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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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24120944 No.24120944 [Reply] [Original]

I'm being yelled at by my neighbors and they're doing it from their houses so no one can find them. It's constant 24/7 even right now. I called the cops and I asked reddit's private detective subreddit, no one believes me, so I have to negotiate with them. This is /biz/ and you're good with money and psychology. How much should I offer them to stop? How much should I be making per year for them to stop? Is $85k/yr good? I have offered all my savings, $20k and they ignored it. I have offered $30-50k, and they still ignored the offers. My brother makes $85k and they still won't stop yelling. They're all on welfare.

Jannies don't take this post down, it's an emergency.

>> No.24120973

Hi David.
take meds.

>> No.24120980

>Brown id

>> No.24120991

Tf are you talking about? How about you keep your money and tell your neighbors to suck a dick?

>> No.24121014


>> No.24121020

holy shit haha he does this in every board?

>> No.24121035

How much should I offer them to stop? I offered all my money, $20k already and they ignored it.

>> No.24121059

No, just /r9k/ and this is the first time I posted on /biz/ about it. I need help to make a deal with them.

>> No.24121073

Doing what from their houses? Yelling at you? What are they yelling? Why are they yelling? I doubt money will solve this, they’ll probably just want more.

>> No.24121076

4chan attracts loads of mentally ill people

>> No.24121099

There are about 10-15 people and I need one person to call the cops so making a deal is the easiest route.

>> No.24121101


>> No.24121136

Dont negotiate with niggers.

>> No.24121143
File: 7 KB, 170x296, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this the strokeposter?

>> No.24121172


>> No.24121195

Less makey threads.
More takey meds.

>> No.24121218

The three main groups here are
>white females
>white males
>black males

Negotiating with the dudes will be pointless. I'm negotiating with the girls right now.

>> No.24121219

Go talk with a doctor, bro

>> No.24121256

just take your XRP schizo

>> No.24121273

Alright I guess I’ll help you with this. I can get them to stop but it will be a lot of work on my end. I need $100 usd up front for expenses and $400 more when they stop. I’ll call the police and file a report too but I don’t think that’s necessary and it will cost extra.

>> No.24121282

But if you were the criminal, isn't this post what you would want to see?

>> No.24121360

what's your contact info?

>> No.24121453

How will you get them to stop?

>> No.24121527

I will offer you the $20k if the police bring them in.

>> No.24121810

Load up on a stack of Bonded.Finance, wait a couple of months and move somewhere nicer.

>> No.24121915

I hope this is a larp as funny as it is. I want you to be well.

>> No.24122095

What should my offer be?

>> No.24122110

its not he posts it on /r9k/ constantly

>> No.24122164

Why do you think giving them an unreasonably large amount of money will change anything?
What would stop them from yelling again in the future to get you to pay them again?

>> No.24122178

My offer is for them to call the cops so they can't yell anymore.

>> No.24122256

no one is yelling at him

>> No.24122352

holy shit this thread is top tier bait

>I'm being yelled at by my neighbors and they're doing it from their houses so no one can find them
>I have to negotiate with them.

How do you negotiate with people YOU CANNOT FUCKING FIND?