mirror anything in Crypto, for example look at Athereum.

AVAX has high speed and low fees (which are burned) and is decentralized.

>> No.24124666

Don't think you really understood this one.
Im not contesting the decentralized part.
And it seems like you're saying that Radix isn't?

Im just saying in all seriousness avax doesn't maintain atomic composability radix does this is important when you have a lot of apps interoperating with each other.

As for the fees, well something needs to run the network, so unless you have a fully self regenerating network for self-suply of tokens or gas, this will still be the way the tech is used in the near future.

Oh and by the way, mirroring blockchains, doesnt help when they aren't compatible with each other btw, so that's gonna suck a duck until they solve. But if they do... Well, then game on.