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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 757x434, firefox_2017-06-12_18-25-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2411981 No.2411981 [Reply] [Original]


>ITT: we laugh at buttblasted coinfags


>> No.2412006

AHAHAHAHA not actually having your wealth in gold and real state. The day of the cyber-smelt has arrived

>> No.2412010

Cope more, stupid nocoiner

>> No.2412056
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I hear autists don't deal well with getting fucked up the rear this hard.

Hopefully this means the return to proper daytrading, stocks and shares and business discussions for /biz/, tired of the get-rich-quick kiddies and their unfeasable memecoins.

>> No.2412081

100% this desu


>> No.2412118

Where's all the money going? Most things are downon Polo. USDT isn't pumping on Kraken. Is everyone cashing out?

>> No.2412324

Even if BTC goes below $2k (or even $1k, for that matter), it never went down to unprecedented levels.
I know I'll be glad buying $500 worth of coins from panicking normies while you nocoiners chuckle, affirming yourself that you're not missing a lifetime opportunity.

>> No.2412397

then hurry up because it seems to be going back up again
this is really free money if you have USD in the exchanges

>> No.2412400

keep dreaming no coiner, it's just another correction before everything reaches new all time highs.

>> No.2412422

>is everyone cashing out

>> No.2412614


This pretty much sums up people too unintelligent to understand blockchain tech

Double digit IQ morons that don't even understand how an ID works - WE SEE YOU REPLYING TO YOURSELF, YOU INSECURE FUCKING MONGOLOID LMAO

Hahhaahahahaha so insecure that he has to fake a consensus. It must be a truly terrifying feeling to be barely aware enough to have the realization that you're a below average imbecile creeping on the edge of your conscious and subconscious minds

>> No.2412628


>> No.2412803

What is ID?


>> No.2412851

I see no coiners are out of their cave again. back to your robinhood threads cucks

>> No.2413023

You replied to yourself you moron. That's how insecure you are?
Kill yourself.

>> No.2413121

Why is everyone so upset? This the kind of dip I've been waiting for to buy more. I'm really hoping bitcoin goes back down to 2,000

>> No.2413370


Ya, this is actually good news for nocoiners.

>> No.2413803
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How far is this crash gonna go, lads?

>> No.2413819

Nope that will be when the flippening happens.

>> No.2413875

I hope it's not (((them))) disposing of other cryptos now that bancor is up and running.

>> No.2413930
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>he invested into a meme

>> No.2413971

>they don't remember 2014

>> No.2414013

>fast forward one week
>all coins at ATH

>> No.2414057
File: 55 KB, 499x499, 1449447981915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you need BTC to crash to $1300 to get even
>even if it does I still have more BTC than I put in due to daytrading
>tfw don't care as long as price stays above $2000

Good luck crashing Bitcoin that low. I'll be laughing at nocoiners next month when it reaches $4000.

>> No.2414080

just wait until the Chinese wake up and scoop all these ameritard losses

>> No.2414105

What's happening to my ETH.
I bought in at 326 a day ago and its close to that.
I'm scared.

>> No.2414120

cryptotrading is as legit as stock. only you dont have to have a 25k required verification.

>> No.2414138

My thoughts Exactly.

>> No.2414199

i wonder how many people sold their verge and RDD
maybe they got lucky
but will prob want to kill themselves in 9 months

>> No.2414269


>Coinbase """can't load"""

Convenient. Luckily I used a lot of mine to buy gild and silver but still.

>> No.2414282

But which state is the real state? Are the others too dangerous to keep your money in?

>> No.2414302


*gold. Cunt keyboard.

>> No.2415184

Kek. Samefagging.

>> No.2415214
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if bitcoin stays here, you need to thank the japs for waking up

>> No.2415221
File: 500 KB, 728x640, 152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Samefagging on a board with id's

Go back to /b/ nigger, you have feminine penis threads to start

>> No.2415297

if you deposit money to your usd wallet on cb and then buy crypto with it from there, how does it work? are fees lesser? is it overall the best way to do it or not

>> No.2415330
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Doesn't look like a crash to me ;););)

>> No.2415332


>> No.2415343

everything is on sale today

>> No.2415365
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>> No.2415599

dont you have a begging thread to attent you pathetic fuck?

>> No.2415619
File: 797 KB, 760x552, EYNIGGER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you bought your share of niggers today?

>> No.2415742



>> No.2415962


Where to buy gild?

>> No.2416204
File: 45 KB, 409x409, 1493496408535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, what's that ? Another "crash" that happens almost every week and then pumps back to a new ATH ? Oh no ! Better SELL SELL SELL while you can !

>> No.2416285
File: 68 KB, 700x700, 1458275444652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw sold at the bottom like a retard

FUCK me if i buy back in right now i would lose 0.1 worth of bitcoin.

Please someone tell me ,it will dip lower right?

>> No.2416409


>> No.2416467
File: 35 KB, 619x455, GS BTC 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's Goldman's analyst on the subject: He says we're in the 4th wave now and it'll dip down to the 1900-2300 range before shooting back up. Of course since it's a Goldman analyst making this prediction it's almost guaranteed to be wrong